
shēng chǎn zhě
  • producer;manufacturer;maker;fabricant;bearer
生产者[shēng chǎn zhě]
  1. 在许多国家,扩大生产者责任的概念正被视为或已经作为减少浪费的一种激励措施。

    In many countries the concept of extended producer responsibility is being considered or has been put in place as an incentive for reducing waste .

  2. 从政府的角度来看,要求生产者承担更大责任的法律主要目标在于将废物管理的成本和实际责任从政府和纳税人转移到生产者身上。

    From the governments ' point of view , a primary goal of laws requiring extended producer responsibility is to transfer both the costs and the physical responsibility of waste management from the government and tax-payers back to the producers .

  3. 费用通常是政府要求生产者对其产品包装负责的动机。

    Governments ' incentive to require producers to take responsibility for the packaging they produce is usually based on money .

  4. 在食物链中,有些生物是生产者,有些是消费者。

    Within a food chain , some living things are producers and some are consumers .

  5. 植物是生产者,因为它们利用阳光、土壤和其他东西来制造自己的食物。

    Plants are producers because they use sunlight , soil and other things to make their own food .

  6. 作为汽车生产者,企业掌握相关数据,应当利用专业知识严格自查,技术优势不应成为解决问题的阻碍。

    Automakers should make use of professional knowledge to strictly conduct self-inspection since they have relevant data , and technical advantages should not become obstacles to solve problems .

  7. 服务端点(不是Web服务生产者)。

    Service endpoints ( no Web service producer ) .

  8. 生产者与消费者问题在JAVA中的实现

    Implement of the problem of producer - consumer in Java

  9. 服务器,Web服务生产者:它是一个Web服务器,通常位于防火墙和/或代理网关的后面。

    The server , Web services producer : This is a Web server , typically behind firewalls and / or proxy gateways .

  10. 特别添加棉柴配方(C组),能大幅度降低生产成本,增加生产者的效益。

    The formulas ( Group C ) of adding could dramatically reduce the production cost and increase the efficiency of the producers .

  11. 此外,一个生产者可以设置消息的persistent属性为真。

    Additionally a producer can set the persistent property of a message to true .

  12. 而且服务进口与多数指标间的相关系数都要大于服务出口和服务贸易总额,对GDP增长的促进程度最大。第四,生产者服务贸易的积极经济效应显著,边际产出大。

    Fourthly , producer services trade brings about notable economic effect , and larger marginal output .

  13. 本文介绍了基于单缓冲区和多缓冲区的生产者与消费者问题在JAVA中的多种实现机制,其中主要利用了数据结构中的循环队列和堆栈来模拟实现。

    Some methods accomplishing the problem of producer-consumer with single-buffer and multi-buffer in JAVA were introduced , which mainly use circulating queue and stack in Data Structure .

  14. Web服务生产者应提供一个时间戳有效性限制,任何具有失效时间戳的UsernameToken都应被拒绝。

    Web service producers should provide a timestamp freshness limitation , and any UsernameToken with stale timestamps should be rejected .

  15. 它包括JMS消息发送方(生产者)和JMS消息接收方(消费者)。

    It consists of a JMS message sender ( producer ), and a JMS message receiver ( consumer ) .

  16. 其次,针对数据生产者和使用者处理数据的不同特点,分别提出了数据生产者VVC过程模型和数据使用者VVC过程模型。

    Second , data producer and data user treat with data differently , so two kind of process models are provided separately .

  17. 代理的操作原则是将Portlet作为类型化属性的生产者和使用者;因此,它也称为属性代理(PropertyBroker)。

    The broker operates on the principle of portlets being producers and consumers of typed properties ; therefore , it is called the Property Broker .

  18. 生产者支持水平(PSE)超过1000亿元。

    The producer support estimate ( PSE ) has exceeded 100 billion yuan .

  19. 最后,对中国的研究结果还表明,FDI和生产者服务贸易的增加使中国的零部件出口更加趋向全球化,而区域化特征有所减弱。

    At last , for China , it is also certified that FDI and imports of producer service makes parts & components exports more globalization and less regionalization .

  20. 应用程序或实现是作为SAML消息的生产者、消费者还是兼具两种作用。

    Whether the application or implementation acts as producer , consumer , or both producer and consumer of the SAML messages .

  21. 生产者决定了可利用的选择的数量和类型,所以每个单张DVD都可能有一些、全部或没有这样的选择。

    The producer decides upon the amount and type of options available , so each individual DVD may have some , all or none of these options .

  22. 政府是社会信息资源、知识资源的最大拥有者、生产者、使用者和传送者,构架基于KM的电子政务系统已是大势所趋。

    Government is the biggest owner , producer , user and conveyer of social information resource , knowledge resource . Construct E-Government system based on KM has been the trend of the times already .

  23. MQTT客户机的语义比JMS简单很多,因为没有会话、用户、生产者或事务处理的应用程序控制这样的概念。

    The MQTT client has much simpler semantics than JMS because there is no concept of sessions , consumers , producers , or application control of transactions .

  24. 与此同时,中国的生产者价格指数(PPI),衡量总体通货膨胀,上个月同比下降5.9%,指向市场需求的持续疲软。

    Meanwhile , China 's producer price index ( PPI ) , which measures wholesale inflation , plunged 5.9 percent year on year last month , pointing to continuing weak market demand .

  25. 要达致这目标,有关发展国家「小型CAADP」的讨论,必须加入小生产者元素,尤其是妇女。

    To do this , debates that are happening to develop CAADP compacts need to involve small-scale food producers , especially women .

  26. 给出了CCRP相关性能指标和判断方法,基于生产者/消费者模型提出了通用并发重复控制机制。

    The related performance index and judging methods are given , and the general concurrent redundancy control mechanism is designed based on Producer / Consumer model .

  27. 在服务层实施的是生产者消费者规则。

    The Producer-Consumer rule can be enforced at the server level .

  28. 生产者延伸责任及国外相关立法综述

    Review of Extended Producer Responsibility and the Legislation in Foreign Countries

  29. 它是信息生产者、信息、信息技术的有机体。

    It is an information manufacturer , information , information technical organism .

  30. 基于生产者责任差异的逆向物流决策比较

    Comparison of reverse logistics decision under different producer responsibility arrangement