
  • 网络Herbivorous;herbivore
  1. 多种无毒的食草类节肢动物,圆柱状身体分10到20或者更多节,每节大多是有两对腿。

    Any of numerous herbivorous nonpoisonous arthropods having a cylindrical body of 20 to 100 or more segments most with two pairs of legs .

  2. 结论如下:(1)在呈现动物意象数量上,食草类、食肉类、给动物意象所赋予的性别三个方面上有显著的性别差异。

    I have found some results : ( 1 ) There are marked diversity in herbivorous , meat-eating animal imagery , endowed gender factors in different gender ;

  3. 记周口店新洞的大型食草类化石

    Large herbivore fossils from the new cave at Zhoukoudian

  4. 当动物啃食草类时,草从这么高被削减到了这么高。

    When a ruminant grazes grass , the grass is cut from this height to this height .

  5. 其他已知的相同地理位置和时期的洞穴,大多只有食草类动物的壁画。

    Other known caves from the same geographical area and time period contain only paintings of plant-eaters .

  6. 犹因他兽科的模式属;已灭绝的形似大象的大的有蹄食草类动物,;发现于怀俄明州始新世地层。

    Type genus of the Uintatheriidae ; extinct large herbivorous ungulates somewhat resembling elephants ; from the Eocene in Wyoming .

  7. 这里是大型陆地动物的完美栖息场所,蜥脚类恐龙,长颈食草类恐龙曾在这里生活。

    It was the perfect habitat for the largest land animals that had ever lived , the sauropods , long-necked , plant-eating dinosaurs .

  8. 他们相信这些化石属于“无畏龙”,它是一种生活在大约9500年前的长颈食草类恐龙。

    They believe the bones are from an unknown species of titanosaur , a long-necked herbivore that walked on earth about 95 million years ago .

  9. 世界上最好的低脂乳制品和蛋类包括:食草类动物产奶做成的奶酪食草奶牛所产的牛奶牧场散养鸡下的鸡蛋羊奶食草类动物产奶做成的酸奶

    Among the world 's best low-fat dairy products and eggs are : Cheese , grass-fed Cow 's milk , grass-fed Eggs , pasture-raised Milk , goat Yogurt , grass-fed 7 .

  10. 在动物意象和业绩之间的关系方面,当业绩大于均值时,表现出的食肉类和食草类的比例是均衡的;而业绩在小于均值时,食肉类出现的次数明显要少于食草类。

    When the performance is greater than average level , showed the number of animal and carnivore animal ratio was balanced ; if less than average performance , the number of phytophagous is obviously more than carnivorous .