
  1. 但当你替别人做决定时,决策疲劳就会消失无踪。

    But decision fatigue goes away when you are making the decision for someone else .

  2. “容易受决策疲劳影响的人往往可能选择不作为,而非有所作为,”伯尔曼说。

    People who are susceptible to decision fatigue will likely choose to do nothing over something , he says .

  3. “人们在经历决策疲劳时——当他们厌倦了做决定时——他们倾向于维持现状,”他说。

    When people experience decision fatigue-when they are tired of making choices-they have a tendency to choose to go with status quo , he says .

  4. 著名心理学家伊万·伯尔曼解释说,这种问题叫作“决策疲劳”,是在经历了不停做决策的漫长一天后会出现的一种心理学现象,而它会影响你的决策质量。

    The problem is " decision fatigue , " a psychological phenomenon that takes a toll on the quality of your choices after a long day of decision making , says Evan Polman , a leading psychologist .

  5. 这并不是说冒险永远是好的,但人在冒险时至少是在采取行动,而决策疲劳一定会导致不作为,从而会让那些本来希望尝试新思路但不幸受阻的决策者可能感到懊恼不已。

    That 's not to say that risk is always good , but it is related to taking action , whereas decision fatigue assuredly leads to inaction and the possible chagrin of a decision maker who might otherwise prefer a new course but is unfortunately hindered .

  6. 决策疲劳可能是决策过程中一些非理性妥协的背后原因。

    It is now understood as one of the causes of irrational3 trade-offs in decision making .

  7. 决策疲劳指一个人在做了一长串的决策之后决策质量开始下降的状态。

    Decision fatigue1 refers to the deteriorating2 quality of decisions made by an individual , after a long session of decision making .

  8. 我们应该规划休息时间,避免陷入“决策疲劳”。

    We should plan downtime and avoid " decision fatigue . "

  9. 伯尔曼说:“把自己扮演成提建议者而不是做决策者能避免承受决策疲劳带来的不良后果。”

    By taking upon the role of adviser rather than decision maker , one does not suffer the consequences of decision Mtigue , he says .