
  • 网络California;gulf of california;The Sea of Cortez
  1. 飓风横扫过加利福尼亚湾。

    The hurricane swept across the Gulf of california .

  2. 科罗拉多河起源于落矶山脉,朝西南流入加利福尼亚湾。

    The Colorado River rises in the Rockies and flows southwest into the Gulf of California .

  3. 最后以加利福尼亚湾地区为例阐述了RCL的具体研究情况及存在问题。

    In the end , this paper takes the research on the California / Salton Trough as an example to illuminate the methods and questions in ' RCL ' programs .

  4. 而同样完整晶形的重晶石曾在加利福尼亚湾Guaymas盆地被发现,并被确认属热水成因。

    Barite with similar idiomorph has been reported in the Guaymas Basin , California , and been confirmed with hydrothermal origin .

  5. 地处墨西哥的这片地区一直延伸到加利福尼亚湾和太平洋之间。

    It 's part of Mexico that stretches down between the Gulf of California and the Pacific Ocean .

  6. 图片中显示的是一个鲨鱼的胎儿,是从加利福尼亚湾捕获的怀孕鲨鱼的肚子中切出来的。

    A fetal shark cut from the belly of a pregnant shark caught in the Gulf of California .

  7. 这些发现是在对加利福尼亚湾的156只蓝鲸、长须鲸和抹香鲸进行研究后得出的。

    The findings come from a study of156 blue , fin and sperm whales swimming in the Gulf of California .

  8. 周末奥迪尔开始在周三向加利福尼亚湾前进,沿途经过亚利桑那州,致使南部遭遇新一轮暴雨。

    The weekend Odile headed over the Gulf of California Wednesday on its way to Arizona as a new storm loomed to the South .

  9. 这个春季,海洋生物学家们驾驶一架无人机飞越加利福尼亚湾,采集从蓝鲸头顶的呼吸孔喷射出的液体标本。

    This spring marine biologists flew a drone over the Sea of Cortez to capture samples of the fluid sprayed from the blowholes of blue whales .

  10. 加利福尼亚湾的通勤者非常幸运,因为其中一条交通大动脉今天开通,比预期提早一天。

    Commuters in California 's bay area are in luck because one of the arteries for traffic is open today , one day sooner than expected .

  11. 在美洲南部的海,在巴拿马湾,在加利福尼亚湾,都有人采珍珠,但采珠成绩最优良的地方是在锡兰岛。

    plus those seas south of the United States , the Gulf of Panama and the Gulf of California ; but it 's off Ceylon that such fishing reaps its richest rewards .

  12. 加利福尼亚的蒙特雷湾是海狮、海獭等海洋生物繁衍生息的家园,它也是著名的蒙特雷湾水族馆的所在地。

    Monteray Bay in California is home of sea lions , sea otters and myriad animals and plants that thrive in the rich coastal waters . It 's also home of the remarkable Monteray Bay Aquarium .

  13. Broadcom总部在美国加利福尼亚州的尔湾(Irvine),在北美洲、亚洲和欧洲有办事处和研究机构。

    Broadcom is headquartered in Irvine , Calif. , and has offices and research facilities in North America , Asia and Europe .