
  • 网络Private monopoly
  1. 支配企业经济优势地位滥用的行为责任&以日本《禁止私人垄断及公平交易法》为核心

    Liability of Dominant Enterprise for Its Act in Abusing Dominant Economic Position ── Taking Japanese Act on Prohibiting Private Monopoly and Fair Deal as Core

  2. 在其自身基本矛盾的推动下,它经历了自由资本主义、私人垄断资本主义、国家垄断资本主义阶段,目前处于国际垄断资本主义阶段。

    Promoted by its inherent contradictions , it has experienced the stages of free capitalism , private monopoly capitalism , national monopoly capitalism , and has reached the stage of international monopoly capitalism .

  3. 从发展趋势看,资本主义在经历了自由竞争资本主义阶段到私人垄断资本主义以及由其转化而来的国家垄断资本主义阶段以后,进而向金融垄断资本主义阶段演进。

    Contemporary capitalism is developing towards financial monopolistic capitalism after going through free competitive capitalism , private monopolistic capitalism and state monopoly one .

  4. 同时,也产生了新的私人垄断、公共责任丧失以及社会不公等负面效应。

    At the same time , these actions also caused some negative effects such as the emergence of new private monopolization , lost of public responsibility and social inequity .

  5. 但仅改制是不够的,没有充分竞争的市场结构,私人垄断的危害便将产生,因此本文强调公私合作与竞争机制的统一;

    But it is not enough to only reform system , there is no market structure of abundant competition , danger that individual monopolize produce , so this text emphasize cooperation and unity of competition mechanism public and private ;

  6. 近代史上世界市场的形成和发展是自由竞争资本主义时代资本扩张的初步表现;国际垄断同盟划分世界市场和势力范围是私人垄断资本主义时代资本扩张的进一步表现;

    The formation and its development of the world market are the preliminary expression of capital expansion in the capitalist times , and the alliance of international monopoly dividing world market and influence sphere is the further development of capital expansion of private monopoly capitalism .

  7. 论构建我国私人反垄断执行制度的必要性

    Necessity of Building the System of Private Enforcement in Our Anti-Monopoly Law

  8. 仅在第50条规定了建立私人反垄断诉讼机制,但没有司法救济程序的具体规定。

    It only stipulates the establishment of personal lawsuit system on anti-monopoly in Article 50 , without the specific rules of the judicial remedy procedure .

  9. 所以,私人实施反垄断法应当受到激励。

    Therefore , the private implementation of the Antitrust Law should be motivated and encouraged .

  10. 因此,对私人实施反垄断法尚须采取相应制约措施。

    Therefore , some correspondingly constraint measures should be taken to the private implementation of the Antitrust Law .

  11. 反垄断法实施的过程,更重要的是反垄断法民事责任实现的过程,即私人运用反垄断法的规定向垄断违法行为主张权利的过程。

    The implementation of anti-monopoly law is a course of achievement of anti-monopoly civil liability , which is also a private use of anti-monopoly law to claim to rights from monopoly .

  12. 尽管中国已经放宽许多行业的市场准入门槛并开始国企改革,以调动私人投资,破除垄断,但如何实现社会资源平等竞争还大有空间。

    Although China has eased market access in many industries and started SOE reforms in a bid to mobilize private investment and break monopolies , there is still a lot to do to achieve fair competition .

  13. 反垄断私人民事诉讼作为垄断侵权损害新的救济途径,与其他各种具体配套制度的有效配合,才使得反垄断法的实施体制充分发挥效用。

    Private antitrust civil litigation as a monopoly tort new ways of relief , and various other specific supporting system effectively , which makes the implementation of anti-monopoly law system and give full play to utility .

  14. 就与公共实施的比较优势而言,私人具有实施反垄断法的高度积极性,不受公共财政预算对法律实施活动的约束,对垄断行为人的威慑力较强。

    There is a comparative advantage compared to public implementation that the private implementation of the Antitrust Law has highly motivation , is free from the constraints of the the public budget to legal enforcement activities , a strong deterrent to the parties who implement monopolistic behavior .

  15. 反垄断法私人诉讼实现的过程,也是私人实施反垄断法的过程。

    The course that the private lawsuit of antimonopoly law realizes , it is an individual that implements the course of the antimonopoly law too .