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  • atrium cordis;auricle;auricula;heart atrium;atrium
心房 [xīn fáng]
  • [auricle;atrium] 心脏内部上面的两个空腔

心房[xīn fáng]
  1. 方法采用改良的导管方法将体外已凝的大鼠血栓注入右心房制备大鼠急性肺栓塞模型。

    Methods An experimental pulmonary embolism model in rats was made by injecting coagulated thrombus in vitro into right atrium cordis through a conductor .

  2. 婴幼儿单侧听神经瘤1例无胆囊,双侧左支气管结构并单心房。

    One case was of gallbladder absence , bilateral left bronchi and single atrium cordis .

  3. 右心房缘变平亦见于缩窄性心包炎。

    Flattening of the right atrial border is also seen in constrictive pericarditis .

  4. 快速心房刺激对P波时限及离散度的影响

    Effects of rapid atrial pacing on P wave duration and dispersion

  5. 心电图P波形态变化在典型心房扑动射频消融中意义的再评价

    Reevaluation of the P wave morphology in detection of typical atrid flutter during ablation

  6. 心房扩大与P波离散度

    Atrial expansion and P wave dispersion

  7. 提示心房损伤后,P波频谱能量分布向更低频率段转移。

    It was suggested that P waves power spectrum shifted to lower frequency after atrial injury .

  8. 心房颤动与C反应蛋白

    Atrial Fibrillation and C - Reactive Protein

  9. 高血压病左心房相位容积功能的电影MRI评价

    The Evaluation of Left Atrial Phasic Volumetric Function in Essential Hypertension with Cine MR Imaging

  10. 高血压并发阵发性心房颤动时P波离散度的变化及普罗帕酮的治疗效果

    A clinical analysis on the change of P wave dispersion and the therapeutic effect of propafenone in essential hypertensive patients with paroxysmal auricular fibrillation

  11. 方法选择我院住院患者80例,分为A、B组,A组为有阵发性心房颤动的高血压病患者,B组为无阵发性心房颤动的高血压病患者;

    Methods Choose 80 inpatients divide team A and B , A was the hypertension patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation , B was without .

  12. 心房肽cDNA转染细胞微囊化及心房肽近日节律性表达

    Encapsulation of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide ( ANP ) cDNA Transfection Cells and ANP Circadian Expression

  13. 结果心房起搏可诱发所有X综合征患者出现胸痛及ST段压低,而对照组则阴性。

    Pacing induced chest pain and ST segment depression were observed in syndrome X , but not in controls .

  14. 心肌M2胆碱受体抗体对大鼠心房及心室肌cAMP含量的影响

    Effects of anti peptide antibody against human M_2 muscarinic receptors on the cAMP content in rat ventricles

  15. 钙、钠离子对心房T波(Ta波)的影响

    Effect of calcium and sodium ions on atrial t ( ta ) wave

  16. 心脏复跳1分肺静脉血ET-1水平显著高于右心房血(P<0.05);

    ET-1 level in pulmonary vein was significantly higher than that of right artrium at 1 min after heart beating ( p0.05 ) .

  17. 心房肌间质纤维化;最突出的表现为ECM的合成与降解的失衡。

    The mostly manifestation is the imbalance of synthesis and degradation of extracellular matrix .

  18. 微囊化人类心房肽cDNA重组质粒转染细胞对实验性高血压大鼠肾组织学改变的影响

    Effects of Encapsulated Plasmid Recombining with hANP cDNA Transfected Cells on Morphological and Histological Characteristic of Experimental Hypertensive Rats

  19. 用图像分析仪检测窦房结内P细胞、T细胞、心房肌细胞、胶原纤维胞浆吸光度(A值)。

    The P cells and T cells inside the sinoatrial node , atrial muscle cells and absorptance ( A ) value of cytoplasm in collagen fibers were detected with image analyzer .

  20. 探索不用Halo电极射频消融治疗典型心房扑动的方法

    The approach to radiofrequency ablation of typical atrial flutter without HALO electrode catheter

  21. 这些结果增加了左心房的充盈压,可能导致心房颤动(AF)。

    The resultant increase in left-sided filling pressures may facilitate atrial fibrillation ( AF ) .

  22. 目的研究X综合征患者心房起搏状态下心肌血流分布特征和微血管功能的变化。

    Aim To evaluate microvascular function and its relation to the genesis of chest pain and ST segment depression during exercise in patients with syndrome X.

  23. 食管心房调搏心脏负荷试验时QT离散度的变化及临床意义

    Changes and clinical significance of QT dispersion in heart stress test by transesophageal atrial pacing

  24. 心房顿抑犬D-二聚体及GMP(140)浓度变化的研究

    The changes of plasma D-dimer and GMP_ ( 140 ) in canine with atrial stunning

  25. 方法:对13例心房颤动进行家谱调查,每个家谱进行3~4代人调查,调查包括对房颤患者进行心电图、心动超声图等一系列检查,其中一部分家庭成员采血进行了DNA分析。

    Methods : Thirteen series of family members with atrial fibrillation including 3 ~ - 4 generations were survey . Blood samples of some patients were collected for DNA analysis .

  26. 室间隔缺损儿童心房肌细胞Cx43蛋白的表达

    Connexin 43 expression in atrial myocytes of ventricular septal defect children

  27. 超声心动图测量的左心房、心室的内径和EF值。结果39例患者心房电极植入中心房处于房颤状态。

    Left atrial diameter , left ventricular diameter and EF in the operation were measured .

  28. 目的:观察心房颤动(AF)对脑动脉血流的影响。

    Objective : To explore the influence of atrial fibrillation ( AF ) on the cerebral artery hemodynamics .

  29. 目的:探讨血脂对老年慢性心房颤动(chronicatrialfibrillation,CAF)患者发生缺血性中风的影响。

    Objective : To evaluate the effect of serum lipid on ischemic stroke in aged patients with chronic atrial fibrillation ( CAF ) .

  30. Ald的作用靶点可能主要是心房间质。

    Atrial interstitial probably was the major target of Ald .