
  • 网络Natural System;Systema naturae
  1. 论自然系统理论与思想工作方法

    An Essay on The Theory of Natural System and The Method of Thinking

  2. 由自然系统、经济系统、社会系统构成的企业广义生存域是企业间接外部环境;

    The former is the indirect external environment consisting of natural system , economic system and social system ;

  3. 总之,所有环境问题都与自然系统有着的千丝万缕联系。

    Overall , all environmental issues concern natural systems that are linked in myriad ways .

  4. 混沌和分形是自然系统和社会经济系统中广泛存在的一种非线性现象。

    Chaos and fractal are the nonlinear phenomena which widely exist in nature and socio-economic system .

  5. 自然系统与人工系统在提供生态系统服务方面具有显著差异,后者没有缓冲保护和保险措施。

    Distinct differences exist between natural systems and artificial systems , in the latter there are no buffers and insurance .

  6. 上世纪90年代中期,为了让自己能够实地观察自然系统,她开始尝试轻便潜水。

    In the mid-1990s , she started scuba diving , where she was able to watch natural systems in action .

  7. 在物质范畴上来讲,它主要对应对于自然系统和居住系统。

    In terms of material category , it corresponds with the " natural system " and " inhabitation system " .

  8. 区域经济是一个开放的自然系统,它涉及的变量多,各种变量之间又存在着复杂的非线性关系。

    Regional economy is an open natural system related with many variable quantities among which exist complicated non-linear 's relations .

  9. 从静态看,社会系统、个体系统、自然系统三者是主要的结构因素。

    From the view of static state , its main structural factors are social system , individual system and natural system .

  10. 这正是在社会系统中运用理想方法不同于自然系统的一个显著特点。

    This is a salient feature of the method of idealization in the social system which makes it different from in natural system .

  11. 生态系统健康是一门研究人类活动、社会经济组织、自然系统和人类健康的跨学科综合性学科。

    Ecosystem health is a multidisciplinary integrative field exploring the interrelations between human activity , social organization , natural systems , and human health .

  12. 结合自然系统和人文系统的脆弱性的研究成果,给出区域经济发展脆弱性的内涵和定义。论文从三峡库区经济的不稳定性和对外部经济条件的敏感性来分析其经济发展的脆弱性。

    Base on the achievement of nature system and humanities system , the connotation and definition of vulnerability of regional economy development is put forward .

  13. 给出了包含自然系统和人为系统的复合系统定义,以及确定性系统、不确定性系统的定义。

    The definition of compound system was given including native system and human system . The definition of certain system and uncertain system were presented .

  14. 现阶段,人类社会不可持续发展的本质在于经济系统与自然系统之间的物质流动发生了滞障。

    Nowadays , the problem of material flow between economic system and natural environment system becomes the basic source of unsustainable development of human society .

  15. 研究证据表明许多自然系统和生物系统没有固定的特征尺度,而是展现自相似特性。

    Recently , more and more evidences suggest that many natural systems and biological systems have no fixed characteristic scales , but they exhibit self-similarity .

  16. 城市湿地是城市重要的生态基础设施,是城市可持续发展依赖的重要自然系统,具有众多的生态及社会服务功能。

    Wetland is an important ecological infrastructure in urban and is an important ecosystem for the sustainable development of urban . It has ecological and social service function .

  17. 将该模型与实际观察对比后,戴找出了该自然系统对研究者观测卫星数据所获得结果的影响。

    Comparing the models with actual observations , Day was able to work out what contribution the natural systems had made to what researchers have observed from satellite data .

  18. 滨水区在城市的自然系统和社会系统中具有多方面的功能,如水利、交通、游憩、城市形象以及生态功能等等。

    The waterfront in city natural system and the social system has many functions , such as irrigation works , transportation , recreation , city image and ecological function , etc. .

  19. 从社会学角度说,社会系统是比自然系统更具有复杂性、动态性、非线性、随机性和不可逆性的超复杂系统。

    From the point of view of sociological angle , social system is an extremely complicated system that has more complexity , dynamic characteristics , non-linearity , randomicity and irreversibility than the natural system .

  20. 系统发展论必须适应自然系统和社会系统日益复杂化的发展趋势,重视自身的发展和建设。

    The system developmental theory must adapt to development trend , that the natural system and the social system change increasingly into complexity and , must attach importance to the development and construction itself .

  21. 它的研究历史比较短,早期是一种试图解释自然系统中生物的复杂适应过程入手,模拟生物进化的机制来构造人工系统的模型。

    Its research history is short , early it is a constructed artificial system model of simulating the mechanisms of biological evolution from attempting to explain the complexity process of biological in the natural system .

  22. 本文系统分析了这四种功能与人工自然系统的产生及发展的关系,认为人工自然系统正是以其经济、科技、文化和教育这四种效用向社会系统提供输出,展示其社会功能的。

    This paper analyses the relationship between the four functions and the origin and development of artificial nature . Providing exports to social system by the four functions , artificial nature reveals its social function .

  23. 加州大学戴维斯分校环境科学与政策系教授黑斯廷斯,是世界上利用数学模型(方程组)来理解自然系统的顶级专家之一。

    Hastings , a professor in the UC Davis Department of EnvironmentalScience and Policy , is one of the world 's top experts in usingmathematical models ( sets of equations ) to understand natural systems .

  24. 本文用系统论观点分析论述了国土开发整治系统这个由国土自然系统和开发整治系统组成的有机集合体的内涵;

    This paper systematically analyses and discusses the connotation of land - developing and land - transforming system , which is an organic entirety composed of natural land sys-tem and land - developing and land - transforming system .

  25. 通过对自然系统分析表明:本村拥有较好气候条件、丰富的水资源、多样地貌类型及高的森林覆盖率,发展生态旅游和观光农业得天独厚。

    The nature system analysis shows : this village has perfect climatic conditions , abundant water resource , various landforms and forest coverage rate , which is richly endowed by nature to develop the eco-tourism and tourism agriculture .

  26. 研究自然系统的主要本性,是理论发展的需要,以至导致自然系统整体辩证论的认识,具有广泛的探讨价值。

    The study on the main inherent quality of the nature system , which has widespread approach value , can meet the needs of the theoretical development and lead to the congnition of the overall dialectics of the nature system .

  27. 区域自然系统对区域经济发展有明显的作用和影响,突出地表现在上游经济发展属资源密集型、中游经济发展属劳动力密集型和资源密集型并存、下游为资金技术型。

    The effect of regional natural system on regional economic demonstrates itself in that the upper reaches are rich in resources , while the middle reaches , in labour force , and the lower reaches , in capital and technology .

  28. 在自然系统论伦理观中,道德底限是指人凭借善良意志对事物的合理的存在秩序的认识、协调以及在这一过程中形成的基本的行为规范的总和;

    In the natural-system ethics view , the bottom of morality is that people recognize and coordinate the reasonable existence order of the object relying on their good will and the basic action standard in the process of recognizing and coordinating ;

  29. 生态城市是人与自然系统整体协调,满足人们的物质和精神需求,又能实现自身的发展的可持续发展的城市模式。

    The ecological city is a city model of the sustainable development which can harmonize the human beings and the natural system entirely , can meet the material and spirit demands of human beings , and can achieve the self-development as well .

  30. 然而,大家逐渐认识到,在实际的社会系统,以及许多受到人类支配或影响的大型技术系统或自然系统中,基本单元之间完全合作或完全竞争都是极其少见的极端情况。

    However , scientists gradually realize that , in real world social systems and many large technological or natural systems influenced by human being , the complete cooperation or competition between the elements are the extreme cases and very rare in practice .