
  1. 本文选择探讨私募证券投资基金的管理问题。

    This article discusses the problems in management of private placement investment fund .

  2. 私募证券投资基金的困局与规范发展

    Hardships and development of Privately-offered Securities Investment Funds

  3. 我国私募证券投资基金合法化的法律问题

    Analysis on Legal Issues Concerning the Legalization of Private Placement of Securities Investment Fund in China

  4. 第二章详细梳理了我国私募证券投资基金的发展历程,存在形式和现行监管规定。

    Chapter Two elaborates the development process of our privately-offered securities investment funds , their existing forms and current regulatory requirements .

  5. 私募证券投资基金是一种相对于公募基金而言的以集合投资形式通过非公开方式面向社会特定投资者募集的资金。

    Sunshine Private Offering Fund , as opposed to mutual funds , is a collective investment funds for specific investors via private way .

  6. 第十二章主要对我国私募证券投资基金的产生、发展、风险及其管理问题进行分析研究。

    Chapter twelve analyzes and researches into the origination , development , risk and its management of the investment fund privately raised in our country .

  7. 私募证券投资基金即通过非公开方式,向特定对象发行的,主要以二级市场股票、债券等证券产品为投资对象的集合资产投资组合。

    The privately-offered securities investment fund refers to an asset collection of investment portfolio , mainly investing in secondary market stocks , bonds and other securities products . It is privately raised on a particular object .

  8. 本文抓住了当今中国证券市场上的热点问题,结合市场稳定与发展的实际,围绕中国私募证券投资基金的现状与发展这一主题,进行了较为深入、系统和切合实际的讨论。

    This paper grasps the hot spot of today'stock market in China , combines market stability with its development , and focuses on the theme A Study on The Current Status and Prospects of China Private Fund on Securities , with thorough , systematic and practical discussions .

  9. 长期以来,国家证监部门坚持打击私募证券投资基金操纵资本市场的行为,最近也在关注拟上市公司对私募股权投资基金的利益输送,表明国家对私募基金的监管力度越来越大。

    SFC has been hit the behavior of private equity investment funds to manipulate capital markets , recently it also concerned about the proposed listed companies private equity investment funds on the transfer of benefits , which indicated countries have realized that private equity funds need regulation .

  10. 私募基金属于证券投资基金,是一种面向特定人群的集合投资方式。

    Private placement fund , whose investors should be specific , is a kind of investment fund .

  11. 根据投资方向的不同,私募基金可以分为私募证券投资基金、私募股权投资基金(PE)、风险投资基金(VC)等等。

    Depending on the investment direction , private placement fund can be divided into private securities investment fund , private equity fund ( PE ) . venture capital fund ( VC ) .

  12. 论文全文共分四章:第一章阐述私募投资基金的概念、种类起源与现状,详细介绍了私募证券投资基金的特征以及私募投资基金与公募投资基金的差别。

    The paper consists of four chapters : the first chapter illustrates the concept , kind , origin , present situation , and characteristics of the private investment fund , and depicts in detail the differences between private and public investment funds ;