
  • 网络food logistics
  1. 基于Petri网的食品物流业务流程优化

    Business Process Optimization of Food Logistics Based on Petri Net

  2. 中国绿色食品物流市场发展与产业竞争力提升

    To Develop China Green Food Logistics Market and to Raise Industry Competency

  3. 将RFID技术与食品物流相结合,对食品物流系统的安全性进行研究。

    The security of the food logistics system has been researched on by combining the RFID technology and the food logistics together .

  4. 构建现代食品物流体系,提高食品工业流通效率;

    Build modern food circulation system , improve food industry efficiency ;

  5. 中国最大现代绿色食品物流中心落户中原

    The largest logistics center of green food settled in Central China

  6. 构建智能化食品物流中心关键技术的研究

    Study on Key Problem in Terms of Building Food Intellectual Logistics Center

  7. 超市食品物流安全控制分析

    Safety Control Analysis of Food Logistics in Supper Market

  8. 作为食品物流中心的现代化冷库

    Regard modern cold storage as distribution center for perishables

  9. 我国食品物流外包的思考与探索

    Research on Logistics Outsourcing in China 's Food Industry

  10. 我国冷藏食品物流市场现状及发展措施

    The Logistics Current Situation for Food Refrigeration and Several Available Measures in China

  11. 生鲜食品物流存在的问题及解决方案&冷链物流

    Problems & Solutions in Raw , Fresh Food Logistics : Cold Chain Logistics

  12. 论新环境下的食品物流问题

    On Problems of Food Logistics under New Environment

  13. 食品物流对食品行业的影响

    The Effect of Food Logistics to Food Sector

  14. 探析食品物流系统的安全性

    Safety in the Systems Food Logistics

  15. 食品物流水平对食品行业的发展有着非常重要的意义。

    The level of food logistics had very important effect to the development of food sector .

  16. 美国食品物流系统现状

    Food logistics system in US

  17. 日本食品物流的信息追踪系统

    Food Logistics System from Japan

  18. 根据相关研究成果,现代食品物流已成为食品卫生、品质、前置期的重要保证因素。

    The core guarantee factors of food quality , food hygiene and food lead time is food logistics .

  19. 通过系统测试,验证和肯定了软件管道技术在冷食品物流信息系统中的实用性。

    Through system testing , verification and affirmation of the software pipelines technology in the cold food logistics information system is usefull .

  20. 本文认为,绿色食品物流中心运作过程的标准化是我国绿色食品立足国内,面向国际,持续健康稳定发展,获得最佳经济效益和社会效益的必然选择。

    The author believes that the standardization of green food logistics center operation process is the logical choice for China 's green food to take part in the international competition .

  21. 然后根据食品物流的特点与要求对食品物流以及物流平台面临的困境进行了概括,指出当前食品物流平台所存在的问题。

    Then , according to the characteristics and requirements of food logistics , this paper summarizes the difficulties faced by the food logistics and logistics platform , points out the problems of the current food logistics platform .

  22. 本文在理论上可以为应急食品物流各环节的优化提供借鉴;在实践上可以为决策者制定和优化各项应急方案提供参考,提高应急物流活动的效率。

    This paper could provide theoretical references to process and optimization of emergency food logistics , and practical strategy to decision maker for optimization of emergency plan , which could promote the efficiency of emergency food logistics .

  23. 本文通过对基于物联网的食品物流平台进行总体架构,以期为食品行业进行物流平台的构建提供一个思路,为其它类似行业的信息化建设和运营管理优化提供一定的参考借鉴。

    By the overall architecture of the food logistics based on the Internet of Things , this paper expects to provide an idea for food industry on the build of food logistics , to provide a reference for other similar industry on information construction and management optimization .

  24. Y公司上游食品链物流流程优化研究

    Study on Optimization of the Logistic Process of up Stream Food Chain in Y Enterprise

  25. 食品应急物流在理论研究和在实际操作中都没有得到充分的重视。

    There 's no enough attention to the research of food emergency logistics theoretically and practically .

  26. 因此食品应急物流是整个应急物流活动的重中之重。

    Therefore , the food emergency logistics is the most important essential during the whole emergency logistics activities .

  27. 目前,星巴克正在与卡夫食品争夺物流产业的版图。

    It is now fighting Kraft Foods Inc ( KFT . N ) for control of its grocery distribution business .

  28. 墨西哥多个行业参加中国国际进口博览会,包括食品、物流运输、信息科技等。

    Companies from Mexico that are attending the import expo cover industries , including food , logistics and transportation , and information technology .

  29. 对于进口冷链食品,物流企业要严格查验清关单证,直接接触冷链食品的工人必须采取防护措施。

    Logistics firms are required to strictly check customs clearance documents for imported cold-chain foods , while workers with direct contact with those products must take protective measures .

  30. 食品冷链物流软时窗配送模式优化研究

    Optimization of Food Cold Chain Logistics Delivery with Soft Window Models