
  1. 图书馆学、情报学、信息管理学均起源于西方国家。

    Library science , information science and information management science all originated in Western countries .

  2. 变中求存,存中思变&图书馆学、情报学与信息管理学等关系再思考

    Striving for Living in Changing , Thinking of Changing in Living & Reconsideration of the Relationship among Library Science , Intelligence and Information Management

  3. 自1920年至今,我国图书馆学正规教育走过了76年的历史,其间创立了情报学和信息管理学。

    The regular education of library science in China has a history of 76 years since 1920 . Though its development was tortuous with stagnation for some time , it is now flourishing and modernized .