
yínɡ yǎnɡ wù zhì
  • nutrient substance;nutritive mate-rial
  1. 因此嫁接能够提高茄子果实中营养物质含量,但茄子品种不同,果实营养品质不同;砧木品种不同对果实品质的影响也不同。

    Nutrient substance contents of eggplant fruit could be improved via grafting , but the effects of the scion and the stock take place together .

  2. DE型氧化沟去除有机物及营养物质的特性研究

    Study on the characteristics of removing organic substance and nutrient substance with DE oxidation ditch

  3. 铁会破坏维生素E,所以这两种营养物质不应该同时摄取。

    Since iron destroys vitamin E , these two nutrients should not be taken in conjunction .

  4. 因为这种泥浆含有相同的关键营养物质。

    The mud contains the same critical nutrients .

  5. 全球变暖改变了海洋的主要特征,还会影响浮游生物的生长,因为除了阳光和二氧化碳,它们还需要营养物质才能生长。

    Warming changes key characteristics of the ocean and can affect phytoplankton growth , since they need not only sunlight and carbon dioxide to grow , but also nutrients .

  6. 它们有助于将空气与营养物质带进土壤里。

    They help bring air and nutrients to the earth .

  7. 从食物到药材,到再生营养物质,真菌对地球上的生命来说至关重要。

    From foods to medicines , to recycling nutrients1 – fungi2 are vital for life on Earth .

  8. 食物加工破坏一些营养物质,但也可以灭活毒素,并增加其他营养物质的可用性。

    Food processing destroys some nutrients , but can also inactivate toxins and increase the availability of other nutrients .

  9. 答:水果中的天然糖分(果糖)是由纤维和营养物质组成的,它会在你的体内缓慢代谢。

    The natural sugar in whole fruit ( fructose ) is accompanied by fiber1 and nutrients2 and makes a slow journey through your body .

  10. 答:干果富含营养物质,但在干燥过程中,水分会流失,这样很小的一口干果里就浓缩了大量的果糖。

    Dried fruit is packed with nutrients1 , but the drying process removes the water and concentrates a lot of fruit sugar in a very small bite .

  11. 肠道健康:完整的水果中的纤维、果糖和营养物质在消化道中停留较长,方便身体培养肠道中的健康细菌,有利于体内菌群的健康。

    Gut9 Health : The slow journey of the fiber , fructose and nutrients in whole fruit essentially10 allows the body to feed the healthy bacteria in our intestine6 , supporting the health of our microbiome .

  12. 缺乏营养物质(N、P等)引起的污泥膨胀及其控制

    Activated sludge bulking due to lack of nutrient and its control

  13. 利用着生藻类去除N、P营养物质的研究

    Studies on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal with Attached Algae

  14. 驼绒藜属植物种子形成过程中,N、P、K、糖等营养物质积累呈增加的趋势。

    Accumulation of N , P , K and sugar was increased during seed-filling stage in Ceratoides .

  15. 对引自江都的白灵菇菌种,在不同温度、pH、营养物质条件下菌丝的生长特性进行了研究。

    The characteristics of Bailing mushroom hypha growth in different temperature , pH and nutrients were researched .

  16. 维生素C是水生动物必需的营养物质,在促进生长、抵抗疾病、增强机体免疫力等方面发挥着十分重要的作用。

    Vitamin C is essential nutrition to aquatic animal , and plays a key role in its growth , resisting diseases , enhancing immunity .

  17. 生长期SD大鼠对日粮常规营养物质和氨基酸消化率的研究

    Study on the Digestibility of Dietary Proximate Nutrients and Amino Acids for Growing SD Rats

  18. 维生素C是一种极其重要的微量营养物质,本文主要就如何提高果蔬中维生素C含量研究进展进行介绍。

    Vitamin C is a kind of necessary micronutrients . The method of improvement of vitamin C content in fruit and vegetable is reviewed and prospected .

  19. 试验以促成山茶花在国庆(10月1日)开花为目的,采用了赤霉素(GA)及添加营养物质等处理。

    The experiments were made with a view to forcing bloom of camellia in " National Day " ( Oct. 1 ) .

  20. 但降低了果肉可溶性固形物、可滴定酸、维生素C和总糖等营养物质含量,导致龙眼果实甜度下降、风味变淡。

    Whereas , fruit pre-harvest bagging decrease the contents of total soluble solids , titratable acidity , vitamin C and total sugars which result in lower sweetness and less flavor in longan pulp .

  21. 营养物质对EM原液复壮效果的影响很大,其中糖蜜是比较好的营养物质;

    The nutriment had a strong impact on the rejuvenation effect of EM original liquid and the molasses was a better nutriment ;

  22. Toll样受体是一类参与天然免疫的病原模式识别受体,其与营养物质间的关系及机制尚不清楚。

    Toll-like receptors is a kind of Pattern recognition receptor ( PPR ), and the relationship between TLRs and nutritions is not clear .

  23. Caco-2细胞模型及其在食品营养物质吸收研究中的新进展

    Caco-2 Cell Model and Development of its Application to Absorption of Food Nutrients

  24. Vg为人们所熟知的主要功能是为胚胎和幼体生长发育提供主要的营养物质。

    Vg is known as its nutritional role to provide developing embryos and larvae nutrients .

  25. 最终残余物的pH值和碳氮比分别为8.02和13.7,且含有大量的N、P、K等营养物质,可以作为有机肥。

    The final pH and C / N were 8.02 and 13.7 respectively . In addition , the final remains contain plenty of N , P and K and can be used as organic fertilizer .

  26. 麦麸是小麦加工副产品,含有小麦中主要营养物质,其中多种营养物质如膳食纤维、烟酸、维生素E、硒、镁、植物化合物都有降血脂的功能。

    Wheat bran is the by-product of wheat , which contains many nutrients such as dietary fiber , niacin , vitamin E , selenium , magnesium and phytochemicals that can decrease serum lipids .

  27. 生长调节剂DPC和营养物质KH2PO4协同作用对棉苗茎解剖结构的调控效应

    The synergism of DPC and kh_2po_4 in the regulation of anatomical structure of cotton seedling stem

  28. 试验结果表明,NSP复合酶制剂可显著改善动物的生产性能,提高营养物质消化率。

    The result suggested NSP enzyme complex improved performance and nutrients digestibility of the broilers ;

  29. 概述了Caco-2细胞系的特点、模型的建立与验证,及其在营养物质吸收及机制研究中的新进展。

    This article overview the characteristics of caco-2 cell , establishment and validation of caco-2 cell model .

  30. 研究的主要目的在于确认这些营养物质能否真的减缓AMD病进一步发展为失明。

    Now , we will conduct this more precisely-targeted study to see if the new combination of nutrients can reduce AMD progression even further .