
  1. 五年之后,21世纪福克斯集团便将手头所持有的星空传媒大部分股份出售给了中国华人文化产业投资基金(ChinaMediaCapital)。

    And five years later , 21st century fox ( Fox ) sold its controlling stake in Star China to China media capital .

  2. 上海文广新闻传媒集团(SMG)前总裁黎瑞刚执掌了华人文化产业投资基金(ChinaMediaCapital,简称CMC),后者是一家投资于太平洋两岸内容的机构。

    Li Ruigang , former president of Shanghai Media Group , is heading China Media Capital , a vehicle to invest in content on both sides of the Pacific .

  3. 财新传媒指出,2012年进行的一轮融资——当时阿里巴巴的竞争对手腾讯(Tencent)和总部位于上海的华人文化产业投资基金(ChinaMediaCapital)购得股份——并没有影响其对客观性的承诺。

    Caixin said a funding round in 2012 - when Tencent , a rival of Alibaba 's , and China Media Capital , a Shanghai-based fund , took stakes - had not affected its commitment to objectivity .

  4. 去年,华人文化产业投资基金宣布,计划与华纳兄弟和全球广告巨头WPP等企业共同创立一个全球内容投资基金。

    Last year , China Media Capital announced plans to create a global content investment fund with Warner Bros. and the global advertising giant WPP , among others .

  5. 去年,华人文化产业投资基金宣布,计划与华纳兄弟和全球广告巨头WPP等企业共同创立一个“全球内容投资基金”。

    Last year , China Media Capital announced plans to create a " global content investment fund " with Warner Bros. and the global advertising giant WPP , among others .

  6. 这是华人文化产业投资基金进军娱乐业的宏大计划的一部分。

    It is part of a broader push by China Media Capital into the entertainment business .

  7. 研究、论证、设立北京文化产业投资基金。

    The feasibility of establishing the Beijing Culture Industry Investment Fund shall be studied and debated .

  8. 在这些交易中,很多项目的背后都有华人文化产业投资基金的负责人黎瑞刚的身影。他曾经是一名政府官员,上海媒体界的高管。

    The China Media Capital executive behind many of these deals is Li Ruigang , a former government official and Shanghai media executive .

  9. 在最具雄心的尝试中,其中一项得到了私募公司华人文化产业投资基金的资助。该公司已经成为了颇受好莱坞青睐的中国合作方之一。

    One of the most ambitious efforts is being financed by the private equity firm China Media Capital , which has become one of Hollywood 's preferred partners in China .

  10. 在政府的支持下,华人文化产业投资基金引入了一些新的合作伙伴,以在上海开发一个名为“梦中心”的文化娱乐区。该项目投资达200亿元人民币,将容纳剧院、演艺厅、餐馆和商铺。

    With government backing , China Media brought in new partners to develop a $ 3.1 billion " Dream Center , " a cultural and entertainment district in Shanghai with theaters , performance halls , restaurants and shops .

  11. 首先对新型文化产业投资基金这一全新概念进行了界定,对其特点进行了分析,并对其组建原则、组建规划、运作方式、投资策略乃至配套措施提出了具体方案和相关政策性建议。

    The dissertation defines the concept of the new type of culture industrial investment fund ; and analyses its features , and also proposes concrete organizing principles , layouts , operating manners , investing strategies , layout measurements and relative policy suggestions of new type of culture industrial investment fund .

  12. 加大扶持力度,建立政府主导的文化产业风险投资基金;

    The second measure is to establish government-oriented venture capital of culture industry .