
  1. 论述了敏捷虚拟企业(AVE)的特征,同时参考敏捷制造中RRS设计准则以及生物进化理论构建AVE的三维进化树模型。

    Illustrates the character of AVE and construct the three-dimensional evolutionary tree ( TDET ) model according to RRS design rule of agile manufacturing .

  2. 自1859年Darwin的《物种起源》发表以来,生物进化理论是对自然科学和自然哲学发展的最重大贡献之一,进化论是生命科学中最重要的理论。

    Since THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES of Darwin was published in 1859 , the theory of biologic evolution has been one of the most contributions to the development of natural science and natural philosophy . Evolutionism is the most important theory in life science .

  3. 将区域可控有序原理与生物进化理论相结合而形成的最佳方法

    Synthetic Optimization Approach of Combining Regional Guided Order Principle and Biological Evolutive Strategies

  4. 演化计算是人工智能领域中的基于生物进化理论的一个分支。

    The evolutionary computing is a branch of artificial intelligence based on a biological evolution theory .

  5. 生物进化理论的数学模型

    A mathematical model of evolutionism

  6. 通过学习进化的过程,解决生活中的复杂问题,生物进化理论便被完美地应用于实际。

    Through learning from the process of evolution , solving the complicated issues in the life , Biological Evolution Theory is used in the practise perfectly .

  7. 根据飞机尾流间隔要求,利用生物进化理论,找到更合理的航班着陆队列,减小了航班的总延误成本。

    According to the aircraft wake separation , the algorithm use biological evolution theory to find a more reasonable sequence to decrease the cost of total aircraft delay .

  8. 遗传算法是近年来在计算机科学领域和优化领域中受到广泛关注的一种拟生物进化理论的仿生学算法。

    Genetic Algorithm ( GA ), a method of bionics algorithms simulating evolution theories of biology , is widely applied in engineering optimization and other scientific computation fields .

  9. 因此,推出具有信息时代特征的生物进化理论和包括无机界与人类社会的广义进化理论,是当代学者的重要使命。

    So , it is the one of scholars'important missions in new era to introduce biological evolutionism with characteristic of the information era and the evolutionism with broad sense in the inorganic world and human society .

  10. 介绍了一种求解试验电路参数的新方法&遗传算法,它是模拟自然界生物进化理论的一种并行随机优化算法。

    A new method , genetic algorithm , for computing parameters of experimental circuits is presented in the paper . It is a parallel and random optimization method that simulates the theory of biological evolution in the nature .

  11. 作者认为哈代对达尔文主义做出了积极的反应,体现在《苔丝》中具体包括:对基督教上帝的绝望;遵循自然选择原则;将生物进化理论用于人类社会发展。

    It is my argument that Hardy responds actively to Darwinism with his belief in Darwinism including desperation with Christian God , compliance with the three principles of natural selection , and application of the law of evolution to human society .

  12. 生物适应进化理论与我国的人口及环境问题

    The Organic Adaptive Evolutionary Theory and Chinese Population & Environment Question

  13. 其他科学家不断地对生物进化的理论予以完善。

    The other scientists are perfecting the evolution theory continuously .

  14. 注册会计师审计的生物进化博弈理论

    The Evolution Eame Theory of CPA Auditing

  15. 我们根据生物进化的理论,自然界生物在由低级向高级物种进化的过程中,不同种属的同类基因表现为一定的同源性,而且种属之间的同源关系越远其免疫原性越强。

    By the theory of biologic evolution , different organisms exist homologous genes when the nature evolves from the lower grade to the higher grade .

  16. 基于生物进化遗传理论中有显性、隐性遗传因子的理念,本文提出了一种采用单点四进制编码的遗传算法,即完全显隐性二倍体遗传算法。

    This paper presents a single-locus tetra-allelic binary Genetic Algorithm based on the concept of dominant and recessive genes , which is named Full Dominance-Recessive Diploid GA.

  17. 基于细胞因子的生物网络协同进化理论与应用研究

    Study on Co-Evolution Theory of Bio-Network Based on Cytokine Network and Its Applications

  18. 化石DNA的研究将在修正进化率、认识成种作用、独立检验生物分类以及各种进化理论方面具有重大意义。

    The study of fossil DNA contributes significant ideas in evolutionary rate and provides independent testing on many evolutionary theories .

  19. 依照Г(α,β)分布估计了酵母基因组中ORF数目的上限为5870个。该方法对于研究生物基因组进化以及评估理论预测基因的可靠性具有建设性意义。

    In terms of the Г(α,β) distribution , it was estimated that the maximum number of protein coding sequences in Saccharomyces cerevisiae was approximately 5870 . This theoretical method used in this paper has constructive significance for studying the genome evolution and evaluating the reliability of gene identification .

  20. 合作现象在生物系统以及社会系统中广泛存在,研究自私群体中合作的涌现和演化是进化生物理论和进化社会理论研究的重要课题之一。

    Cooperation is ubiquitous both in biological and social system , researching the emergence and the evolution of cooperative behaviors is one of the most important issues in the evolutionary biological and social theory .