
shí ròu dònɡ wù
  • carnivore;carnivorous animal
  1. 该系统最初被称为食肉动物,但由于糟糕的公众形象,导致它被重新命名为更加无辜冠冕堂皇DCS1000。

    The system was originally called Carnivore but bad publicity caused it to be renamed to the more innocent-sounding DCS1000 .

  2. 4种食肉动物直针毛的显微形态学观察

    A Survey on the Micro-morphologic Character of Four Carnivore 's Straight Guard Hair

  3. 食肉动物通常是有着复杂的社会关系的哺乳动物。

    Carnivores are usually socially complex mammals .

  4. 虎是食肉动物。

    Tigers are flesh-eating animals .

  5. 蛇是食肉动物。

    Snakes are carnivorous .

  6. 本章最后部分简要总结了食肉动物。

    The final part of this chapter was devoted to a brief summary of predator species .

  7. 大草原也是食肉动物的家乡--狮子、豹、鬣狗--它们都是以草食动物维持生命的。

    The savanna is also the home of meat-eaters -- the lion , leopard , and hyena who feed on the grasseaters .

  8. 这些结论再次证实霸王龙可能并非离群索居的食肉动物,而是像狼一样成群结队地捕食,简直想不到霸王龙还可以比我们原本想象得更可怕。

    These conclusions add to mounting3 evidence that they may not so much have been lone4 predators5 , but hunted in packs like wolves , which makes them , as hard to imagine as that may seem , even more terrifying .

  9. APHIS提供一些的方法建议来赶跑食肉动物。

    APHIS offers some suggestions of ways to keep away predators .

  10. 你会路过餐馆,起着诸如食肉动物(LeCarnivore)这样的名字,你会路过夜总会,最棒的是会路过法式蛋糕店。

    You pass restaurants with names such as Le Carnivore , nightclubs and , best of all , patisseries .

  11. 大熊猫等五种食肉动物血清蛋白和LDH同工酶盘电泳比较

    The electrophoresis comparison of serum protein and LDH isoenzyme in 5 Carnivora animals & giant panda , red panda , Asiatic black bear , cat and dog

  12. 犬瘟热病是由犬瘟热病毒(CDV)感染犬和其他食肉动物的多发性、致死性传染病。

    Canine distemper caused by canine distemper virus ( CDV ) is a highly infectious , frequently lethal disease with high mortality in dogs and other carnivores .

  13. Simons认为他们的大脑发展发生在亚非大陆相连的时候,因为很多动物包括新的和危险的食肉动物都来到了这里。

    Simons said brain enlargement may have evolved in this lineage after Africa became connected to Asia , bringing in more animals including new and dangerous predators .

  14. 明显的疾病或疼痛对食肉动物来说是危险的信号。

    Obvious illness or pain function as red flags for predators .

  15. 狮子是最激动人心的,由于它们是食肉动物。

    The lions are the most exciting because they 're carnivorous .

  16. 也不是很棒!这只恐龙是一只食肉动物。

    Not so cool ! This dinosaur is a meat eater .

  17. 尽管食肉动物增多了,但加勒比海珊瑚礁得到了禁渔区的保护。

    Caribbean reefs protected by no-fishing zones despite rise in predators .

  18. 老虎、狮子和豹都是凶猛的食肉动物。

    Tigers , lions and leopards are all ferocious carnivorous animals .

  19. 非洲和亚洲南部森林地带夜间活动形似獾的食肉动物。

    Nocturnal badger-like carnivore of wooded regions of Africa and southern Asia .

  20. 灰棕熊甚至还偷偷接近正在进食的食肉动物以猎杀它们。

    Grizzly bears will also approach feeding predators to steal their kill .

  21. 这只恐龙是一只食肉动物。

    This is a snake . I want a turtle .

  22. 但这里还有一种更小的食肉动物它居住在海拔更高的地方

    But there 's another , smaller predator that ranges even higher ,

  23. 我们最好去看食肉动物。

    We 'd better go and see the carniverous animals .

  24. 它们毕竟是海洋中的野生食肉动物。

    They are after all wild carnivores of the ocean .

  25. 大而尖利的犬齿是食肉动物的特征。

    Especially large , sharp canine characterizes the carnivorous animals .

  26. 食肉动物食性研究方法评价

    Evaluation on the Studying Methods of Carnivore Food Habits

  27. 所以,专家们提议对这种贪婪的食肉动物发动反攻。

    So experts are proposing to turn the tables on this hungry predator .

  28. 然而,各政府在周一投票保护五种食肉动物。

    However , governments voted Monday to protect five species of the predators .

  29. 食肉动物对牧群是个威胁。

    Predators ? Were a threat to the herd .

  30. 它们的小束状的背鳍含有毒素-充满针刺过去常常劝阻将到的食肉动物。

    Their wispy dorsal fins contain toxin-filled needles used to dissuade would-be predators .