
xīn lǐ biàn tài
  • Psychopath;morbid state of mind
  1. 因为在那片美丽的土地上,那些被残酷对待的心理变态的自我正不断满足我们对于iPod以及iPad等光鲜事物的瘾。

    destroyed because other brutalized , psychopathic selves all over that beautiful land are fueling our selves ' addiction to iPods , Pads , and bling ,

  2. 根据临床观察与明尼苏达(MMPI)人格测验的心理学研究结果表明,病人的心理变态与行为异常术后得以缓解,并增加其对社会环境的适应性。

    The clinical observation and the results of the Minnesota Multiphasic personality inventory ( MMPI ) test showed that the psychopathies and behavioral abnormalities of these patients relieved after operation , and the adaptability to social circumstances was improved .

  3. 只有一个心理变态者才会犯这种可怕的罪行。

    Only a psychopath could be responsible for these terrible crimes .

  4. 有两个街坊不约而同地说,那个人应该是有点心理变态的。

    Two neighbors said that this guy must be psychologically perverted .

  5. 一个冲突或者阻挠不一定会产生心理变态。

    A conflict or a frustration is not necessarily pathogenic .

  6. 但与我在一起时,他却毫不掩饰自己的真实想法&他是一个痛恨女性并对自己的杀人行为感到自豪的心理变态者。

    He was a psychopath who hated women and was proud of his murder .

  7. 当你觉得杰克开膛手,你想一个心理变态连环杀手吗?

    When you think of Jack the Ripper , you think of a psychopathic serial killer right ?

  8. 性心理变态与阿Q性格形成之关系

    The new study of the relation between sex psychology abnormality and the character forming of A Q

  9. 如何判断谁是战斗狂型的同事:他们是心理变态的暴徒,甚至会骚扰那些出于好意的员工;

    How to Identify Them : They are the pathological bullies who harass even the most well-intentioned staff ;

  10. 这个岛上一系列未被侦破的凶杀案使人们害怕有个心理变态的系列杀手正逍遥法外。

    A series of unsoloved murders on the island has raised fears that a psychopathic serial killer is on the loose .

  11. 对苦味的饮食——如咖啡和奎宁水——有特别偏爱的人很有可能具有心理变态的倾向。

    A particular liking for bitter-tasting foods and drinks such as coffee and tonic water could mean you have psychopathic tendencies .

  12. 异常石墨的形态表现出相互联结的立体网络状。性变态是心理变态的一种表现形式。

    The morphology of abnormal graphites has the three-dimensional interconnection netlike structure . Sexual perversion is one kind of psychological perversion .

  13. 贾维尔.巴尔顿由于在《老无所依》中扮演一个心理变态的杀手而获得最佳男配角奖。

    Javier Bardem was named best supporting actor for his role as a psychopathic killer in No Country for Old Men .

  14. 尽管心理变态是一个高薪老板最臭名昭著的特点,但除此之外,他们还有脾气火爆、让人畏惧、易患抑郁等特点。

    Although psychopathy is the most infamous trait a well-paid boss can have , others include white-hot anger , paralyzing fear , and depression .

  15. 当年修改的《移民与国籍法》特别强调:“心理变态的外国人……禁止入境。”

    The Immigration and Nationality Act of that year specified that ' Aliens afflicted with psychopathic personality ... shall be excludable from admission into the United States . '

  16. 女人幻想未来的能力很差。她们在第一次约会就幻想着她们和那个人的未来生活,假设这个男人不是个怪胎或心理变态。

    Women are terrible at playing ' Fantasy Future ' - they go on a first date and , provided the man isn 't an obvious freak or psychopathic monster , they get busy imagining their future life with that person 。

  17. 事实上,在艺术创造过程中,常态心理和变态心理是相互交织、相互渗透、相互转化,二者相辅相成,不可或缺。

    In fact , in the process of artistic creation , the two needful psychologies supplement each other with interlacing , mutual penetration and reciprocal transformation .

  18. 临床心理学在为人们处理各种心理障碍和变态行为,解决各种心理苦恼,增进心理健康方面做出了巨大贡献。

    In the course of its development , clinical psychology has made tremendous contribution to medical treatment in dealing with various psychological barriers and abnormal behaviours , in overcoming various kinds of mental worries , and in improving mental health .

  19. 我明白这帮家伙都是心理极度扭曲的变态狂魔。

    I knew that those guys were mentally malformed and they would not be humane to their " quarry " at all .