
shēnɡ tài xué jiā
  • ecologist
  1. 这项研究的主要作者兼生态学家帕特里克·麦金泰尔说,许多因素导致了这种下降。

    Many factors contributed to the decline , said Patrick McIntyre , an ecologist who was the lead author of the study .

  2. 塞巴斯蒂安·弗斯�珊瑚礁研究员和生态学家

    Sebastian Ferse , coral reef researcher and ecologist

  3. 他发起的运动得到了女权主义者、反战分子和生态学家的支持。

    His campaign attracted the support of feminists , peaceniks and ecologists .

  4. 生态学家认为用消毒剂处理污水是否有益值得怀疑。

    Ecologists argue that the benefits of treating sewage with disinfectants are doubtful .

  5. 生态学家们就反对使用核能问题展开了强有力的游说活动。

    The ecologists lobbied powerfully on the anti-nuclear issue .

  6. 花生态学家把风媒传粉种,即风媒植物,同动物媒植物区别开来。

    Flower ecologists have distinguished the wind pollinators , i.e , the anemophilous plants from the zoidogamous plants .

  7. 梅里安的画作启发了艺术家和生态学家的灵感。

    Merian 's paintings inspired artists and ecologists .

  8. 生态学家克里斯蒂娜·波沙说:“对待这座岛的理念一直是,‘好的,消除威胁让岛屿回归它原本的样子’。”

    " Our philosophy with the island has always been , ‘ OK ,   remove the threats and let the island go back to what it was , ' " says ecologist Christina Boser .

  9. 《生态学家》(TheEcologist)和全球研究(GlobalResearch)等听起来有声望的机构纷纷创建漂亮的网站,将事实、半真半假的描述及伪科学分析编造成邪恶的断言。

    With reputable-sounding names like The Ecologist and Global Research , they produce slick websites that weave facts , half-truths and pseudoscientific analysis into sinister assertions .

  10. 总的来说,生态学家认为DDT和放射性物质(如锶-90)可以作为污染物的典型代表。

    Ecologists consider DDT and radioactive substances such as strontium 90 to be representative of contaminants as a whole .

  11. 自从1976年Glass在心理学研究中提出以来,该方法已经在许多学科特别是医学领域进行了广泛的应用。20世纪90年代,整合分析被引入生态学研究,引起了生态学家和统计学家的广泛关注。

    Meta-analysis , a quantitative synthesis technique for synthesizing the findings of individual studies , was presented by Glass in 1976 . It was widely used in medical science and was imported to ecology study at the beginning of 1990s .

  12. 土壤CO2释放作为土壤-大气CO2交换的主要途径之一,也就成为各国生态学家研究的重点内容。

    As one of the key components in the global carbon cycle , released CO2 from soil is one of the major pathways to exchange CO2 between soil and atmosphere , which is second only to gross primary productivity .

  13. 激进历史学家与生态学家伊万伊里奇(ivanillich,1926-2002)在其广泛流传的著作《陶然自得的工具》(toolsforconviviality)中使用的术语是“多点平衡”。

    The term that the radical historian and ecologist Ivan Illich ( 1926-2002 ) used in his wide-ranging book tools for conviviality was " the multiple balance " .

  14. 一位名叫苏珊娜·西玛德(SuzanneSimard)的森林生态学家做出了新奇的发现,那就是森林里的树木通过它们的根互相交流和分享资源。

    Suzanne Simard , a forest ecologist , has made the unprecedented discovery that forest trees communicate and share resources with each other via their roots .

  15. 1976年,英国牛津大学著名动物学家和行为生态学家RichardDawkins在他出版的畅销书《自私的基因》中提出模因论的基本思想。

    The theory of memetics is first proposed by Richard Dawkins , a British ethologist and evolutionary biologist in Oxford University , in his best seller book The Selfish Gene in 1976 .

  16. 新泽西普林斯顿大学生态学家MartinWikelski说,虽然对于鸟类迁徙我们已经知道很多,但是昆虫迁徙仍然知之甚少。

    Although much is known about how birds migrate , insect migration is more mysterious , says ecologist Martin Wikelski of Princeton University in New Jersey .

  17. 对于较复杂的Lotka-Volterra系统,给出上述性质的明确判定准则是数学生态学的一个重要课题,受到理论生态学家与数学家的广泛重视。

    It has been an important topic to give a definite criterion of these upper properties of a complicated Lotka-Volterra system , and many scholars have paid more attention to this field .

  18. 设在美国的环保运动团体国际自然保护组织的生态学家、自然保护优先事项主任WillTurner说:“一条清晰的信息就是,我们让生态系统退化是自食其果”。

    Will Turner , an ecologist and director of conservation priorities at Conservation International , a US-based campaign group , said : " The clear message is that we degrade ecosystems at our own peril " .

  19. 美国地质调查局在加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校的研究生态学家KevinLafferty在4月出版的《生态学》杂志上提出了这个观点。该杂志已经发表了5篇回应的文章。

    Kevin Lafferty , a research ecologist for the United States Geological Survey at the University of California Santa Barbara , makes his argument in the April issue of Ecology .

  20. “这确实不是人们渲染的那样不同寻常的事情,”加州大学戴维斯分校的禽流生态学家RobertMeese所。

    " This is really not the unusual thing that people are trying to make it into ," said Robert Meese , an avian ecologist at the University of California , Davis .

  21. 否则,个人利益会导致共有资源的滥用和损坏。1968年,生态学家GarrettHardin对这种理论进行了描述,称其为“公地的悲剧”。

    the thinking goes , then self-interest will and of shared resources . Ecologist Garrett Hardin described this idea in nineteen sixty-eight as " the tragedy of the commons . "

  22. Hutchinson用抽象的几何学将生态位理解为由N维环境空间中点的集合构成的超体积,即支持有机体生存的独特资源空间,近年来,许多生态学家则将生态位与资源利用谱等同。

    Hutchinson used abstract geometry to comprehend niche as N-dimensional hyper volume that is a special resource space which support organism survival . Recently , many ecologists maked niche equal to the resource utilization spectra .

  23. 我们可能就坐在重大灭绝事件的悬崖上,加州大学圣巴巴拉分校生态学家道格拉斯·J·麦考利(DouglasJ.McCauley)说,他是《科学》杂志本周四发表的一项新研究的合著者。

    We may be sitting on a precipice of a major extinction event , said Douglas J. McCauley , an ecologist at the University of California , Santa Barbara , and a co-author of the new research , which was published on Thursday in the journal Science .

  24. 《自然》杂志中刊载的某篇评论中生态学家如是说。

    So say ecologists in a commentary in the journal Nature .

  25. 生境小区的饱和对生态学家是特别有意义的。

    Saturation of a biotope is of special interest to the ecologist .

  26. 事实上,生态学家知道这些。

    As a matter of fact ethologists know this .

  27. 古今圣贤,思想家,生态学家崇尚大自然和谐生活的写真。

    Stories and reflections on Nature by the ancients , thinkers and ecologists .

  28. 斯蒂芬妮·杰诺威耶是伍兹霍尔海洋研究所的企鹅生态学家。

    Stephanie Jenouvrier is a penguin ecologist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution .

  29. 但当我把这告诉一位我认识的生态学家时,她吓了一跳。

    But when I told an ecologist I know , she was horrified .

  30. 因此,大气氮沉降增加的生态效应成为生态学家关注的热点问题之一。

    Therefore , the ecological effects of nitrogen deposition were concerned by ecologists .