
  • 网络culture network;cultural network;Cultural Web
  1. 西部边疆少数民族文化网络建构的问题与创新

    Problems and Paths of Western Frontier Minority Culture Network Communication

  2. 第二、从农民的思想、文化、价值与心理角度分析,来论证乡村社会文化网络的变化带来了政治变迁的内部动因;

    Second , on peasants ' thought , culture , value and psychological parts , we have explained the changes of village social culture network has brought inside reasons of political changes .

  3. 主持过一次全球美食文化网络秀,之后这个节目被搬上电视,变成了Viceland台的节目《黄的世界》(Huang’sWorld)。

    and hosted an Internet show about global food culture , which has morphed into the television show " Huang 's World , " on Viceland .

  4. 试论人文化网络形象设计中存在的问题及对策

    The Problems and Strategies of the Humanized Internet Visual Design

  5. 20世纪西方文学批评在当代文化网络中形成了不同于其他任何历史时期的时代特征。

    Abstract This paper discusses time-related features of 20th century western literary criticism .

  6. 文化网络与企业文化建设

    Cultural Network and the Construction of Enterprise Culture

  7. 大众文化网络文化:图书馆应理性审视的新的文化境遇

    Mass Culture and Network Culture : New Culture Circumstances Which Library Should Examine Rationally

  8. 跨文化网络写作任务对大学英语写作能力的影响

    On the Influence of Cross-cultural and Internet-supported Writing Tasks on College Students ' Writing Ability

  9. 任务型教学与跨文化网络交际

    Task-based and Cross-cultural Internet Communicational Teaching

  10. 交际法和任务型教学法之异同任务型教学与跨文化网络交际

    On the Relations between the Communicative Approach and the Task-based Approach Task-based and Cross-cultural Internet Communicational Teaching

  11. 在中国传统文化网络里,社会文化结构的重心是宗法氏族和家庭的权威,这决定于古代中国农耕社会的性质。

    Family is central to Chinese traditional social and cultural network , which is attributive to the long-standing agricultural occupation .

  12. 大学生思想道德建设如何应对高校校园文化网络化

    How to Make the Spiritual and Moral Construction of College Students Cope with the Popularization of Network Culture on Campus

  13. 住宅外部空间是社区文化网络的支撑体。

    The space outside the domicile is taken as carrier of the cultural network of the community in this paper .

  14. 住宅外部空间与社区文化网络&以广州市居住区为例

    Space Outside the Domicile and the Cultural Network of the Community & Taking Guangzhou 's Residential Area as an Example

  15. 镶嵌在社会文化网络中的打工者主体,其阶级经验呈现出片断化、破碎化的特点。

    The class experience of the migrant workers is featured by fragmentation as they are embedded in their sociocultural network .

  16. 布鲁斯美学指代的是一种充满活力的文化网络,它调解了像贫穷与富裕、创造力与商业这样的矛盾。

    The blues aesthetic denotes a vibrant cultural network , which mediates oppositions such as poverty and abundance , creativity and commerce .

  17. 如果说文化网络随着历史的进程不断地调整着自身系统的结构,那么文学正是在这一不断调整的历程中形成自身的发展轨迹的。

    The network of culture adjusted itself constantly in the history of development , accordingly , the literature adjusted and developed all together .

  18. 中国的现代化进程要逐步实现从传统农耕社会向现代工业社会的转变,与之相应,传统文化网络也要注入新的内容,进行新的构建。

    Now that China is turning itself into a modern industrial country , the traditional social and cultural network should be transformed accordingly .

  19. 本文主要是从区域社会资本的角度,从社会文化网络和非正式制度两个方面分析了区域社会资本对区域经济的影响。

    In this article , we will analyses the impaction of Regional Social Capital about regional economy from two aspects : social culture and institution .

  20. 深受到劳动体制与社会文化网络交互作用的影响的工人主体在非在地的工厂生活空间结构的日常生活与社会关系作用下具有了更加鲜明的特征。

    This feature is even more obvious for the workers living in the non-local factory space and influenced by the interweaving labor system and sociocultural network .

  21. 这一切都说明,文化网络是地方社会中获取权威和其他利益的源泉,占有它就意味着获得某种支配权、控制权。

    All this indicated that cultural network was the source of obtaining authorities and other benefits and the possession of it meant gaining some power of domination and control .

  22. 要针对青少年的活动范围和心理发育过程,从学校、家庭、文化网络等方面协调配合,共同营造青少年健康成长的良好环境。

    In the light of teenagers ' domain of activity and their psychological development , schools , families , culture and network should coordinate and build a good environment for teenagers .

  23. 新历史主义的结构性语境观察方式和美国批评学会的文化网络研究堪称典范,对其成果的批判吸收是我们以综合的姿态建设中国文学理论的重要阶段性任务。

    The observation manner of neo-history ' ' structual context ' and the cultural network study of American Society of Criticism can be regarded as classical studies . To critically absorb these achievements is then the main task of comprehensively building up Chinese literary theory .

  24. 在方法上,主要采用人类学的参与观察、访谈、个案调查及文献研究相结合等方法。本文的创新点是在前辈们的学术研究基础上,进一步了解和阐释文化网络在商业活动中的作用。

    This research mainly adopts the methodology of participation observation , in-depth interview , case study and literature study etc. On the basis of previous studies , the innovatory point of the paper lies in its further understanding and explaining the role of cultural network in commercial activities .

  25. 第四部分重点论述了Linux桌面系统中Office套件,工具软件,中文化以及网络应用的完善和使用效果。

    The fourth chapter is core content , discussing the perfection and running effect of Office set , tool software , Chinese locale , network application that existed in the Linux Desktop System .

  26. 本论文以Linux的桌面应用为出发点,重点对Linux桌面系统中Office套件的应用、中文化、网络应用以及电子政务软件的良好应用作了相关研究。

    This thesis is used for the starting point of the application with Linux Desktop System , the thesis emphasis on the application of office set , Chinese locale , network application and the excellent application of E - Government .

  27. 这其中主要包括网络法律行为文化、网络法律制度文化等。

    Network which includes legal culture , legal system and cultural networking .

  28. 社会文化的网络解构及其意义

    The Network of Social Culture Solves Constructing ( Jie Gou ) and Meaning

  29. 湖北文化城网络系统设计

    The network system design for the Hubei Cultural House

  30. 《中国饮食文化》网络课程设计与实施

    E-learning course design and implementation of Chinese food Culture