
  • 网络Salt monopoly;monopoly of food salt
  1. 巩固食盐专营必须加强工业盐管理

    Reinforced the Management of Industrial Salt for the Monopoly of Food Salt

  2. 我国食盐专营体制之历史性反思

    Historical Reflection on Exclusive Operation System of Salt in China

  3. 盐业部门要充分履行好食盐专营的职责。

    Salt industry must carry out the responsibility of food salt monopoly .

  4. 目前食盐专营地位遇到来自各方面的挑战。

    Currently Salt monopoly status meet challenges from all sides .

  5. 净化食盐专营市场应内外兼治

    Inside and Outside Market Control for the Food Salt Monopoly

  6. 深化改革转换机制是落实食盐专营的有效途径

    Reformation Is the Effect Measures for the Food Salt Monopoly

  7. 发展食盐专营构建社会主义和谐社会

    Developing Salt Monopoly and Constructing a Harmonious Socialist Society

  8. 工业工程理论在食盐专营管理中的研究与应用

    The Research and Application of Industrial Engineering Theory in Food Salt Monopoly Management

  9. 市场经济大环境下食盐专营工作相关问题的探讨

    Discussion on the related problems of salt exclusive work under market economy circumstance

  10. 食盐专营是一项基本国策。

    Food salt monopoly is a basic national policy .

  11. 食盐专营制度下私盐行为与其监管的博弈分析

    The Game Analysis of Salt Smuggling Behaviors and Its Supervision Under Food Salt Monopoly System

  12. 总结全文,并对食盐专营体制改革问题研究做出展望。

    This chapter summarizes the full-text and make outlook of the reform of salt monopoly system .

  13. 食盐专营实质是一种政策性垄断,它面临着来自于社会各界对专营地位的质疑。

    Salt monopoly is essentially a policy monopoly and It meets questions from all society about the monopolization .

  14. 食盐专营制度与烟草专卖制度之间既有相同的地方,也存在较大的差别。

    There are many same aspects and a lot of difference between salt state monopolization and tobacco state state monopolization .

  15. 论述了当前食盐专营工作中遇到的主要问题,并从实际出发采取的对策与措施,取得的成效启示。

    This paper discussed the difficult work in the food salt monopoly and how to make a countermeasure from the practice .

  16. 随着取消食盐专营的呼声越来越高,盐业企业面临着巨大的市场经营压力。

    With the increasing demands to abolishing food salt monopoly , the salt enterprises are facing enormous pressure on the operation of the market .

  17. 在上海市郊区县等地区,许多居民因贪图便宜而买劣质私盐,使食盐专营的市场地位受到冲击。

    County in suburban areas of Shanghai , many residents bought inferior Salt just for the sake of low price , which impact on the Salt monopoly market position .

  18. 食盐专营制度在消除我国碘缺乏病,提高国民素质方面起到了重要作用,但因专营产生的弊端也逐渐显露。

    Salt monopoly system play an important role in the elimination of iodine deficiency disorders and improved the quality of National in China , but the disadvantages are gradually revealed .

  19. 但在企业的发展过程中也逐渐暴露一些亟待解决的问题和矛盾,集中表现在以下几个方面:(1)食盐专营地位遇到挑战。

    However , there are some urgent problems and contradictions exposed in the process of the development , concentrated in the following aspects : ( 1 ) Salt monopoly status challenges .

  20. 针对四川省食盐专营工作的盐业运销系统,当前存在的一些问题,提出了改革盐业运销体制,为建立一种适应市场经济发展要求的食盐专营销售模式的新思路。

    It advanced new ideas that reforms the system of salt market in existence and establishes sale patterns of the food salt monopoly to meet the development of the market economy .

  21. 食盐专营政策有力保障了食盐加碘消除碘缺乏危害工程的顺利实施,有利于提高全民素质,保证人民群众的身体健康。

    Food salt monopoly policy effectively protects the iodized salt project successfully implemented , and there is conducive to improve the quality of the whole people to ensure that the masses of the people in good health .

  22. 文章主要论述了食盐专营,消除碘缺乏病,提高人民生活健康水平,保护人民生命安全在构建社会主义和谐社会中的重要作用。

    This paper elaborates the important role that salt monopoly , elimination of IDD , improvement of people ′ s healthy level as well as protection of people ′ s life plays in the construction of harmonious socialist society .

  23. 在2010年的一篇论文中,武汉大学的孙晋、范舟、秦丽指出,食盐专营意味着,市场上的盐价比中国盐业公司从授权生产商手中收购的价格高出两到三倍。

    In a 2010 paper , Sun Jin , Fan Zhou and Qin Li of Wuhan University noted that the monopoly meant that the price consumers paid for salt was three to four times higher than the price the China National Salt Industry Corporation paid for salt from authorized producers .

  24. 今天,我国将盐主要分为工业盐和食盐两种,目前来看,工业盐对市场已经基本放开,但在食盐加碘防治碘缺乏病的思想导向下,食盐则仍是国家专营。

    Today , the salt in China is divided into industrial salt and food salt , at present , the industrial salt has been opening to the market , but the government still franchise on the food salt in order to prevent IDD .