
  • 网络Emotion Management;Anger Management;emotional management;emotion
  1. ABC情绪管理训练对护士压力应对方式的影响

    The Influence of ABC Emotion Management Training to the Coping Styles among Nurses

  2. 结论:针对临床护士的ABC情绪管理训练有助于改良护士的固有压力应对方式,从而减轻护士的不良压力反应,有效应对压力。

    Conclusion : The ABC emotion management training was helpful to improving the coping styles among nurses to relieve their job pressure .

  3. 目的:探讨护理人员的固有压力应对方式,并通过设置实施ABC情绪管理训练改良护士的压力应对方式,为有效管理护士压力提供实践指导。

    Objectives : TO explore the inhered coping styles among nurses . To provide guidelines to manage pressures among nurses effectively through ABC emotion management training .

  4. 本研究通过对28名实验组学生自我情绪管理课程教学与操作,达到自身心理状态改善的实验过程,并使用SCL-90症状自评量表先后对实验组和对照组进行前后测试对照评估。

    This thesis introduces an experimental research on how the emotional self-management course , through teaching and interacting with 28 college students , would improve these participants ' mental status on their emotional self-management .

  5. 杭州自考生情绪管理与心理健康关系研究

    Relationship of self-taught examinees ' emotional management capacity and mental health

  6. 情绪管理在门诊护理服务中的应用探讨

    Probe into application of emotional management in out-patient clinic nursing service

  7. 学校变革中的情绪管理:校长的新挑战

    Emotion Management in School Reform : New Challenge to Principals

  8. 我们发现情绪管理对成功也很重要。

    We found that managing emotions is a key element to success .

  9. 加强情绪管理,完善教育工作者的素质;

    Strengthening the management of Emotion may perfect educational staff 's qualities .

  10. 并列第二位的一个是负面情绪管理。

    Tying for the second spot is negative mood management .

  11. 基于皮格马利翁效应的图书馆员情绪管理

    On Librarians ' Emotion Management Based on Pygmalion Effect

  12. 认罪协议中包括慈善捐款以及参加情绪管理课程。

    His plea agreement included a charitable donation and taking anger management classes .

  13. 情绪管理:人力资源管理的新内容

    Emotion management : new content of human resources management

  14. 试论高校教育管理调查问卷设计中须重视的问题论大学生情绪管理和情绪教育

    On Emotion Administration and Education of College Students

  15. 分享一些关于你情绪管理的信息。

    Share some information about your emotional growth .

  16. 大学生情绪管理能力与心理健康的关系研究

    Research on the Relationship of College Students ' Emotion Management Ability and Mental Health

  17. 留守儿童心理健康水平的情绪管理团体咨询效果研究

    Effect of Emotion Control Group Counseling on Improving the Left-behind Children 's Mental Health

  18. 还有一点就是情绪管理。

    One more thing is about emotion-controlling .

  19. 快乐程度还取决情绪管理和人际关系。

    Happiness also depends on how we manage our emotions and our relationships with others .

  20. 银行职业经理人的情绪管理

    Emotion Management of Professional Executive of Bank

  21. 所以,对企业员工进行员工情绪管理,具有十分重要的现实意义。

    So , it has very important practical significance for enterprise to implement motional management to their employees .

  22. 情感管理应成为人本管理的中心环节。银行职业经理人的情绪管理

    It concludes that emotion management should be the center of humanity management . Emotion Management of Professional Executive of Bank

  23. 在主因素上,情绪管理能力与情绪评价能力在年级上的差异显著。

    In the main factor , the emotion management ability and the emotion appraisal ability is remarkable in the grade difference .

  24. 实证结果建议企业慎重合理使用转换成本并进行情绪管理和引导。

    The empirical results suggest that companies should be cautious and rational use of switching costs and emotional management and guidance .

  25. 大学生情绪管理团体辅导活动的设计与实施

    Design and Implement of the Group Counseling of University Student 's Emotional Management EFFECF OF EMOTIONAL MANAGEMENT IN BUILDING HARMONIOUS NURSE-PATIENT RELATION

  26. 浅论心理咨询中大学生情绪管理能力的培养杭州自考生情绪管理与心理健康关系研究

    On Cultivating Emotional Management Ability of University Students in Psychological Consultation Relationship of self-taught examinees ' emotional management capacity and mental health

  27. 人本管理理念的发展要求组织给予个人更多的人文关怀,其中也包括情绪管理。

    Development of the concept of the management of people requires the organization to give individuals more humane care , including emotional management .

  28. 课堂情绪管理既是课堂教学活动的重要组成部分,又是实现个体自我和谐和个体与他人之间的人际和谐的手段与途径。

    Classroom emotional management is the important part of classroom instruction and also a means of individual inner harmony and interpersonal harmony among peers .

  29. 教师和医护人员的自我情绪管理能力要显著高于银行职员和建筑工人。

    The teachers , doctors and nurses ' ability of controlling own emotion of is remarkably higher than that of bank clerks and construction workers .

  30. 情绪管理理论把情绪当成一种资源,进行科学地调节和管理,以促进个人和组织的双赢。

    Mood management theory to emotion as a kind of resource to adjustment and management , the purpose is to promote win-win between individuals and organizations .