
  • 网络ecological process;biotic;ecological succession
  1. 景观格局(landscapepattern)是森林景观异质性的重要表现,同时也是包括干扰在内的各种生态过程在不同空间尺度上长期作用的结果。

    Landscape pattern is an important exhibition of forest landscape heterogeneity , and is the result made by all kinds of ecological processes at the different spatial scales for a long time including disturbance .

  2. IPM统计分析、模型生成、生态过程模拟和数据管理是计算机辅助决策的初级形式。

    Statistic analysis , constructions of models and simulation of ecological processes are the preliminary applications of computer-aided decision-making in IPM .

  3. CO2浓度升高与温度、干旱相互作用对植物生理生态过程的影响

    Effects of interactions between elevated CO_2 concentration and temperature , drought on physio-ecological processes of plants

  4. 因此,研究土壤动物对细根生理生态过程的影响对于认识森林生态系统C和养分循环具有重要意义。

    Therefore research on the effects of soil fauna on fine root eco-physiological processes is important in understanding C and nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems .

  5. 我们还进行了模型输入数据质量对应用生态过程模型推算NPP的精度影响测试。

    In addition , the effect of the quality of the model input requirements on accurate NPP estimation using a process-based model was also assessed .

  6. 揭示了一般流动表面模型的点和线的特征与景观生态学和保护生物学中的景观结构之间的关系,证实了生态过程动态与趋势中某些门槛值的存在以及应用这些门槛值定义SP的可能性。

    It demonstrates the relationship between the spatial properties of a general surface model discussed in theoretical geography and the landscape representation model used in landscape ecology and conservation biology .

  7. As对生物种类的风险概率为43.7%,属中等危害;As和Cd对生态过程的风险概率分别为25.2%、25.3%,属中等危害,其余为轻微危害。

    The rest area was at slight risk . For biological types , risk probability of As with medium risk was 43.7 % . For ecological process , risk probability of As and Cd was 25.2 % and 25.3 % , respectively .

  8. 本文从近年来迅速发展的土壤植物大气连续体理论出发,论述了SPAC过程与生态过程的联系与区分;

    Based on the theory of SPAC which develops very fast in recent years , the linkage and division between the process of SPAC and ecological process are discussed on this paper .

  9. 它因而被用来探索QTL信息对模型参数的影响并且通过模拟生理生态过程(包括遗传信息相关性状)对整个植物表现型进行可视化。

    It is thus used to employ QTL information to refine model parameters and visualize the dynamics of development of the entire phenotype as a result of ecophysiological processes , including the trait ( s ) for which genetic information is available .

  10. 早期的种群生态学重在研究局部的种群动力学,然而许多的生态过程都与物种的空间分布有关,仅考虑种群密度与时间的关系是不合理的,因此PDE的生态模型近年来倍受关注。

    Early population studies concentrated on local population dynamics . However , it is not enough that populations of organisms are considered only in time . Many ecological processes that are distributed over some spaces should be considered in space .

  11. 根据Habit-Food-Resource范式,研究土壤养分流动与景观格局之间关系可为认识不同尺度上景观格局与生态过程的关系提供帮助。

    According to Habit-Food-Resource paradigm , soil nutrients flux passing through landscape is an important process influencing landscape patterns .

  12. 在地境&牧草界面,围绕生产力形成及其分布格局这一关键生态过程,建立草地健康评价的CVOR综合指数和测算模型,并应用于阿拉善草地的健康评价。

    For the site-herbage interface , the CVOR index was created based on formation of herbage productivity and its species distribution pattern , and was used to measure the health of Alashan grassland .

  13. 不同土壤培肥措施下农田有机物分解的生态过程

    The eco-process of agricultural organic matter decomposition under different soil conditions

  14. 川西亚高山针叶林土壤生态过程的研究

    Advances in Soil Ecosystem Process of Subalpine Forest in Western Sichuan

  15. 黄河三角洲新生湿地生态过程研究

    Ecological Process in the New-born Wetlands of the Yellow River Delta

  16. 陆面生态过程的一维数值模拟

    One dimensional Numerical Simulation of the Land Surface Ecological Processes

  17. 宏观生态过程的代谢调控研究进展

    The advance of metabolic regulation studies for macroscopical ecology processes

  18. 土壤重金属污染生态过程、效应及修复

    The ecological process , effect and remediation of heavy metals contaminated soil

  19. 洞庭湖区洪灾淹没区鼠类群落结构恢复的生态过程

    The effect of flooding on the rodent community in the Dongting Lake region

  20. 浅海鱼类网箱养殖的关键生态过程及容量评价

    Carrying Capacity Assessment & Key Ecological Process of Cage Aquaculture in Shallow Sea

  21. 陆地碳循环研究中植物生理生态过程模拟进展

    Progresses in Modeling Plant Ecophysiological Processes in the Study of Terrestrial Carbon Cycles

  22. 城市露水生态过程的模型构建和露水的生态模拟工作已经开展,但非常有限。

    Limited studies have been done for the simulation and modeling of urban dew .

  23. 水分胁迫对冬小麦叶片水分生理生态过程的影响

    Effects of Leaf Water Physiologically Ecology Process of Winter Wheat on Soil-water Stress Condition

  24. 对旅游产业生态过程的研究

    Research on The Ecological Process of Tourism Industry

  25. 土地利用结构与生态过程

    Land use structure and ecological processes

  26. 这说明,海流是影响较大尺度生态过程上太平洋褶柔鱼分布的主要环境要素。

    It was suggested that current was the main environmental factor affecting the distribution of T. pacificus .

  27. 基于源-汇生态过程的景观格局识别方法&景观空间负荷对比指数

    Location-weighted landscape contrast index : a scale independent approach for landscape pattern evaluation based on Source-Sink ecological processes

  28. 基于流域生态过程的洛阳市城市滨河绿地景观格局优化研究

    Research on Optimizing Ecology Spatial Pattern of Luoyang City Waterfront Green Space Landscape Based on Drainage Basin Ecology Process

  29. 景观格局的形成反映了不同的景观生态过程,与此同时景观格局又在一定程度上影响着景观的演变过程。

    Landscape patterns are the concrete embodiment of landscape heterogeneity and the result of functions of various ecological processes .

  30. 研究结果表明随着尺度的增加,中性过程成为决定物种–多度曲线格局的主要生态过程。

    Patterns in SAD were scale-dependent , suggesting that SADs at different scales are likely structured by different ecological processes .