
  • 网络emotional capital
  1. 英国机构没有维护其智力资本和情绪资本。

    UK organisations are not nourishing their intellectual and emotional capital .

  2. 情绪资本管理理论在护理管理中的运用

    Application of the management theory of emotional capital in nursing management

  3. 随着体验经济的发展,情绪资本显得越来越重要。

    With the development experience economy , emotional capital is more and moreimportrant .

  4. 智力资本和情绪资本将取代金融资本成为知识型企业的最主要资本。

    The intellectual capital and the emotional capital will replace the financial capital , the most important capital of enterprises .

  5. 弓箭式管理产生于知识经济和体验经济时代,是关于智力资本和情绪资本的协同管理。

    The bow and arrow management , originating in the era of knowledge economy and experience economy , is about the collaboration management of intelligence capital and emotional capital .

  6. 第三,人们需要一个“再生团体”来维护情绪资本,也即现实中“可以一起欢笑、一起吃饭、一起讲故事和放松”的朋友和家庭。

    Third , they need a " regenerative community " to maintain their emotional capital , meaning family and friends in the real world " with whom you laugh , share a meal , tell stories and relax " .

  7. 元情绪在积极心理资本与生活满意度之间存在中介作用。

    Meta-emotion is a partly mediator between positive psychological captital and life satisfaction .

  8. 投资者日益增长的避险情绪最近已导致资本流入中国的趋势发生逆转,并促使人民币汇率走低。

    Rising risk aversion among investors has recently reversed capital flows into China and weakened the renminbi .

  9. 如果中国失去对跨境资本流动的控制,一旦市场产生恐慌情绪就可能使得资本外流演变为一场雪崩,最终冲垮整个金融体系。

    If China loses it controls over cross-border capital flows , a panic can capital outflows will turn into an avalanche and eventually bring down the whole financial system .