
jiā nà
  • Ghana;garner
加纳[jiā nà]
  1. 加纳在人权方面并非毫无瑕疵。

    Ghana does not have an unblemished record on human rights .

  2. 玉米产量增长得如此迅速,现在加纳已经可以出口玉米了。

    It has increased to such an extent that Ghana can now export maize .

  3. 加纳的主要出口商品是可可豆。

    Ghana 's main export is cocoa .

  4. 第二辆车插着加纳的三角旗。

    The second car was flying the Ghanaian pennant .

  5. 加纳的HelloFood应用能帮助用户从本地供应商那里订购食品。

    Hello Food in Ghana allows customers to order food from their local suppliers .

  6. 采用罗维邦自动比色仪可以直接测定固体脂松香的加纳色度值和颜色级别。同时与E型罗维邦比色仪和中国松香颜色分级玻璃标准色块测定的结果进行比较。

    Gardner chromaticity value and color grade of solid gum rosin was determined with a Lovibond automatic colorimeter .

  7. 8月下旬在加纳开始了婴儿中的II期研究,预计将在2010年产生结果。

    A phase II study in infants began in Ghana in late August with results expected in2010 .

  8. 用碳-13核磁共振法测定加纳霉胺的Pka值

    Determination of garamine pk_a by carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance

  9. 在英联邦国家中包括印度、马来西亚、博茨瓦纳、加纳和肯尼亚等这一天被称为国殇纪念日(RemembranceDay)。

    In the Commonwealth countries including India , Malaysia , Botswana , Ghana and Kenya , among many others the day is referred to as Remembrance Day .

  10. 聚集在香港北角地区华丰国货(ChineseGoodsCenter)外的三十多名抗议者中,包括一名身穿大象道具服的孩子,以及多名来自加纳、多哥、喀麦隆和尼日利亚的鼓手。

    The three dozen or so protesters who gathered at the Chinese Goods Center in Hong Kong 's North Point neighborhood included a child in an elephant costume and drummers from Ghana , Togo , Cameroon and Nigeria .

  11. 加纳伙伴基金合伙人查尔斯彭纳(CharlesPenner)表示:我们唯一真正的‘选民’就是股东。

    Our only real constituency is shareholders , said Charles Penner , partner at Jana .

  12. 在早期的比赛中,Paul成功的预测了小组赛当中德国取胜加纳和澳大利亚,以及对阵塞尔维亚的失利。

    Earlier in the tournament , the mollusc medium correctly predicted Germany would beat Ghana and Australia in their group D matches and was also right to predict they would lose to Serbia .

  13. 该报告将提交给4月在加纳举行的一场UNCTAD会议的圆桌讨论会。

    The report will be presented at a roundtable discussion at an UNCTAD conference in Ghana in April .

  14. 如国大党在AP执政,2004年为赢得选举而与拉奥的泰仑加纳民族党联手,遂接受了泰区建邦的要求。

    The Congress party , which also rules AP , accepted Telangana 's claim to statehood in2004 , when it joined forces with Mr Rao 's Telangana Rashtra Samiti party to fight elections .

  15. EliasSory是加纳健康服务的处长。

    Elias Sory is the director general of health services in Ghana .

  16. 一个名为TAP的试验项目正在为三个国家(布基纳法索、莫桑比克和加纳)的抗逆转病毒药物治疗提供6000万美元的资金援助,以期为成千上万更多的人提供这种治疗。

    A pilot project , TAP is providing a total of US $ 60 million to fund ART in three countries Burkina Faso , Mozambique , and Ghana in anticipation of providing ART to thousands more .

  17. 总部设在上海的中欧国际工商学院(ceibs)由中国和欧盟(europeanunion)共同创办,该学院目前正计划在加纳首都阿克拉(accra)开设第一所海外分校。

    China Europe International Business School , the Shanghai-based business school set up with the European Union , plans to open a campus outside China in Accra , the capital of Ghana .

  18. “这是个明显的进步,无论是在增长方面还是在减轻贫困方面,”世界银行的加纳国家业务局局长MatsKarlsson说。

    " This is striking progress , both on growth and poverty ," says World Bank Ghana Country Director Mats Karlsson .

  19. 我们利用一份简短的结构性问卷对加纳所有四年级医科学生开展了离散选择试验,并使用组合logit模型来估计每个工作属性的效用。

    We conducted the DCE among all fourth year medical students in Ghana using a brief structured questionnaire and used mixed logit models to estimate the utility of each job attribute .

  20. 他称巴德是“第二次机会”。马文·平卡罗(MarvinPinkrah)是从较差的高中转校过来的,但他在加纳的早期基础很扎实。

    He calls Bard " a second chance . " Marvin Pinkrah transferred from a low-performing high school but had strong early preparation in Ghana .

  21. 对Cushing病患者,无论是单纯胰岛素低血糖还是胰岛素低血糖加纳络酮均不能改变其血N-POMC和F水平,可能此两种刺激均未能引起内源性CRH释放增加。

    But in the patients with Cushing 's disease , both insulin-induced hypoglycemia ( RI 0.30 U / kg ) and naloxone could not alter the blood N-POMC and cortisol levels .

  22. 加纳一直是非洲大陆竞争最激烈的市场。南非MTN、Zain和沃达丰(Vodafone)面临三家较小的竞争对手。

    In Ghana , held to be the continent 's most competitive market , South Africa 's MTN , Zain and Vodafone face three smaller competitors .

  23. Sory医生说,该技术可以使加纳主要的教育医院KorleBu的医生与大家分享知识更加容易。

    Doctor Sory says the technology will also make it easier for doctors at Ghana 's main teaching hospital , Korle Bu , to share their knowledge .

  24. 林奇和加纳的技术,14K黄金完美的显示在这款光滑且高度抛光的绗缝设计上。

    The Leach & Garner ? 14K yellow gold is shown to perfection in this satin and high polished " quilt " design .

  25. AbeMirza在他从商的日子里做了很多事情,但却远不及他在加纳短时间里所获得的满足感。

    Abe Mirza says he did a lot in his years as a businessman , but nothing compares to the feeling of satisfaction he got from his short time in Ghana .

  26. 他最让人惊讶的一次举动是在2006年上任联合国秘书长——富于个人魅力的加纳人科菲褠坛(KofiAnnan)——任期结束的时候做出的。潘基文出人意料地宣布参加竞选。

    His most startling manoeuvre came in 2006 , when the term of the previous UN secretary-general - the charismatic Ghanaian Kofi Annan - ended . Ban unexpectedly threw his hat into the ring .

  27. “想想几个月下来,我们仍在接受支持,确实令人感动,”加纳北部政府大臣MustaphaAliIdris说。

    " To think that several months down the line we are still receiving support really touches our hearts ," says Mustapha Ali Idris , a government minister in northern Ghana .

  28. 加纳预测,年底前MSCI指数有望出现20%以上的涨幅。在2009年实现了78%的惊人涨幅之后,今年该指数一直在横向盘整。

    Mr Garner forecasts that the MSCI index , which has gone sideways this year after a stellar 78 per cent gain in 2009 is now set for a 20 per cent-plus jump by the year-end .

  29. 2008年与时任加纳总统约翰库福尔(johnkufuor)的会晤,让中欧国际工商学院得到了加纳政府将提供官方支持的承诺,中欧非洲项目的地点也选在了加纳首都阿克拉。

    A meeting with then president of Ghana John Kufuor in 2008 gave CEIBS the assurance that it would get the bureaucratic support from the Ghanaian government and the capital Accra was chosen as the location for the CEIBS Africa Programme .

  30. 喜力公司(Heineken)和迪阿吉奥公司(Diageo)虽然没有用高粱全面代替昂贵的大麦作为酿酒原料,但从2008年开始,这两家公司也同样在加纳、塞拉利昂和喀麦隆推出了高粱啤酒。

    Since 2008 , Heineken and Diageo ( deo ) have done the same in Ghana , Sierra Leone and Cameroon , albeit not replacing pricier barley with Sorghum at a 100 % rate .