
wén xiàn jiǎn suǒ
  • literature search
  1. 基于Internet的农业文献检索方法

    Method of Agricultural Literature Search Based on Internet

  2. 通过文献检索和专家访谈确定出影响污水处理BOT项目特许定价的11个关键风险因素及其分担情况,政府分担:政策风险中的环境标准提高和税收优惠变化;

    It is through literature search and expert inquiry to get the 11 key risk factors and its allocation .

  3. Internet环境下的化学文献检索方法与技巧

    Strategies and Skills of Fast Search for Literatures of Chemistry under the Internet Conditions

  4. 介绍了基于ASP、SqlServer2000实现的Web文献检索系统及其查询优化。

    This paper introduces the fulfillment of web literature retrieval system with ASP , SQL Server 2000 and the query optimization .

  5. 利用头脑风暴、专家访谈、文献检索等方法收集确认大学生MP3设计心理评价因素81项,并在此基础上进行因素分析。

    Through brain-storming , interview with specialist and literature collection , 81 factors are reviewed .

  6. STN国际联机检索系统中化学文献检索方法的比较与研究

    Comparative Studies on the Searching Methods for Chemical Documents on STN

  7. 目前国际公认的文献检索工具首推医学文献联机检索数据库(MEDLINE)。

    One of the worldwide accepted tools for literature retrieval nowadays is MEDLINE .

  8. 掌握文献检索方法,能熟练利用CA和计算机网络查阅专业文献,熟练写作中文论文和初步进行英文专业论文写作。

    To grasp the method of literature retrieval , can use the CA and computer network to refer to special field of study literature , to grasp write the articles in Chinese and in English initial .

  9. 《CAJ-CD》及其在植物学文献检索中的应用

    《 CAJ CD 》 and its application in seeking botanic documents

  10. 系统介绍了医学文献检索课中开展PBL教学的方案,提出了PBL教学模式的主要优势,并对PBL教学实施中的关键环节进行较为深入的探讨。

    This paper describes the whole process of problem-based learning ( PBL ) in medical literature retrieval teaching , points out the advantages of PBL and thoroughly discusses its main sectors .

  11. 引入5E教学模式探索文献检索课教学改革新思路

    Bringing into teaching mode of 5E to explore the new idea of reforming the course document retrieval

  12. 隐含语义检索(LatentSemanticIndexing,LSI)是一种基于概念的文献检索方式。

    LSI ( Latent Semantic Indexing ), which is a method of concept-based retrieval , is different from traditional retrieval which depend on a lexical match between words in user 's query and those in documents .

  13. 结论:UMLS能提高医学和通用搜索引擎及文献检索软件的检索效率。

    Conclusion : UMLS can promote the search performance of medical , general , and documents search engine .

  14. 基于SYBASE的图书馆网络资源服务及应用系统是在中国教育科研网(CERNET)环境下运作的一个图书馆资源综合服务项目,主要用于图书馆书刊文献检索以及Internet服务等业务。

    The library sources service and application system based on SYBASE is a complex information service system . It is running on the CERNET environment , and is mainly used in the library information retrieving and INTERNET services .

  15. 根据目前文献检索,以MOSFET作为功率元件直接输出达到80KHz、180A级别的高频逆变电源,国内还未见报道。

    According to the present data , the 80KHz / 180A high frequency inverter which use MOSFET as the power part direct output has not been seen in domestic .

  16. 文献检索语言DBRL

    Document Retrieval Language DBRL

  17. 文献检索策略:检索的资料库包括Cochrane肝胆疾病组对照临床试验注册资料库、Cochrane补充医学领域资料库、Cochrane图书馆以及MEDLINE、EMBASE、BIOSIS和中文生物医学光盘资料库和日本资料库。

    Search strategy : Searches were applied to The Controlled Trial Registers of The Cochrane Hepato-Biliary Group , The Cochrane Complementary Medicine Field , and The Cochrane Library as well as MEDLINE , EMBASE , BIOSIS , Chinese and Japanese databases .

  18. 医院图书馆开展文献检索知识教育的实践和体会

    Experiences of the teaching of medical literature retrieval in hospital libraries

  19. 与专业课程相结合的文献检索教学方法探索

    Searching the Method of Teaching Literature Retrieval Combined with Specialized Courses

  20. 文献检索表明,目前尚未发现有类似的研究报道。

    The author has not found similar study during literature search .

  21. 对图书馆开设《文献检索与利用》课的思考

    Thoughts on Problems of Document Retrieval Course Given by the Library

  22. 国内外护理学文献检索常用数据库特点分析

    Features of domestic and foreign nursing data bank for document retrieval

  23. 医学本科生医学文献检索课互动教学模式探讨

    Discuss on Internet-based teaching model of medical literature search and utilizing

  24. 文献检索课开放式教学模式探索

    Probe into the Open Teaching Model of the Literature Retrieval Course

  25. 关于医学文献检索课应增加有关教学内容的探析

    Analysis on Increasement of Teaching Contents for Medical Literature Retrieval Courses

  26. 医学文献检索课引进循证医学教学内容的构思

    Some EBM contents should be integrated into medical literature retrieval teaching

  27. 体育文献检索课教学特点及规律研究

    Study on Teaching Characteristics and Laws of Sports Literature Search

  28. 目的探讨护理学文献检索的工具和方法,以期对国内护理工作者进行文献检索提供帮助。

    Objective To introduce the tools and methods in nursing document retrieval .

  29. 医学文献检索多媒体教学课件的设计与制作

    Designing and producing multi-media courseware for teaching medical literature searches

  30. 关于科技文献检索课程教学的探讨

    A Discussion about Teaching the Course of Scientific and Technological Document Retrieval