
  • 网络Carolines;Caroline Islands
  1. 密克罗尼西亚联邦座落于西太平洋加罗林群岛(CarolineIslands)。

    The Federated States of Micronesia are located on the Caroline Islands in the western Pacific Ocean .

  2. 它包括607个岛屿,跨越菲律宾东部加罗林群岛(carolineislands),跨越1800英里。

    It consists of 607 islands extending 1800 miles across the archipelago of the Caroline Islands east of the Philippines .

  3. 贝劳太平洋西部加罗林群岛中的一组火山岛和小岛。

    A group of volcanic islands and islets in the Caroline Islands of the western Pacific Ocean .

  4. 这也许可以解释为什么在加罗林群岛,伸出舌头被认为可以驱逐恶魔。

    This may explain why , in the Caroline Islands , sticking out tongues is believed to be a way to banish demons .