
  • 网络scenario;Scenario Analysis;situational analysis;situation analysis
  1. GIS和情景分析辅助的流域水污染控制规划

    GIS and Scenario Analysis Aid to Water Pollution Control Planning of River Basin

  2. 基于LEAP的城市居住区能值评价与复合情景分析

    LEAP based comprehensive scenario analysis of emergy evaluation on urban residential area

  3. 低碳发展下的大气污染物和CO2排放情景分析&上海案例研究

    Local air pollutant and CO_2 emissions scenarios under low carbon development : Shanghai case study

  4. 中国纸产品及其能源需求和CO2排放的情景分析(Ⅰ)

    On China s paper products and their situational analysis for energy demand and the CO_2 discharge (ⅰ);

  5. 基于SD的江苏省城市化与生态环境耦合发展情景分析

    Scenarios Simulation of Urbanization and Ecological Environment Coupling in Jiangsu Province by System Dynamic Model

  6. 基于CA的城市形态扩展多解模拟&以北京市东部平原区情景分析为例

    Alternative Future of Urban Form Growing Simulation Basing on CA Model & The Scenario Analysis of Eastern Plain Area in Beijing

  7. 采用情景分析法(普通情景)和LEAP模型对未来规划年能源需求进行了预测。

    The energy demand is predicted using scenario analysis ( general situation ) and the LEAP model .

  8. 基于PSR模型的大气复合污染情景分析指标体系研究

    Research on Scenario Analysis Indicators of Combined Air Pollution Based on PSR Model

  9. 介绍了一种新的Web信息系统开发方法&SOADM,该方法综合利用情景分析、面向对象等技术的优点,分为域分析、概念建模、导航设计、抽象界面设计和系统实施几个步骤。

    A new methodology for Web information system design was presented based on scenario analysis and object-oriented technology . This method includes 5 steps : scenario analysis , concept modeling , navigation design , abstract interface design , and system implementation .

  10. MonteCarlo模拟方法是对传统方法,特别是情景分析方法的改进,它弥补了情景分析方法在模拟数量上的不足,覆盖了足够多的情景假设;

    The Monte Carlo Simulation method is an improvement over the Scenario Analysis method . It compensates the deficiencies in Scenario Analysis and is able to retrieve more insights than we are able to get otherwise .

  11. 以滨海新区发展战略环境评价中的情景分析为例重点说明复杂系统的驱动力的识别与分析方法,以及如何在SEA中建立综合情景与分情景以及如何开展基于情景的预测分析。

    In the case " SA in SEA for Binhai New Area Development ", the methods for identifying and analyzing driving forces of complex system are tested . The use of integrated and sub-scenarios and the prediction and analysis based on scenarios are elaborated as well .

  12. 通过对中国4个风资源丰富的区域电网2020年的情景分析,证明了PEV负荷低谷充电具有显著的消纳夜间过剩风电的潜力。

    Through the analysis of the 4 wind-rich regional grids under 2020 scenario , the potential of PEV charging to absord the excess wind power in the night is illustrated .

  13. 然后讨论了DST的理论基础情景分析法的内涵及操作过程,并通过典型保单进行DST分析来展现DST的整个流程及方法。

    Subsequently , this paper discusses the concept and operation process of scenario analysis which is the theoretical basis of DST and by using DST in policy analysis , this paper shows how DST works in analyzing different situations in future to achieve the goal of warning .

  14. 本文利用Quadri-Carbon模型构建我国低碳经济发展水平的表征指标,并研究各指标的减排潜力,以此作为情景分析的框架和参数设定。

    This paper builds the characterization indicators of low-carbon economic development in China with application of Quadri-Carbon Model , performs some research on the emission reduction potential of the corresponding indicators , and takes this as scenario analysis framework and parameter settings .

  15. 情景分析法在赣江流域水污染控制规划中的应用

    Application of Scenario Analysis to the Planning of Gan River Basin

  16. 新型汽车轮罩行业情景分析及工艺研究

    Situation Analysis and Technology Research in New Auto Wheel House Industry

  17. 中国城镇生活废水排放量影响因素及情景分析

    Analysis of Scenario and Factors on China 's Urban Wastewater Emission

  18. 电力市场中基于情景分析的电网规划方案适应性评估

    Scenario Analysis Based Flexibility Evaluation of Power Grid Planning under Deregulation

  19. 情景分析法在物流园区需求预测中的应用

    Application of Scenarios Analysis in the Demand Forecast of Logistics Parks

  20. 流域洪水风险情景分析技术简介及其应用

    Introduction and application of river basin flood risk scenario analysis technique

  21. 煤炭需求影响因素及情景分析

    Affecting factors and projected scenarios for coal demand in China

  22. 情景分析法在黑龙江省水环境污染防治工作中的应用

    The Scenario Analysis Application in Water Pollution Prevention of Heilongjiang

  23. 我国煤矿矿山医疗救护工作的情景分析

    Scenario analysis of the collieries medical emergency work in China

  24. 我院现行门急诊服务流程的情景分析

    An analysis of the current outpatient emergency treatment service in our hospital

  25. 港口发展战略情景分析决策支持系统的研究

    Research on scenario analysis in DSS for port development strategy

  26. 中国火法铜冶炼污染物排放情景分析

    Pollutants Emission Scenario Analysis of China 's Copper Smelter Industry

  27. 中山市工业化和劳动力转移的情景分析

    Field Analysis of Industrialization and Labour Shifting in Zhongshan City

  28. 气候变化对陕西棉花产量影响的情景分析

    Scenario Analysis of Climate Change Impacts on Cotton Yield in Shaanxi Province

  29. 中国土地覆盖时空变化未来情景分析

    Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Land Cover Scenarios in China

  30. 情景分析法在交通规划中的应用研究

    Study on Application for Transportation Planning with Scenario Analysis