
  • 【地】formation age
  1. 黄土形成年龄的ESR研究

    A study on the formative ages of loess by ESR

  2. 利用锆石U-Pb法测得车路沟英安斑岩的形成年龄为(427.7±4.5)Ma,成岩时代属加里东晚期。

    Its diagenetic age is about ( 427.7 ± 4.5 ) Ma measured by U-Pb dating method .

  3. 包体KAr年龄为152Ma,与其寄主岩石的形成年龄(155~161Ma)接近,显示岩浆混合作用发生的时间大致为晚侏罗世早期。

    The formation age ( 152 Ma ) of the enclave is close to that ( 155 ~ 161 Ma ) of the host rock , suggesting that the mixing event took place during the early period of Late Jurassic .

  4. 其形成年龄为287±5Ma,为早二叠世。

    Its formation age is 287 ± 5Ma , belongs to the early Permian . 2 .

  5. 河北滦平球状闪长岩球中锆石的U-Pb年龄为284±8Ma,代表了球体的形成年龄。

    The zircon U-Pb age of the orbs in Luanping orbicular diorite is 284 ± 8Ma , which represents the formation age of the orbs .

  6. 球间基质中角闪石的K-Ar法年龄为291±4Ma,代表了岩体形成年龄;

    The hornblende K - Ar age of matrix between the orbs is 291 ± 4Ma , representing the formation age of the pluton ;

  7. 由于Re,Os独特的地球化学性质,Re-Os同位素体系可以用来确定特定矿床的形成年龄,特别为金属矿床形成时代的研究开辟了新的途径。

    Re-Os isotopic system is a widely used method in earth science researches since 1990 's , the u-nique characteristics of Re-Os isotope make it possible to determine the age of some special kinds of ore de-posits , especially the age of metallic ore deposit .

  8. 锆石ELA-ICP-MS定年结果表明其形成年龄为237.5±4.8Ma,属印支期岩浆活动的产物。

    Zircon ELA-ICP-MS dating for this pluton yields a 237 . 5 ± 4 . 8 Ma age which indicates that it is the product of Indosinian magmatism .

  9. 塔里木盆地库车河烧变岩的形成年龄

    Formation ages of burned metamorphic rocks from the Kuqa River Section Tarim Basin

  10. 白云鄂博稀土矿床形成年龄的新数据

    New data for ore-forming age of the Bayan Obo REE ore deposit , inner Mongolia

  11. 以四堡群为代表的下地壳形成年龄大于2120Ma。

    The forming age of the lower crust represented by Sibu group is more than 2120 Ma .

  12. 大陆岩石圈地幔的古老形成年龄与上覆地壳克拉通的古老稳定年龄相耦合。

    The ancient formation age of continental lithospheric mantle is coupling with the age of overlying craton crust .

  13. 原始球粒陨石中富钙-铝包体和球粒的形成年龄,可作为早期太阳星云演化的时标;

    Formation ages of Ca-Al-rich inclusions and chondrules may speculate the time-scale of evolution of the early solar nebula .

  14. 对紧邻玄武岩的上覆安山岩的火山锆石U-PbLA-ICPMS定年结果表明,形成年龄为(113.6±0.87)Ma,代表了该套火山岩的喷发年龄,表明它们形成于早白垩世晚期。

    Zircons from the andesite were dated by LA-ICPMS yielding a late Early Cretaceous age of ( 113.6 ± 0.87 ) Ma .

  15. 磷灰石裂变径迹数据表明:矿床形成年龄大于93.9Ma,其后经历了复杂的构造热演化过程。

    Fission track data shows that the deposit is formed earlier than 93.9 Ma , and undergoes complicated tectonic-thermal evolution processes later .

  16. 笔者利用河流阶地与阶地形成年龄间的线性关系研究了岷江中游段的河流下蚀率。

    The linear relationship between river terrace and river incision was used to determine incision rate in the middle reaches of Minjiang River .

  17. 层状辉长岩(或堆晶层状辉长岩)通常起源于洋脊下的岩浆房,因而它的形成年龄代表洋壳形成的时代。

    Layered gabbro ( layered cumulate gabbro ) was derived from magma chamber under ridge , thus its formation age records the generation of oceanic crust .

  18. 中天山东段花岗岩类钕锶氧同位素及地壳形成年龄

    A study of nd , sr , and O isotopes and the crustal growth age of granites in eastern segment of Middle East Tianshan belt , China

  19. 因此,他期望通过观察地表和地内的温度差别(即所谓地温梯度)来推测地球的形成年龄。

    Therefore , he expected to speculate the formation age of the Earth by observing the difference in temperature of the interior and surface ( so-called geothermal gradient ) .

  20. 这些研究成果对于阐明该区赋存铀资源的第三系砂岩含矿含水层中地下水补给来源、补给区高程和形成年龄以及论证铀成矿规律具有重要现实意义。

    The results play an important role in demonstrating the recharge source , the altitude of the recharge area , the age of underground water in the uranium bearing Tertiary strata and the uranium metallogenic regularity .

  21. 没有足够的理由在制定干部年龄政策时只重视某一个年龄段,忽视其他年龄段,甚至形成年龄歧视。

    There is no reason to put more emphasis on a certain period of age in the formulation of the cadre policy at the cost of neglecting the other , even the occurrence of age discrimination .

  22. 从形成年龄和分布位置看,该蛇绿岩残片极有可能与南天山晚古生代蛇绿岩带相对应,代表了南天山与塔里木板块的界线。

    According to the age and sites , it is proposed that the ophiolitic remnants can be correlated with the Late Paleozoic ophiolite belt in south Tianshan Mountains which serves as the boundary be-tween the Tarim Plate and the South Tianshan tectonic belt .

  23. 本文用ESR断代方法研究两个不同类型黄土剖面形成的年龄,所得风成黄土年龄数据与相同位置黄土标本的古地磁测定结果符合得较好;

    ESR dating methods were used to determine the formative ages of two different kinds of loess sections .

  24. Logistic回归分析发现,颈动脉软斑的形成与年龄、高血压及OXLDL水平独立相关。

    By Logistic regression analysis , we found the development of low echo plaques was independently associated with age , hypertension and the plasma level of Ox LDL .

  25. 基于相似性信息激活的相似表征形成及年龄差异

    Similarity Representation and Difference in Age Basing on Similarity Information Activity

  26. 南海诸岛土壤的形成和年龄

    Formation of the soils in the South China Sea Islands and their ages

  27. 证候的形成与年龄、病程及素体体质等因素相关。

    The related factors such as age , courses and physique affect the formation of syndromes .

  28. ESR年代测定结果表明,冰碛形成的最大年龄为2.33Ma。

    ESR dating of moraines gives a maximum age of 2.33 Ma .

  29. CRP水平、脉压与颈动脉粥样硬化形成有关,年龄和纤维蛋白原水平是颈动脉粥样硬化形成的独立危险因素。

    The carotid artery atherosclerosis are influenced by the level of plasma CRP and pulse pressure . The age and the plasma fibrinogen are independent factors that influence the carotid atherosclerosis .

  30. 云英岩中的白云母钾氩年龄只有177.9Ma±2.6Ma,低于实际形成时间的年龄值,反映了成矿后研究区构造热事件的干扰。

    The K-Ar age for mica from greisen is 177.9 Ma ± 2.6 Ma , obviously late than the metallogenic time , reflecting a post-ore tectono-thermal disturbance event .