
xínɡ tài zhǒnɡ
  • morphospecies;form species
  1. 对侧耳属8个形态种及待定种名的18个菌株的胞外漆酶(ECL)同工酶进行了测定,其中的5个形态种及待定种名的3个菌株也分别进行了单孢配对亲和性测定。

    Extracellular laccase ( ECL ) isozymes in 8 morphological species and 18 strains of Pleurotus were determined and monocaryotic pairing compatibility of 5 species and 3 strains were tested .

  2. 两种宿轴锦鸡儿花粉形态种内分化及近缘种的比较研究

    Intraspecific Differentiation in Pollen Morphology of Two Species of Caragana Fabr And Comparison With Their Affinities

  3. 而P对共晶Al&Si合金的变质是以AlP异质形核和原子态P影响Si相形态两种机制共同作用的结果。

    The modification for the hypereutectic Al-Si alloy mainly depends on heterogeneous nucleation mechanism induced by AlP particles .

  4. 试论花粉形态在种内变异的意义

    On Significances of Intraspecific Variation in Pollen Morphology

  5. 多种动物房室交界区形态结构种属差异的研究

    The Study of Species Difference in the Architecture of Atrioventricular Junction in Different Species of Animals

  6. 其中,通过化学浸解法,从碎屑岩中获得14个形态属种的微生物化石;

    Microfossils in clastic rocks are extracted by maceration and 14 genera and species are identified .

  7. 本文还探讨了研究花粉形态在种内变异的意义和必要性。

    In addition , the significances of intraspecific variations of pollen morphology were discussed in the paper .

  8. 钼系加氢精制催化剂中助剂镍的存在形态一种新型的磷化钼加氢精制催化剂的研究

    STUDY ON THE EXISTING STATES OF Ni IN Mo-Ni / γ - Al_2O_3 CATALYSTS A Novel Molybdenum Phosphide Catalyst for Hydrorefining

  9. 行政判决有三种形态第一种表现为正式的法源,是一种正式的法律规范,称之为行政判例法;

    There are three modes of administrative judgment . The first one is a formal legal norm which is called administrative case law .

  10. 在极化目标检测方面,结合目标的灰度和形态两种特征,利用扩展分形来对人造目标进行检测。

    In polarization target detection , by combining gray value with shape of target , artifical targets were detected based on extended fractal .

  11. 自动目标识别算法通常利用目标和杂波之间的灰度差异,而扩展分形则同时利用了目标的灰度和形态两种特征。

    Automatic target recognition often utilizes the cont ra st between the target and surrounding clutter , but extended fractal utilizes not only the contrast but also shape of target .

  12. 通过对多种动物肝叶愈合的比较,指出肝脏形态的种间差别主要表现在肝叶愈合程度不一,但肝叶愈合并无进化意义。

    By comparing with some other animals on the fusion of lobes the author pointed out that the interspecific differences on the form of livers are mainly expressed in varying degrees of the fusion , but the fusion is not concerned with the evolution .

  13. 结果:DRC韧带形态有4种类型:⑴DRC韧带由单一部分起源于桡骨远端背侧Lister结节前及其尺侧占33%(25侧);

    Results : The DRC ligaments were classified into 4 types according to its fibres attachment : Type I , the DRC ligament originated from the distal and ulnar to Lister 's tubercle of the radius and consisted of a single thick fiber ( 33 % ) .

  14. 社会主义作为一种现实的社会形态,一种国家实体,已走过了近一个世纪的发展历程。

    As a social form , socialism has developed for a century .

  15. 论马克思六种社会形态与三种社会形态的关系

    Relation Between Marx ' Six Social Forms " and Three Social Forms "

  16. 骨架是图像几何形态的一种重要拓扑描述,利用骨架表示原始图像,在保持图像拓扑特征的前提下,减少了冗余信息。

    Skeleton is an important topological description of the geometric properties of image .

  17. 鸟类跗跖骨远端形态的两种模式及其栖息行为

    Morphology of Distal Tarsometatarsus and Perching Habits in Birds

  18. 论三种社会形态与三种实践观

    On Three Social Forms and Three Views on Practice

  19. 结论:不同种属动物房室交界区形态结构存在种属差异。

    Conclusion : Species difference exist in atrioventricular junction among different species of animals .

  20. 形体弱化及层次化&建筑造型及形态的一种倾向

    Shape Weakening and Layering & A Kind of Trend in Architectural Shape and Form

  21. 内蒙三种沙蜥形态特征的种间和种内差异

    Inter-and intra-specific differences in morphological traits in three species of toad-headed lizards from Inner Mongolia

  22. 结果表明耳石形态的差异种间较种内更为明显。

    The results suggested that much more significant inter-species differences were observed than those of intra-species .

  23. 作为犯罪既遂形态的两种相互紧密联系的类型,明确行为犯与危险犯之间的界限对于妥当地处罚犯罪人是相当关键的。

    It is important to carve up the bourn between the behavioral offence and potential damage offence .

  24. 结构形态作为一种造型设计方法,是大多数建筑师在体育建筑创作中首先考虑的因素。

    As a method of design , structural form is firstly considered in creation by most architects .

  25. 其空间形态是一种空间与人的情感感受互相交融的组合体。

    It is a combination body that the space and the man sensibility each other action and amalgamation .

  26. 在中国长期的封建社会中,劳动关系的主要形态是一种身份关系。

    In the China long-term feudal society , the work relations mainly is one kind of status relations .

  27. 按上述这些原则提出了47种岩溶个体形态与9种岩溶形态组合。3.根据不同指标划分岩溶类型。

    On these principles , 47 primary karst individual forms and 9 complex of karst forms are presented .

  28. 本文认为,城市的发展形态有两种基本模式:一是人口转移型的城市化,二是结构转换型的城市化。

    The paper analyzes two main models of urbanization : Urbanization of population transfer and urbanization of structural transition .

  29. 与共同故意犯罪相对,共同过失犯罪也是共同犯罪形态的一种。

    As the counter-part of joint intent crime , joint negligence crime is also one form of joint crime .

  30. 摄影文学作为艺术形态的一种,在当前情况下集中地体现了它存在的社会文化意义。

    Photographic Literature , which is one kind of art forms , embodies mostly the culture meanings of the society .