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luǎn cháo
  • ovary;gonad;ovarium;germarium;oarium;oophoron
卵巢 [luǎn cháo]
  • [ovary] 在脊椎动物中产生雌性激素的雌性生殖器官,在成年的人类中是位于卵巢窝内的扁豆形器官。左右各一。性成熟期发育到最大,绝经后逐渐萎缩。成年女子约 28 天排卵一次。它产生雌激素和孕激素,促进乳腺和子宫内膜的生长

卵巢[luǎn cháo]
  1. VEGF及其受体在雌性动物卵巢上的卵泡、黄体正常发育与维持,子宫内膜的周期性变化及胚胎发育与附植等方面均具有重要作用。

    VEGF and its receptors have important role on the female 's regular development and maintainance of follicular on ovarium and corpus , luteum , endometrial tissues 's regular changes and embryo 's development and implantation .

  2. 猪卵巢子宫的淋巴流向探讨

    Study on the lymphatic drainage of the ovarium and uterus in pigs

  3. 那些妇女得到了促进卵巢功能的生育药。

    The women were given fertility drugs to stimulate the ovaries .

  4. 除非是用作种犬,所有的母犬都应摘除卵巢。

    All bitches should be spayed unless being used for breeding .

  5. 卵巢癌是女性常患的第六大癌症。

    Ovarian cancer is the sixth most common cancer contracted by women .

  6. 输卵管连接着卵巢和子宫。

    The fallopian tubes connect the ovaries with the uterus

  7. 结论腹腔镜下卵巢囊肿剥出术创伤小,术后恢复快并发症少,集诊断与治疗为一体,临床应用价值比较肯定

    Conclusion The patients performed laparoscopic ovarian cyst divesting surgery had less complication and recovered soon .

  8. 方法对87例卵巢囊肿进行腹腔镜下剥出手术,严格把握操作要领

    Methods : The indication , methods and outcome of87 patients undergone laparoscopic ovarian cyst divesting surgery were analyzed .

  9. 我们想清楚的是卵巢癌细胞是如何对这种叫顺铂的药产生抗药性。

    So we wanted to figure out how these ovarian cancer cells are becoming resistant to this drug called Cisplatin .

  10. 实际上,在70位女性中就有一位会被确诊为卵巢癌,在100位中就有一位会因此而死亡。

    In fact , one in 70 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer . One in 100 will die from it .

  11. 卵巢癌是大多数人所不了解的癌症之一,或者至少说没有怎么注意。

    So ovarian cancer is one of those cancers that most people don 't know about , or at least don 't pay that much attention to .

  12. 卵巢囊实性病变的CT诊断

    CT Diagnosis of the Cystic and Solid Lesion of the Ovary

  13. 细胞色素c介导的半胱天冬氨酸蛋白酶-3活性改变与人卵巢癌顺铂耐药的关系

    Relationship between cytochrome c-mediated caspase-3 activity and chemoresistance in cisplatin-resistant human ovarian cancer cell lines

  14. 也可以破坏遗传性卵巢癌病毒染色体(DNA)。

    Also can damage the hereditary ovarian cancer virus chromosome ( DNA ) .

  15. 卵巢上皮性肿瘤DNA含量测定及其临床应用

    Determination of DNA contents in epithelial tumor of ovary and the clinical application

  16. 发现超排卵的激活率和发育率极显著高于卵巢卵(p<0.01)。

    Both the percentage of activation and development , the oocytes from oviduct was significantly higher than those from ovary .

  17. 抗癌宁E药物具有协同顺铂抑制肿瘤卵巢癌细胞作用。

    Kang Ai Ning E can associate with cisplatin to inhibit ovary tumor growth .

  18. 小鼠输卵管、子宫和卵巢组织中的TGF-αmRNA活性

    Activity of TGF α mRNA in the Mouse Oviduct , Uterus and Ovary

  19. 卵巢粘液性肿瘤P53蛋白的表达及与DNA·论著·含量关系的研究

    The relationship between the expression of P53 protein and the DNA content in the ovarian

  20. 细胞周期素D1与p53蛋白在卵巢上皮性肿瘤的表达及意义

    Co-expression of Cyclin D_1 and p53 protein in human epithelial ovarian tumors

  21. 卵巢肿块的MRI诊断

    The MRI diagnosis of ovary lumps

  22. 卵巢癌细胞凋亡和细胞倍性与p53基因突变的关系

    Relationship Between p53 Gene Mutation and Apoptosis and Cell Ploidy of Ovarian Carcinoma

  23. 目的:观察环加氧酶及前列腺素E受体基因在人体卵巢组织的表达。

    Objective : To investigate the expression of cyclooxygenase and prostaglandin E receptor subtype genes in human ovary .

  24. 全反式维甲酸及胆酸钠对人卵巢上皮性癌细胞株NF-κB表达的影响

    Effect of bile acid sodium and all-trans retinoic acid on the expression of NF - κ B activation in epithelial ovarian cancer cells

  25. 男性化卵巢肿瘤血T、AR均明显升高。

    The T level and AR were markedly increased in Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor .

  26. Ki-67抗原与P(53)蛋白在卵巢粘液性肿瘤中的表达及其临床意义

    Ki-67 antigen and P_ ( 53 ) protein in mucinous ovarian tumor and their clinical value

  27. MTT比色分析法检测卵巢癌药物敏感性

    Detection of chemosensitivity of ovarian cancer with MTT colorimetric assay

  28. 卵巢良、恶性肿瘤病人NK细胞活性的变化

    Changes of NK activity in patients with benign and malignant ovarian tumor

  29. RNA干扰技术抑制切除修复交叉互补基因1对卵巢上皮性癌细胞顺铂敏感性的影响

    Enhanced cisplatin cytotoxicity by RNA interfering the excision repair cross-complementing 1 gene in ovarian cancer cell lines

  30. 成熟中国对虾(PENAEUSCHINENSIS)卵巢中卵黄蛋白的纯化

    Purification of Vitellin in Mature Ovary of Prawn , Penaeus chinensis