
  • 网络UCLA;the University of California at Los Angeles
  1. 他读完大学一年级后,转学到加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校。

    He transferred to UCLA after his freshman year .

  2. 斯坦福队将与加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校队展开第二回合较量。

    Stanford will face UCLA in a rematch

  3. maybe:大概,也许UCLA:UniversityofCaliforniaatLosAngeles(美国)加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校你知道,像南加大,加大洛杉矶分校…

    You know , maybe U.S.C. , u.C.L.A. ... U.S.C : University of Southern California

  4. 大公司的总裁问第一家公司:“这项工程你们的报价是多少?”这家公司的老板是加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校的MBA。

    The president of the large corporation asked the first company whose president earned his MBA from UCLA , " How much will your company charge for this project ? "

  5. 洛阳市绿地景观格局分析及综合评判阳光地带&加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校

    Landscape Pattern Analysis and Comprehensive Assessment of Greenbelt in LuoYang City University of California at Los Angeles

  6. 加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校的保罗·汤普森发现,智力与脂肪鞘质量之间是有关联的。

    Paul Thompson at the University of California , Los Angeles , has found a correlation between IQ and the quality of the sheaths 。

  7. 我们相信加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校将会得益于你的才学及活力。并希望你能够接受我们提供的大学本科教育。

    We know that UCLA will benefit from your interlligence , imagination , and energy , and we hope you will choose UCLA for your undergraduate education .

  8. 在加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校,你将面对的挑战是:一定要熟知并遵守学校里完善卓越的纪律体制,因为它是高端教学不可或缺的辅助工具。

    At UCLA , you will be challenged to confront , understand , and master a remarkable range of disciplines that are the measures of a cutting-edge education .

  9. 同时也是加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校脑研究中心及神经影像实验室一名成员,汤普森认为这种人群的数量非常庞大。

    This is a large percentage of the population , said Thompson , who is also a member of UCLA 's Brain Research Institute and the UCLA Laboratory of Neuro Imaging .

  10. 但在北京她接到了来自加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校的电话,告诉她克罗斯的肝脏同她的肝脏大小相似,且他们的血型相配,她是接受克罗斯肝脏移植的完美候选人。

    There she received the call from UCLA telling her she was a perfect candidate for Cross 's liver , since it was similar in size to hers and their blood types matched .

  11. 加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校医学中心的研究人员有一个有趣的发那就:让重病患者摆脱沮丧心情,实际上就能使医疗环境得以改善。

    One of the interesting things researchers at the UCLA medical center have discovered is that the environment of medical treatment can actually be enhanced if seriously ill patients can be kept free of depression .

  12. 2005年,加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校的研究人员宣布他们已经成功把人类最致命的敌人变成了癌症克星。他们对一个转化艾滋病菌种进行重新组合来狙击和摧毁癌细胞。

    In 2005 , researchers at UCLA announced that they had turned one of humanity 's deadliest enemies into a cancer-killer when they reprogrammed a modified strain of HIV to hunt down and destroy cancer cells .

  13. 在加利福尼亚州立大学洛杉矶分校,大四学生克里斯汀。陈密切关注着就业市场。

    At California State University , Los Angeles , senior student Kristine Chan is keeping her eye on the job market .