
  • 网络eq management;Emotional Quotient Management;Emotional Intelligence
  1. 论护理管理活动中的情商管理

    Discuss on the Emotion Quotient Management in the activities of nursing management

  2. 情商在护理管理中的应用

    Applying of Emotion Quotient in Nursing Administration

  3. 最后,围绕企业情商,对管理观念和管理制度方面提出一些针对性的措施和建议。

    On this ground the author gives some suggestions in terms of managerial conceptions and managerial system .

  4. 本论文在对信息时代的发展概况和情商与情商管理分析的基础上,针对现阶段企业人力资源管理存在的主要问题,就如何实施情商管理进行了研究。

    This paper analyzes the development of information age and the EQ ( Emotional Quotient ) Management . By focusing on the major problems of Human Resource Management in today 's enterprise , it makes the study of carrying out the strategy of EQ Management .

  5. 论情商培养与企业管理绩效的提升。

    Relation between eq 's traing and the promotion of the business management performance .

  6. 护士长;情商培养;护理管理;技巧;

    Headnurse EQ Training Nursing Management Skill ;

  7. 情商涉及你如何管理自己的情绪及如何管理你的人际关系,它是一项重要的人类生存技能。

    Emotional intelligence , which refers to how you handle your own feelings , how well you empathize and get along with other people , is just a key human skill .

  8. 文章论述了情商的涵义、作用以及图书馆员负面情绪的来源,并提出了加强图书馆员情商管理的策略。

    This paper elaborated the EQ implication , the function as well as the librarian negative mood origin , and proposes to strengthen the strategy of the librarian EQ management .