
jiā ná dà
  • Canada
加拿大[jiā ná dà]
  1. 我们家族中我叔父的这一支移居到了加拿大。

    My uncle 's branch of the family emigrated to Canada .

  2. 许多难民被安置到英国和加拿大。

    Many of the refugees were resettled in Britain and Canada .

  3. 我的祖父母移民到加拿大去碰碰运气。

    My grandparents emigrated to Canada to try their luck there .

  4. 她父母出钱送她去加拿大。

    Her parents paid for her to go to Canada .

  5. 他们移居加拿大,开始了新的生活。

    They emigrated to start a new life in Canada .

  6. 这是我姑姑,她是从加拿大过来的。

    This is my aunt who 's over from Canada .

  7. 加拿大现在是一个药物净进口大国。

    Canada is now a substantial net importer of medicines .

  8. 她是加拿大最有希望夺金的选手之一。

    She is one of Canada 's best prospects for a gold medal .

  9. 到加拿大来享受蓝天碧野吧!

    Come to Canada and enjoy the great outdoors .

  10. 明天这个时候我就在加拿大了。

    This time tomorrow I 'll be in Canada .

  11. 他们在加拿大开始新生活。

    They started life anew in Canada .

  12. 我的姑母住在加拿大。

    My aunt lives in Canada .

  13. 加拿大军队拆掉了印第安人设置的路障。

    The Canadian army took down the barricades erected by the Indians

  14. 直到1987年,加拿大的工业一直成就斐然。

    Until 1987 , Canada 's industry had been the star performer

  15. 加拿大将从今年晚些时候起在办公场所全面禁烟。

    Canada will ban smoking in all offices later this year .

  16. 加拿大计划向索马里南部地区运送更多的食品。

    The Canadians plan to deliver more food to southern Somalia

  17. 加拿大的诽谤法是以英国的习惯法为基础的。

    Canadian libel law is based on English common law .

  18. 他的二儿子帕迪去加拿大生活了。

    His second son , Paddy , had gone to live in Canada

  19. 他身披加拿大国旗绕跑道奔跑。

    He draped himself in the Canadian flag and went round the track

  20. 他们认为该修正案损害了加拿大联邦制。

    They argue that the amendment undermines Canadian federalism .

  21. 1987年加拿大主办了英联邦大会。

    In 1987 Canada played host to the Commonwealth Conference

  22. 他在讲演中提到了前不久的加拿大之行。

    In his speech , he referred to a recent trip to Canada .

  23. 这块新领土将会使加拿大陆地面积扩展1/5以上。

    The new territory would extend over one-fifth of Canada 's land mass .

  24. 泰晤士河河水暴涨,成群的加拿大雁迅速游向下游。

    The Thames was in spate , with flocks of Canada geese speeding downriver .

  25. 一批批流离失所的人们移民到了加拿大。

    Droves of dispossessed people emigrated to Canada .

  26. 谁领导加拿大对世界来讲也具有一定的重要性。

    Who leads Canada is also of some import to the rest of the world

  27. 加拿大最近制定了更为严格的移民规定。

    Canada has recently stiffened its immigration rules .

  28. 租车自驾绝对会使在美国和加拿大的度假更加愉快。

    Any holiday in the USA and Canada is enhanced by renting a self-drive car .

  29. 一只孤独无伴的雌性加拿大黑雁鸣叫了一声,警告别人不要靠近它的巢。

    A lone mother Canada goose honked a warning to stay away from her nest .

  30. 他宣布成立一个新部门,专门处理魁北克威胁要从加拿大分裂出去一事。

    He announced a new ministry to deal with Quebec 's threat to separate from Canada .