
  • 网络secretary;secretarial science;Secretarial Studies;On Secretarial work;Science of Secretary
  1. 举办全日制、晚间兼读文凭课程,范围包括商业学、秘书学、会计学及资讯科技。

    It provides full-time and part-time evening diploma courses in commercial studies , secretarial studies , accounting and information technology .

  2. 《秘书学》是高等职业院校文秘专业开设的主要课程之一,其学科理论已日臻完善。

    Secretarial science is one of the main curriculums for higher vocational speciality .

  3. E时代秘书学研究面临的三大课题

    Three Topics of Secretarial Research in E-era

  4. 从秘书学角度对这一现象加以分析很有必要。

    Analyse the phenomenon from the secretary studies angle is necessary .

  5. 《秘书学》的逻辑起点与理论体系之我见

    My view on the origin and theory of secretarial science

  6. 高职《秘书学》教学改革的几点尝试

    Attempts on Reforming the Teaching Methodology for Secretary Study in Higher Vocational Education

  7. 案例方法在秘书学教学中的运用

    Applying Case Method in Teaching of Secretarial Science

  8. 当前秘书学中对秘书概念解释的不明确,影响着这门学科的进展。

    In present secretarial study , there is no clear definition of " secretary " .

  9. 试论公文写作研究中秘书学的特殊视角

    A Special Perspective for the Study of Secretary in the Research of Official Document Writing

  10. 探析符合职业化要求的经济秘书学学科建设

    An Analysis of the Subject Construction of Secretary Study That Can Meet the Demands of Professionalization

  11. 《秘书学》是一门应用性极强的课程。新闻业务课实践教学探析

    Secretary is one of the highly practical courses . Study of Practical Teaching of Journalism Courses

  12. 对古代公文文体系统深入的研究,是秘书学研究的重要基础性工作;

    There are many values in the study on the literary styles of the ancient official documents .

  13. 浅谈《秘书学》的教学方法

    On Teaching Methods of Secretary

  14. 把德、智、能教育有机地结合起来&《秘书学》教学方法初探

    The Interrelationship of Moral , Intellectual and Ability Education & A Study of the Teaching Method of Secretarial Skills

  15. 有工商管理的学历,主修秘书学,两年暑假的全职工作经验。

    Educational background in business administration with a major in secretarial science and two summers of full-time work experience .

  16. 这种变迁表明秘书学理论研究在不断地深入并取得了很大的成绩,显示出秘书学这门学科已经开始步入成熟期。

    This kind of transformation indicates that the research of secretary theory is gradually going deeper and this subject has stepped into maturity .

  17. 本文总结了几年来校企共建秘书学课程实践教学的经验。

    This paper has summarized some years , come to school and enterprise to build together the experience that the < secretary studies > course practice teaching .

  18. 文秘专业课秘书学的案例教学过程分为精选案例、组织研讨、布置实训等三个阶段,结合高职学生的特点,可以综合培养学生智能。

    In the article we use case teaching to help students of secretary science form their comprehensive abilities by means of carefully selected cases , organizing discussion and practical training .

  19. 当前秘书学教材理论性强,内容枯燥,学生不易接受,案例教学是阐释枯燥理论、活跃课堂气氛的有效手段。

    At present , teaching materials about secretary are very better in theory , the contents of material are bald , so students are not easy to understand the contents .

  20. 本文主要探讨秘书学教学如何适应高等职业教育的特点,培养高层次的实用型秘书人才,指出应加强实际操作训练,提高秘书学教学效果。

    The thesis discusses how to adapt the feature of vocation education and train practical secretary , points out that practice should be strengthened to improve teaching effect of secretary study .

  21. 刘勰是我国秘书学史上对秘书工作研究卓有贡献的理论家,同时也是富有秘书工作实践经验的秘书人物。

    Liu Xie was the theoretic expert in the ancient China secretary history who had devoted great to secretary study as well as an outstanding finger being rich in secretary experience .

  22. 秘书学创立至今,在公文写作的研究方面一直存在着大量借用文书学、写作学研究成果的问题。

    There is a problem in the study of secretary since it came into being : the achievements in the study of documents and writing are over used in this course .

  23. 有鉴于此,本文运用现代化理论和历史学、政治学、人才学、军事学、和秘书学等多学科知识,采用宏观和微观相结合的方法。

    For the reasons , I use modernization theory and another knowledge such as history , politics , talent science , secretary science and military science etc , and adopt the means of microcosmic and macroscopic .

  24. 随着现代秘书学和实践的不断发展,文字综合概念在秘书工作领域应用渐广,冠名综合的文字业务机构在各级党政机关应运而生。

    With the development of modern secretarial science and practice , the concept of " comprehensive writing " is used more and more in the field of secretarial work . As a result , many setups for " comprehensive writing " arise in Party and government organizations .

  25. 两类不同的秘书与秘书学

    Two Different Kinds of Secretaries and Secretarial Science

  26. 有进修学院,还有许多供秘书或外国人学英语的私立学院。

    There 's the college of further education and there are also By private colleges for secretaries and for foreigners learning English .

  27. 有许多事情,似乎是动物都知道怎么做。它们秘书科不用学就会或者是用我们还没了解到的方法就掌握了。

    Many of the things that animals know how to do they seem to know either without learning , or in some way which we cannot understand .

  28. 秘书是秘书学的逻辑起点,亦是建构秘书学理论体系的基石。

    Secretarial science and the formation of its theory are derived from secretaryship , on the basis of which is establish the theoretical system of secretarial science .

  29. 秘书取得了教育学和语言学的两种毕业文凭。(毕业证书)

    The secretary had diplomas in both education and linguistics .

  30. 学术界中历来对秘书概念和秘书学的分类有不同的观点。

    The academic circles have consistently held different views over the concept of secretaries and the classification of secretarial science .