
  • 网络Mental Intelligence Quotient;Mental Quotient
  1. 分析组织竞争力的4Q模型,阐述组织智商、组织情商、组织心商和组织健商对提高组织综合竞争力的作用,使组织竞争力的途径得以升华。

    This paper starts with 4Q model on competition ability , expounding the action of organization intelligence quotient , emotion quotient , spiritual quotient and health quotient to organization integration competition ability . It points out the way of promoting organization competition ability .

  2. 出心商为了得到经历战无缺足艺,开初应散开正在一两个尾要市场收卖。

    Exporter , in order to gain experience and polish their skills , should concentrate at first on selling to one or two key markets only .