
jiā sù qì
  • accelerator;machine;booster;boost;accelerating machine
加速器 [jiā sù qì]
  • [accelerating machine] 一种用来加速带电粒子使其达到很高能量的装置,是研究原子核和基本粒子的重要设备。它的类型较多,有电子回旋加速器、回旋加速器、直线加速器、同步回旋加速器、同步加速器等。目前最大的加速器能使带电粒子获得几千亿电子伏的能量

加速器[jiā sù qì]
  1. 今天许多放射性同位素是用被称为回旋加速器的粒子加速器来制造的。

    Today many radioisotopes are produced using the particle accelerator called a cyclotron .

  2. 这辆车只要你一触加速器就会加速

    The car picks up speed with just a touch of the accelerator .

  3. 超高效的粒子加速器将于80年代投入夸克探索的工作之中。

    Superpotent atom Smashers will undertake the quark quest in the1980s .

  4. 人们已经在广泛地使用加速器了。

    Accelerators are now used almost universally .

  5. 十多年以来,天文学家们一直在猜想,超新星激波可以充当巨型粒子加速器。

    Astronomers have suspected for more than a decade that supernova shock waves can act like giant particle accelerators .

  6. 中国科学家近日宣布,中国高海拔宇宙线观测站(LHAASO拉索)在银河系内发现大量超高能宇宙加速器,这一发现可能颠覆人类对银河系的认识,并有助于揭示宇宙线起源这个困扰了科学家一个世纪的问题。

    Chinese scientists have detected a dozen ultra-high-energy ( UHE ) cosmic accelerators within the Milky ( LHAASO ) .

  7. 中韩合作不仅会成为两国自身发展的加速器,而且会成为地区乃至世界和平的稳定器。

    Cooperation between China and South Korea will not only become an accelerator of their own development , but also a stabilizer to regional and world peace .

  8. 高精度加速器质谱~(14)C测年

    Radiocarbon Dating by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry with High Precision and Accuracy

  9. 加速器质谱技术检测细胞中DNA加合物的方法体系的建立及其应用

    The Assay of DNA Adducts in Cell System by AMS and Its Application

  10. PLC在工业用电子加速器安全系统中的应用

    The Application of PLC in Safety System of Industrial Electronic Accelerator

  11. 介绍了一种高性能DSP位操作加速器实现方法。

    This paper presents a bit manipulation accelerator for high performance DSP .

  12. 将步进电动机应用于离子静电加速器PLC控制系统。

    Stepper motor is used in the PLC control system of ion electrostatic accelerator .

  13. 窄束X射线半价层测量法标定电子直线加速器的能量

    Calibration of the Energy of an Electron Linac by Measuring the Narrow-beam X-ray Half-value Layer

  14. 接着介绍了服务器加速器,它放置于WebServer前端或内部以加速服务器访问速度。

    Second , Web server accelerator is placed in the front or inner of Web server to accelerate the server access .

  15. 在加速器质谱(AcceleratorMassSpectrometry,简称AMS)测量中,同量异位素的鉴别具有十分重要的意义。

    Isobaric identification is very important in accelerator mass spectrometry measurement .

  16. 加速器联锁系统设计和运行中一个值得注意的问题&高频引起的X射线

    A noticeable problem in interlock design and operation of accelerator & x rays producted by radio-frequency

  17. 利用加速器质谱学中的入射离子X射线方法测定~(79)Se的半衰期

    Half-life measurement of ~ ( 79 ) Se with projectile X-ray method in AMS

  18. 驻波电子直线加速器中的RF相位聚焦

    RF alternate phase focusing in standing wave electron Linacs

  19. ASP技术在加速器控制中的应用探索

    Notes concerning the application of ASP technique on accelerator control

  20. 无载体~(103)Pd的加速器制备

    Cyclotron production of carrier - free palladium - 103

  21. 这是特别有用的,如果你不使用的PHP加速器。

    This is especially useful if you don 't use a PHP accelerator .

  22. 该系统与北京HI-13串列加速器的束流传输系统有良好的光学匹配,束流传输效率较高。

    The efficiency of beam transport is good .

  23. 加速器质谱(AMS)测定~(41)Ca的方法研究

    Study on the Measurement Method of ~ ( 41 ) Ca by AMS

  24. 无损检测用15MeV电子直线加速器主束内光中子剂量的测量与MC模拟计算

    Measurement and Calculation of Photoneutrons Produced in the Electron Accelerator for Radiography Application

  25. 最后,本文通过对加速器高压稳定系统的分析,提出了对静电高压的稳定进行PID控制的方案。

    By analyzing the high-voltage stabilizing system of the Accelerator , we put forward the scheme of PID control of the high-voltage .

  26. InfoQ:你可以解释一下远程加速器是如何运作的吗?

    InfoQ : Can you explain how Remote Accelerator works ?

  27. FISHBASE:一个加速器腔设计专用DBMS原型

    Fishbase : a special DBMS prototype for cavity design

  28. 介绍了基于PLC的加速器辐照自动控制系统的结构原理、工作过程、硬件和软件的设计。

    The principle of structure , working procedures , design of hardware and software of the PLC based automatic irradiation control system are introduced .

  29. SU(2)非自治系统中的互补混沌&加速器中离子极化的稳定性

    Complementary Chaos and Spin Polarization Stability in Cyclotrons Studied from the Nonautonomous SU ( 2 ) Dynamical System

  30. 方法60只急性放射性脑损伤模型大鼠(直线加速器6MeV电子束单次照射25Gy)分为单纯照射组和照射前尾静脉注射bFGF组(250ng/kg),并设未照射对照组;

    Methods 60 rats were classified into radiation group , bFGF intravenous injection group and contol group .