
yínɡ yǎnɡ qì ɡuān
  • vegetative organ;nutritive organ
  1. 在花铃期与营养器官中的N的变化趋势相似,和K的变化趋势相反。

    In flowering and boll stage , the change tendency of each hormone ratio was similar to that of N in nutritive organ , but was opposite to that of K.

  2. 吴茱萸属植物基础理论和开发应的研究&关于营养器官结构的研究

    Research on basic theory and applying in Evodia rutaecarpa & about structure of nutritive organ

  3. 龙眼各营养器官SOD活性的测定分析

    Determination and analyses of superoxide dismutase activity in different vegetative organs of longan

  4. RT-PCR显示这两个基因在花芽强表达,在营养器官也可检测到。

    RT-PCR showed that both genes are strongly expressed in the floral bud , and also detected in the vegetative organs .

  5. Northern分析结果表明,它在不同的水稻器官中都有表达,但在花和愈伤组织中的表达水平明显低于其他营养器官。

    Northern blot analysis showed that it was expressed in various rice organs , but at lower level in developing flower and callus tissue than in other vegetative organs .

  6. 水稻植株地上部分各器官中~(32)P主要集中在穗部谷粒中,其放射性比活度和总活度均为最高。籽粒放射性比活度约为营养器官的1.5~5倍。

    4.32P tracer experiment indicated that 32P was concentrated in seeds , both their radioactivity and specific activity are highest , about 1.5 ~ 5 times higher than that of vegetative organs in different cultivars .

  7. 半定量PCR结果表明该基因只在植株的生殖器官中表达,而在营养器官中不表达,推测其可能参与花形态建成过程的调节。

    The results of semi-quantitative PCR showed that it only expressed in the reproductive organs , which suggested that it was probably involved in the regulation of floral morphogenesis .

  8. 通过测定不同施N条件下油菜各器官的N素含量,研究了油菜后期根、茎枝、叶片等营养器官中N素的输出和角果中N素的积累。

    By testing the content of N in different amount of N fertilizer application to study the remobilization of N in roots , stem and branches and leaves and the accumulation of N in pods in rapeseed .

  9. 四川苏铁(Cycasszechuanensis)营养器官的解剖结构研究

    Anatomy of the vegetative organs of Cycas szechuanensis

  10. 在不同施N水平下,果聚糖在各组织器官中的分配模式也基本相同。茎秆是贮存果聚糖最主要的营养器官,在营养生长期茎秆分配了植株果聚糖积累的73.1%~87.8%。

    The pattern of fructan distibution in different tissue organ were also very similar at different N levels applied , Stems , containing about 73.3 % ~ 87.8 % of plants fructan accumulation during vegetative growing stages , were the major storage tissue organ for fructan .

  11. 研究结果表明:(1)香蕉各营养器官及不同月份的大中量元素的养分含量存在着明显的差异。其全株平均的养分含量从大到小排列为:K>N>Ca>P,Mg,S;

    The results showed : ( 1 ) The nutrient contents of the banana vary with months and with organs , the nutrient contents in whole banana plant follows the order of K > N > Ca > P , Mg , S ;

  12. 利用石蜡切片法研究了一品红(Euphorbiapulcherrima)试管苗、移栽苗和扦插苗的营养器官的解剖结构。

    Paraffin sectioning is applied to the research of anatomic structures of vegetative organs of test-tube , transplanted and cutting seedings of Euphorbia pulcherrima .

  13. 从乳熟期至成熟期,随着干物质、果聚糖和氮在营养器官中积累的降低,GY、GNY和籽粒果聚糖积累快速增加。

    GY , GNY and grain fructan accumulation increased sharply while dry matter , fructan and nitrogen accumulation of vegetative parts decreased from milk-ripe stage to maturity .

  14. 本试验在田间条件下研究了转Bt基因抗虫棉中棉所30的碳、氮代谢特征,于各主要生育期测定了棉株地上部营养器官的全N、非蛋白质N和可溶性糖及淀粉含量。

    Nitrogen and carbon metabolizing of Bt transgenic cotton CCRI 30 was studied under field condition by measuring the content of total nitrogen , of which is not a component part of protein ( PNN ), soluble sugar and starch in the vegetative part of cotton plant .

  15. 分析发现UV-B辐射增强能对作物的形态在根、茎、叶营养器官和生殖器官方面产生负面影响,从而进一步影响作物的生物量和产量;

    The result showed that the enhanced UV-B radiation had an adverse effect on crop morphology of root , stem , leave systems and reproductive organs . It had a further effect on biomass and yield of crops .

  16. 营养器官生物质(VOB)累积进入和终止FAP均早于生殖器官,但当施N量超过中N水平时,VOB累积终止FAP的时间晚于生殖器官。

    Vegetative organs biomass ( VOB ) accumulation initiated and terminated the FAP earlier than reproductive organs biomass ( ROB ), but terminated the FAP later than ROB when N rate was higher than medium level . 4 .

  17. 在SRI条件下,双本栽插能显著提高水稻群体茎蘖数,改善营养器官物质的运转和群体质量,有助于提高SRI的产量;

    Under SRI condition , planting two seedlings per hill could increase tiller number of plant population , dry matter translocation percentage from vegetative organs to grains and improve population quality , which was in favor of yield increase .

  18. 将整株阳性小苗和成熟苗的组织器官进行GUS染色,结果表明GUS基因在拟南芥幼苗和营养器官中的维管束组织表达,在生殖器官中则在雌蕊和雄蕊中表达。

    Gus staining of transgenic plant seedlings and mature plants tissues indicated that the mutant gene was expressed in vascular tissue of the Arabidopsis seedlings and in vegetative organs , also expressed in the pistil and stamen . 5 .

  19. 结果表明:(1)在营养器官与生殖器官中,IAA含量自四分体时期均低于对照,在花药中随CHA剂量增加IAA含量降低幅度增大;

    The results indicated : ( 1 ) The IAA content was lower than CK since the quardrant stage in the nutrient organ and reproductive organ , while the change extent in the anthers was closely related to the dosage of CHA ;

  20. 另外,PAs累积及其平衡在EBL引起的盐胁迫下早期幼苗的下胚轴膨大效应、营养器官的生长促进效应、生殖器官发育的改善效应等多方面也参与了重要的角色。

    Besides , accumulation and balance of PAs also played an important role in the EBL-caused enlargement effects of early seedling hypocotyl , the growth-promoting effects of the vegetative organs and meliorating effects of reproductive organs development under high salinity .

  21. 利用14CO2标记研究表明,生长后期水分亏缺下,小麦体内存在对花前营养器官临时库同化物的再动员和对产量的补偿机制;

    Using 14 CO 2 labelled research results showed : under growth late stage water deficient , wheat presents remobilization of assimilate from for anthesis vegetation organs " temporary sink " and compensative mechanism of yields formed ;

  22. 用来治疗消化器官溃疡的药物(商标是Carafate);据说能治愈溃疡。商陆营养器官解剖结构与非贮藏蛋白质组织化学定位

    A medicinal tablet ( trade name Carafate ) used to treat peptic ulcers ; said to bind to the ulcer site and coat it . Anatomical Structure and Protein Histochemical Localization in Vegetative Organs of Phytolacca americana

  23. 利用光学显微镜观察营养器官及繁殖器官的结构;

    Vegetative organs and reproductive organs were observed with a microscope .

  24. 大车前与平车前营养器官的比较解剖学研究

    Comparative anatomy study on vegetative organs of Plantago major and P.depressa

  25. 桃儿七营养器官解剖结构的地理差异

    Comparison Anatomy of Vegetative Organ of Sinopodophyllum emodi in Different Populations

  26. 杏营养器官解剖结构及抗旱性机理研究

    Anatomical structure of vegetative organs and drought-resistant mechanism in Armeniaca mandshurica

  27. 中国蜘蛛抱蛋属植物营养器官的解剖学研究

    The anatomy study on nutritive organs of Aspidistra plants in China

  28. 丹参营养器官中脂溶性成分的动态变化规律

    Content Variety of Liposoluble Components in Vegetative Organs of Salvia miltiorrhiza

  29. 小果菘兰营养器官的结构植物学研究

    Study on Structural Botany of Vegetative Organ of Isatis minima Bunge

  30. 两种寄生植物营养器官结构的研究

    The anatomic research on vegetative organ in two parasite species of Loranthaceae