
  • 网络emotional freedom
  1. 这种冥想叫作内观(Vipassana),是来自印度的一种古老训练,并且教导人们严格自我观察的形式,走向心理与情绪自由。

    The type of meditation , called Vipassana , is an ancient discipline from India and taught as a form of rigorous self-observation , leading to mental and emotional freedom .

  2. 如果回答中有三个或三个以上“是”,那么该自恋者的行为已经到了影响你情绪自由的地步。

    Responding " yes " to three or more questions suggests that a narcissist is violating your emotional freedom .

  3. 随着陶瓷艺术的发展,陶瓷设计更加注重人们的主观情绪,主张自由创造,个性发挥。

    Porcelain designment pays more attention to the subjective moods of people with the development of porcelain art .

  4. 如果你是一个情绪海绵,关键是知道如何避免得到别人的消极情绪或人群中自由漂泊着的情绪。

    If you tend to be an emotional sponge , it 's vital to know how to avoid taking on an individual 's negative emotions or the free-floating kind in crowds .

  5. 绘画作品给予观众的是一个总的情绪,而最终是让观众自己去创造个体情绪,并在各自不同的个体情绪中进行自由的想象和欣赏。

    What the painting works give viewers are a general sentiment , and that ultimately lets viewers create own individual feelings and in different emotions to conduct freely imagination and appreciation .