
  • 网络Economy of Peru
  1. 我们启动了有关新的跨太平洋伙伴关系的谈判,这将把不同的像从新加坡到秘鲁这种不同的经济体连接起来。

    We launched negotiations on a new Trans-Pacific Partnership that will connect diverse & economies as diverse as Singapore and Peru .

  2. 投资人担心,乌马拉的社会福利支出,以及预定要强化政府对秘鲁自然资源控制的计画,将会对秘鲁的经济成长率造成风险。

    Investors worry Humala 's social spending and plans to tighten the state 's grip over Peru 's natural resources could put economic growth at risk .

  3. 秘鲁财政部长阿隆索·赛古拉(AlonsoSegura)表示,这些举措将帮助秘鲁推动经济发展,使其恢复到近些年来的水平。

    Alonso Segura , the Peruvian finance minister , said the measures should help the country resume economic growth similar to that of recent years .