
  • 网络eq education
  1. 中专学生情商教育初探

    A Research on EQ Education of the Students in Technical Secondary Schools

  2. 浅谈素质教育中的情商教育

    On the EQ education in the quality oriented education

  3. 本科护士临床实习期间情商教育的探讨

    Probe into emotional quotient education of nursing undergraduates during clinical practice

  4. 赏识:高校情商教育的切入点

    Appreciation : The Starting Point of Emotional Intelligence Education in Colleges and Universities

  5. 大学生情商教育不容忽视

    Emotional education of university students should not be neglected

  6. 中学情商教育实验研究

    A research on EQ education in high schools

  7. 《中国现代文学史》课程教学中的情商教育

    On EQ Education in the Teaching of " History of Modern Chinese Literature "

  8. 民间文学应用到儿童情商教育中的可行性研究

    A Feasibility Study of the Application of Folk Literature to Emotional Intelligence Education of Children

  9. 女大学生情商教育的探讨

    Emotional Intelligence Education Among Female College Students

  10. 大学生情商教育对提高思想道德素质的作用

    The Effect of EQ Education on the Improvement of Ideological and Moral Quality of College Students

  11. 阐述了情商教育在素质教育中的地位和作用。

    The status and function in " emotion quotient education " in diathesis education is described .

  12. 随着社会的发展,情商教育愈显重要。

    With the development of society , the EQ education appears to be more and more important .

  13. 加强大学生的情商教育,提高情商水平,已成为高等教育一项不可忽视的重要任务。

    It has been a urgent task of higher education to enhance university students ' EQ education and level .

  14. 新的生产方式和现代人的生存状态呼唤真正的情商教育。

    The new mode of production and the existing state of modern people appeal for the true emotional education .

  15. 情商教育作为除智力因素以外的非智力因素的教育,是素质教育的重要组成部分。

    EQ education , which is non intelligence education , plays an important role in the quality and competency education .

  16. 情商教育是素质教育的一个重要方面,在教育飞速发展的今天,情商教育受到普遍关注。大学生情商培育探析

    EQ education is an important aspect of quality-oriented education . Discussion and Analysis on the College Students ' EQ Development

  17. 因此,把民间文学应用到儿童的情商教育之中,应该是可行且饶有乐趣的幼儿教育工作。

    Therefore , applying folk literature to emotional intelligence education of children should be feasible and interesting work in children education .

  18. 教师面临着当好“学生”,自我“充电”,加强素质教育、能力教育、创新教育、情商教育的艰巨任务。

    The teachers have a great challenge in teaching students well , im-proving self qualities education , talent education and innovation education .

  19. 因此,情商教育,尤其是对青少年的情商教育已成为全球面向21世纪的教育重点。

    Therefore , the education of EQ has become the teaching emphasis all over the world in the 21st century , especially to the juvenile .

  20. 进行情商教育要第一课堂和第二课堂相结合,重在实践中培养。

    EQ education should be enforced with the combination of the first and second class teaching with emphasis laid on the cultivation of EQ in practice .

  21. 家长要告诉孩子每个时期他的责任与义务,让他明白自己的角色,教他体贴与理解的意义,懂得分享的快乐。社会和学校也要给孩子学习适应、培养人际交往和情商教育的机会,以补足家庭教育的短板。

    Society and schools should provide children chances to adapt and develop interpersonal communications and EQ education , so as to remedy the shortcomings of family education 。

  22. 社会和学校也要给孩子学习适应、培养人际交往和情商教育的机会,以补足家庭教育的短板。

    Society and schools should provide children chances to adapt and develop interpersonal communications and EQ education , so as to remedy the shortcomings of family education .

  23. 家庭教育是大学生情商教育的基础,学校教育是大学生情商教育的关键,社会教育是大学生情商教育的根本,大学生的自我教育是情商教育的核心。

    In the outer factors , family education is the basis , school education is the key , society education is fundamental and self education is the core .

  24. 团体辅导作为一种心理咨询与培训形式,为情商教育提供了途径和方法。

    Group consultation , being a kind of psychological consultation and training form , provides effective methods for Emotion Quotient Education , which , in turn , offers the theoretical guide for group consultation .

  25. 论班主任工作的情感投入和情商教育不论哪一类作品,都具有较强的艺术感染力。所以如此,是因为画家在创作中投入了真情实感。

    On the Emotional Devotions in HeadTeacher s Work and the EQ Education ; Whatever the subjects , all his paintings possess strong artistic attraction , since he poured all his sentiments into his creations .

  26. 为读者提供优质服务是图书馆工作的核心,馆员素质是搞好读者服务工作的前提,而情商教育是馆员素质提高的关键。

    It is the core of the library work to offer high-quality services for the readers , the librarians ' quality is a precondition of doing ell the service for readers , and the EQ education is the key for improving the librarians ' quality .

  27. 美术也是一种情感艺术,美术教育与情商教育不能分开,在美术教育中注重培养学生情商是实现我国素质教育目标的需要,同时,对于促进学生多方位全面发展具有重要的作用。

    Art is also a kind of emotional art , art education and emotional education can not be separated . Cultivating the students ' emotional intelligence in fine arts education in China is to meet the goals of quality education and promote students ' all-round development .

  28. 情商与情绪教育简析

    On EQ and Emotion Education

  29. 大学生情商培养与图书馆教育职能的思考

    Reflection on Cultivating College Students ' EQ and Library 's Educational Function

  30. 情商理论在素质教育中的重要意义

    Emotional Intelligence Quotient Theory and Quality Education