
jiā quán
  • weighting;assign weights or a weight to
  1. 这次调查的结果进行了加权处理,以包容样本中的偏差。

    The results of the survey were weighted to allow for variations in the sample .

  2. 每种因素按1至10之间的数值加权。

    Each of the factors is given a weighting on a scale of 1 to 10 .

  3. 此方法是根据跟踪信号不断调整加权系数,以此提高预测精度

    AWES adjust the smoothing factor continuously according to anterior prediction errors .

  4. MR弥散加权成像在颈髓中的应用

    The Application of Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging Techniques in Cervical Spinal Cord

  5. 不同b值磁共振扩散加权成像鉴别诊断胰腺癌与慢性肿块型胰腺炎

    Different b values on DWI in differential diagnosis of pancreatic carcinoma and chronic mass-forming pancreatitis

  6. 特别的,若设C代表复平面,那么S就称为一个n重单边算子加权移位,所有这样的算子的集合记为IWl~2(C~n)。

    The set of all this kind of operators is denoted by IW2 ( H ) .

  7. 猫急性脑静脉闭塞模型的MR扩散加权成像与病理学对照研究

    Evaluation of an acute experimental cerebral venous occlusion in cats with MR diffusion weighted imaging and histopathology

  8. Sharp极大算子的加权弱型估计的影响极大。

    Weighted Weak Estimate of Sharp Maximal Operator is maximum .

  9. 加权实时数据融合在线阵CCD测温中的应用研究

    Research on weighted fusion algorithm in temperature measurement system based on linear CCD

  10. 结构随机分析的MonteCarlo加权残值法

    The weighted residual method by Monte Carlo for random numerical analysis of structures

  11. 加权Fourier变换及其统计性质

    Weighted Fourier Transforms and Their Statistical Properties

  12. 提出了一种加权的Web挖掘技术,从Web日志中发现语义限定的加权序列模式。

    This paper attempts to propose a weighted Web mining technique using linguistic parameters to discover weighted browsing patterns from log data in Web servers .

  13. 利用加权平均模型M(·,⊕)模糊合成并且将A和R合成得到模糊综合评价结果向量B;

    Using weighted average model M (, ) to synthesis A and R and get fuzzy synthesize evaluation result - vector B.VI .

  14. 震级加权四指标Blade算法及在地震带识别中的应用

    The Ms-weighted 4-index blade algorithm and its application for identifying the seismic belts in the Great North China

  15. 加权残数法用于侧向力作用下开有n排孔列的剪力墙的近似解

    The application of the method of weighted residuals to the Stress-Analysis of the shear walls with N-ROWS of openings subjected to lateral loads

  16. 量测噪声自动加权Kalman滤波

    Measurement Noise Automatic Weight Kalman Filter

  17. 连续时间对偶加权Markov分支过程

    Continuous-time Dual Weighted Markov Branching Processes

  18. 先是利用对称根轨迹确定加权阵Q和R的各种适当的组合,然后计算这些组合下系统的H2范数。

    At first the suitable combinations of the weighting matrices Q and R are selected by using the symmetric root locus .

  19. 针对Web应用挖掘中聚类算法中的问题,提出加权Web访问模式聚类算法。

    The present paper points out some problems with current user traversal pattern clustering algorithms in Web mining , and presents a weighted Web traversal pattern clustering algorithm .

  20. 关于有消失矩的函数的Hilbert变换的加权范数不等式

    On Weighted Norm Inequalities for the Hilbert Transforms of Functions with Moments Zero

  21. 引进了Bα空间中加权K泛函与加权光滑模的定义,并推导了其等价性。

    We introduce the definition of the weighted K-functional and the weighted smoothness moduli in the B_ α space , and prove their equivalence relation .

  22. MCM布线中求取最大加权不相交匹配的有效算法

    Algorithm to Solve Maximum Weighted Non Crossing Matching in MCM Routing

  23. 分析了Vague集的性质,定义了Vague集上的加权析取式和加权合取式。

    The characteristics of Vague sets are analyzed . The conjunctive and disjunctive forms based on Vague sets are defined .

  24. 度量金融风险的VaR方法在国际上被广泛地应用于度量各种金融工具的风险,本文讨论了估计VaR的EWMA方法,即指数加权移动平均法。

    VaR methodology for measuring financial risk has been applied widely in various financial instruments .

  25. 加权Hardy空间中解析函数的唯一性及多元指数多项式的加权逼近

    Uniqueness of analytic functions in weighted Hardy space and weighted exponential polynomial approximation in many variables

  26. 尤其是采用加权最小二乘估计的ARMA模型,预报精度更高。

    Especially ARMA model with weighted least square estimate is good performance in forecasting accuracy .

  27. Lorentz空间上单调函数的加权不等式

    Weighted inequalities for monotone functions in Lorentz spaces

  28. 利用含状态约束Kalman滤波和最优加权思想得到了含状态约束的最优加权信息融合算法。

    The optimal weighted fusion algorithms with state constraints are derived based upon the Kalman filter with constraints and the optimal weighted idea .

  29. 快速加权滑窗RLS格型算法

    Fast Sliding - windowed Weighted RLS Lattice Algorithm

  30. 目的:探讨MRI中三维T1加权成像梯度回波(3DT1WI/TFE)序列在肝硬化结节诊断中的价值。

    Objective : To study the 3D T 1WI / TFE sequence of MRI applied in the diagnoses of hepatic cirrhosis nodules .