
  • 网络california institute of technology;Caltech;Cal Tech;Pasadena, CA;CIT
  1. 洛克菲勒基金会对于“人类科学”的愿景促使其在加州理工学院和其他院校发展了“分子生物学”这个新学科。

    But the story is more complex . The Rockefeller Foundation 's vision of a " Science of Man " led it to foster a new " molecular biology " at CalTech and other institutions .

  2. 1957年,27岁的戈登•摩尔刚从加州理工学院(Caltech)毕业不久就被威廉•肖克利招入麾下,加入了由其创办的肖克利半导体实验室(ShockleySemiconductorLaboratory)。

    At 27 , not long out of Caltech , he was recruited in 1957 by William Shockley , who was creating Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory .

  3. 布鲁金斯学会排行榜上获得满分的八所学校里有五所提供以技术为主的课程:加州理工学院(CaliforniaInstituteofTechnology);

    Of the eight schools earning perfect scores of 100 in its rankings , five have technology-focused curriculums : California Institute of Technology ; M.I.T. ;

  4. 卡耐基·梅隆大学(CarnegieMellon),加州理工学院(Caltech)和康奈尔(Cornell)。

    Carnegie Mellon , Caltech and Cornell .

  5. 而人称“杰里”的沃兹尼亚克的父亲弗朗西斯?沃兹尼亚克(FrancisWozniak),是加州理工学院工程系的杰出毕业生,还是校橄榄球队的四分卫,

    Francis Wozniak , known as Jerry , was a brilliant engineering graduate from Cal Tech , where he had quarterbacked the football team , who became a rocket scientist at Lockheed .

  6. 答:“雪花在形成过程中对周围环境非常敏感,特别是温度和湿度,”加州理工学院物理系主任肯尼思·G·利布雷希特(KennethG.Libbrecht)说。他开设了一个网站,专门解释雪晶。

    A. " The growth of a snowflake is sensitive to its immediate environment , especially the temperature and humidity , " said Kenneth G. Libbrecht , chairman of the physics department at the California Institute of Technology , who maintains a website explaining snow crystals .

  7. 身为中国互联网游戏先驱的一对亿万富豪夫妇向加州理工学院(Caltech)捐赠1.15亿美元用于大脑研究,目的是帮助人类接受死亡。

    A billionaire couple who pioneered internet games in China are donating $ 115m to the California Institute of Technology for brain research in an effort to help humans accept mortality .

  8. 加州理工学院院长托马斯.罗森鲍姆(ThomasRosenbaum)表示,该校和这对夫妇共享一个愿景,那就是把对大脑的科学洞察转化为“对于人类如何感知世界、如何与世界互动的更深入理解”。

    Thomas Rosenbaum , Caltech president , said the university and the couple shared a vision of translating scientific insights into the brain into a " deeper understanding of how human beings perceive and interact with the world . "

  9. 之前我在加州理工学院教过理论物理和计算物理,2008年我参加了Y-Combinator企业家计划。

    Previously , I taught theoretical and computational physics at the California Institute of Technology ( Caltech ), and in2008 I participated in the Y-Combinator entrepreneur program .

  10. 本文介绍美国加州理工学院荣誉教授TomM.Apostol编著的《数学分析》一书,以供我国高校数学与计算机相关专业在进行函数论基础课课程和教材改革时参考。

    In this paper , we introduce the textbook 《 Mathematical Analysis 》 written by Tom M.Apostol , an honorable professor at Caltech of USA. This textbook can be used as a reference when we want to reform foundation courses of functional theory in universities of China .

  11. 去加州理工学院哪条路最近?

    Where is the shortest way to California Institute of Technology ?

  12. 我的目的是到加州理工学院学习。

    My purpose is to study in California Institute of Technology .

  13. 加州理工学院:真理使人自由。

    California Institute of Technology : The truth shall make you free .

  14. 加州理工学院也纷纷发表自己的偏微分方程研究的一些优秀的信息。

    CalTech have also published some excellent information on their own PDE research .

  15. 你让我成功毕业,进入加州理工学院。

    You got me to graduation , to Caltech .

  16. 她现时在加州理工学院的研究院深造。

    She has gone on to graduate school at the California Institute of Technology .

  17. 加州理工学院将为该项目贡献资源。

    Caltech is contributing resources to the project .

  18. 方舟子对唐骏的加州理工学院博士学位提出质疑。

    Fang Zhouzi questioned Tang 's PhD diploma at the California Institute of Technology .

  19. 10.加州理工学院美国

    10 California Institute of Technology US

  20. 加州理工学院布罗德生物科学中心,帕萨迪纳,加利福尼亚州,美国

    Broad Center for the biological sciences , California Institute of technology , pasadena , ca , usa , 2002

  21. 包括捐赠资金的这份礼物将在加州理工学院创建一个以这对夫妇命名的神经科学研究所。

    The gift , which includes endowed funds , will create a neuroscience institute at Caltech named after the couple .

  22. 也不是加州理工学院的学生,而是一位来自曼彻斯特的英国女性。

    it wasn 't a CalTech student , it was a person from England , from Manchester , a woman who ,

  23. 那时加州理工学院的天文学家迈克布朗发现了一个微小极寒的星体,它的运行轨道比冥王星的远三倍。

    That was when Caltech astronomer Mike Brown found a tiny , frigid world orbiting some three times further out than Pluto .

  24. 在加州理工学院,人们正在研究一种将阳光和水转化成汽车燃料的方法。

    At the California Institute of Technology , they 're developing a way to turn sunlight and water into fuel for our cars .

  25. 它将过去五年一直位居榜首的美国加州理工学院挤至第二名。

    It knocks California Institute of Technology in the US , the top performer for the past five years , into second place .

  26. 它是由加州理工学院的迈克尔·霍夫曼开发的,并未它的开发者赚入了10万美元的一等奖奖金。

    It has been developed by Michael Hoffman of the California Institute of Technology , and has earned him the $ 100,000 first prize .

  27. 神经学家艾米经常会遭到来自加州理工学院物理学家(也是她的男友)谢尔顿库珀的智力挑战,但她通常也会胜出。

    Neuroscientist Amy 's smarts often challenge -- and trump -- Caltech physicist ( and her boyfriend ) Sheldon Cooper 's during their intellectual battles .

  28. 加州理工学院的高级理论粒子物理学家,专门研究“M”理论,或者用外行的描述就是,弦线理论。

    Sheldon : Senior theoretic particle physicist at CalTech , focusing on " M " theory , or , in layman 's terms , string theory .

  29. “你不能立即放弃它。”加州理工学院的地理生物学教授约瑟夫·科什文克说道。

    ' You can 't just dismiss this out of hand , 'says Joseph Kirschvink , a professor of geobiology at the California Institute of Technology .

  30. 牛津大学连续第五年位居榜首,紧随其后的是斯坦福大学、哈佛大学、加州理工学院和麻省理工学院。

    The University of Oxford took the top spot for the fifth year in a row , followed by Stanford , Harvard , Caltech and MIT .