
  • 网络food nutrition reinforcement;food enrichment
  1. 食品营养强化剂蛋氨酸亚铁螯合物合成工艺研究

    Synthesis of Methionine Chelated Iron ( ⅱ ) for Fortified Food

  2. 天然β-胡萝卜素具有重要生理活性功能,是一种优良的食品营养强化剂。

    Natural carotene possessing important physiological effects in humans as a food additive .

  3. 食品营养强化剂及其研究进展

    Nutrition Fortifier and Its Research Development

  4. 为开发应用第三代铁的食品营养强化剂奠定了基础。

    This study lays a foundation for developing the third generation of Fe nutrient fortifier for food .

  5. 以硫酸亚铁、蛋氨酸为原料对食品营养强化剂蛋氨酸亚铁螯合物的微波固相合成进行了研究。

    The synthesis of methionine chelated iron ( II ) for iron-fortified food additive with methionine and ferrous sulphate by solid state reaction under microwave irradiations was studied .

  6. 利用脱脂豆粕的1398中性蛋白酶水解液作为复合氨基酸来源,对食品营养强化剂复合氨基酸锌、钙、亚铁络合物的制备工艺条件进行了初步研究。

    Using soybean meal hydrolyzed with 1398 neutral proteinase as the protein source , the synthesis conditions of zinc calcium iron chelate of compound amino acids for food fortification were studied .

  7. 特别是对婴幼儿及孕产妇有着特殊的重要性,因此在婴幼儿乳制品、孕产妇乳制品及食品营养强化剂中添加生物素是十分必要的。

    Biotin have special importance for infants and pregnant women , so it is very necessary to add biotin into infant dairy products , pregnant women products and boosting nutrition food .

  8. 本项目从农产品资源综合利用角度出发,对红薯的淀粉加工废弃物红薯渣进行深加工,从中提取高活性的膳食纤维,作为新型食品营养强化剂推向市场。

    Comprehensive utilization of agricultural resources in this project from the perspective of the sweet potato sweet potato starch processing waste slag processing , to extract the high activity of dietary fiber , as a new type of food nutrition fortifier to the market .

  9. 其添加剂量按照中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量中孕妇对叶酸的推荐量计算,且添加后叶酸含量不应超过《食品营养强化剂使用卫生标准》中关于叶酸强化剂量的规定。

    The additive amount was accordant with the intakes of folic acid in the Chinese Dietary Reference recommended for pregnant women , and the content of folic acid should not exceed the dose in " food nutrition fortifier use of health standards " about requirements of the amount .

  10. 天然维生素E广泛存在于绿色蔬菜和植物种子中,由于它比合成的维生素E有较高的生理活性,特别是抗氧化功能,因而它不仅是食品中的营养强化剂,又是抗氧化保健食品的配料。

    Natural vitamin E widely exists in green vegetables and plant seeds . Because it has higher physiological activities than synthetic vitamin E , especially its antioxidant functions , so it is not only a nutrition enhancer in food , but also an ingredient of antioxidant health food .

  11. 利用优质蛋白源大豆饼粕强化谷物,通过粮豆蛋白质互补、生物强化和生物技术等方法,将营养价值较低的原料转化为营养丰富的组合食品氨维营养强化剂。

    Using superior protein resource & soybean cake meal ( after extracting of oil ) to complement protein of grain and bean and through biological enrichment and bioengineering , etc.