
  • 网络cultural intelligence;Culture Intelligent
  1. 因此,从文化智力角度研究少数民族大学生的文化适应具有很大的现实意义。

    Therefore , it has great practical significance to study minority college students acculturation from the view of cultural intelligence .

  2. 又分析了文化智力和文化适应压力的关系,发现动机性文化智力和文化适应压力量表的三个因素都有显著的负相关。

    After the correlation analysis of cultural intelligence and acculturation stress , motivational culture intelligence had a significant negative correlation with three factors of acculturation stress scale .

  3. 跨文化智力开发应同学校教育相结合;

    Cross-cultural intellectual development ought to be merged with minority school education .

  4. 然而不论是跨文化智力开发还是学校教育,都可能存在着潜在的文化冲突;

    However , cultural clashes are likely to be encountered either in cross-cultural intellectual development or school education .

  5. 但这种科学道德理性的构建需要一种文化智力前提,并在一定的社会物质基础上实现。

    Building the reason of scientific morality requires not only cultural and intellectual prerequisite but also the social material base .

  6. 自尊与文化智力存在显著的正相关,与文化适应策略的边缘化策略存在显著的正相关,与整合策略存在显著的负相关。

    The Self-esteem have significant positive correlation with Cultural Intelligent and marginalization strategy , and have negative correlation with integration strategy . 7 .

  7. 对于自己生活环境中的文化、智力状况的满足程度(有别于物质上的舒适)。

    Your personal satisfaction ( or dissatisfaction ) with the cultural or intellectual conditions under which you live ( as distinct from material comfort ) .

  8. 知识价值转移战略的选择和实施受知识文化、智力资本资源、知识创新与服务能力、知识市场知识需求规模、社会法律环境等因素的制约。

    There are some limits for selection and implementation of knowledge business strategies , such as knowledge culture , intellectual capital resources , capabilities of knowledge innovation and service , knowledge market demand size , and social and legal conditions .

  9. 方法用联合型瑞文测验测定全民食盐加碘出生的儿童智商(IQ),同时分析社会-经济-文化因素对智力发育影响。

    Methods Intelligence quotient ( IQ ) values were measured by the combined Raven 's Test and factors of social-economic-culture on children 's intelligence level were analysed .

  10. 结果:消除文化程度对智力的影响后,各年龄组各分测验粗分均数均随年龄的增加而降低,差异有高度显著性(P0.001)。

    Results : After controlled the effect of educational background on the intelligence , the scores of each subtest decrease with the increase of age ( P 0.001 ) .

  11. 民族文化传承对智力发展的影响

    The Influence of Impartation and Inheritance of Ethnic Cultures on Intelligence Development

  12. 大学出版社享有优越的文化知识和智力资源,但随着出版业竞争的日益加剧,大学出版社的发展也面临着诸多制约因素。

    University presses always possess superior cultural knowledge and intellectual resources . However , because the competition among presses become increasingly fierce , university presses are also confronted with many restrictions in the course of development .

  13. 科学主义倾向的智力研究把人看作物理存在物,采用纯自然科学的方法来研究认知智力;人文主义倾向的智力研究还原了人性的内涵,强调智力发展的社会文化因素和智力研究的自然情境性。

    Scientism-oriented intelligence study focuses on the physical existence of man , it studies man 's cognitive intelligence with pure natural scientific approaches while humanism-oriented study goes back to humanity and emphasizes social and cultural influence on intelligence development .

  14. 浅谈校园文化对学生非智力因素的培养

    On Campus Culture and Students ' Non - Intelligence Factor

  15. 校园文化与大学生非智力因素培养探析

    The Campus Culture and the Training of Non intelligence Factors for College Students

  16. 如何发挥图书馆在先进文化建设中的智力支持作用

    How to Exert Libraries ' Intellectual Support on the Construction of China 's Advanced Culture

  17. 跨文化团队成员文化智力对个体和团队绩效的影响研究

    Effects of Members ' Culture Intellegence on Individual Performance and Team Performance in Cross-Culture Teams

  18. 患病率与早产、低出生体重、产时窒息、头围过小、父母文化程度偏低以及智力低下家族史等因素有关。

    There was a correlation between the incidence and premature , low cultural level of parents and positive family history of MR.

  19. 体育专业学生的智力测量与分析&运动技能与文化知识学习之间智力差异的探讨

    INTELLIGENCE TEST AND ANALYSE TO STUDENTS IN SPECIALITY OF PHYSICAL CULTURE & A Study of Difference in intelligence Between Motor Learning And Learning of Knowledge

  20. 因为知识经济的实质就是高技术经济、高文化经济、高智力经济,是区别于以前的以传统工业为产业支柱、以稀缺自然资源为主要依托的新型经济。

    Because the essence of knowledge economy is high technology economy , high culture economy , high intelligence economy , which is the difference between the traditional industry with a pillar industry and with scarce natural resources and the new economy .

  21. 在跨文化管理理论中,文化智力正在受到越来越多的关注,之前的研究更多地探讨了个体文化智力对工作绩效等的正向影响,即个人文化智力越高,其工作表现越好。

    The previous study focuses more on its positive effects on work performance from individual level , that is , one with high level of cultural intelligence will have better performance .

  22. 通过对校园文化的概念、特性和功能,非智力因素的内涵及其作用的分析,就校园文化与大学生非智力因素培养,进行了探讨。

    The concept , the characteristics and the functions of the campus culture , as well as the internal meanings and functions of non intelligence factors are analyzed . The campus culture and the training of non intelligence factors for college students are discussed .

  23. 文化作为综合国力,包括作为精神动力的文化力,作为智力的文化力,作为精神生产能力和成果的文化力,以及作为文化事业和产业实力的文化力等。

    Cultural , as the comprehensive national power , includes power of spiritual impetus , intelligence , spiritual force and achievement , and cultural establishments and industrial strength , etc.

  24. 摘要:年画、水墨画、剪纸、戏剧脸谱等中国传统文化元素,成为中国国产动画设计提供了厚重的文化底蕴和智力支撑。

    New year picture , paper cuttings , Chinese ink and wash painting , drama mask , folk myth elements of traditional Chinese culture for the Chinese domestic animation design provides heavy cultural heritage and intellectual support .

  25. 宋代文化弥漫着浓郁的文人气息,这使得宋人的审美趣味向着负载文化与智力活动的形式与内容倾斜。

    Song culture filled with rich flavor of the literati , which makes Song of the load toward the aesthetic and intellectual activity of cultural form and content of tilt .