
  • 网络Jersey;Island of Jersey;Jersey Island
  1. 这些岛屿中就数泽西岛最能吸引游客。

    Jersey is the most touristy of the islands .

  2. 目前共有60家中国企业在Aim市场挂牌,其中四分之一是在泽西岛注册的。

    Of the 60 Chinese companies listed on Aim , a quarter are incorporated in Jersey .

  3. 在泽西岛注册的中国西部水泥有限公司(WestChinaCement)上周表示,公司正计划明年在香港挂牌上市,并将重新审查自己在伦敦的上市。

    West China Cement , a Jersey-domiciled Chinese cement producer , revealed last week that it was planning to list in Hong Kong next year and would review its listing in London .

  4. 最近,梅隆因为一场在英国泽西岛(JerseyIslands)提起诉讼的针对其母亲的官司而得到了600万英镑,约合950万美元。

    Recently , she was awarded GBP6 million , or $ 9.5 million , in a lawsuit filed in the Jersey Islands , in the U.

  5. 与瑞士一起签署协议的还有至少44个国家,其中包括其他经合组织国家、G20成员国以及开曼群岛和泽西岛等离岸中心。

    Switzerland is joining at least 44 nations in signing the agreement , which includes other OECD members , the G20 group of leading countries and offshore centres such as the Cayman Islands and Jersey .

  6. 以及这是否合法?MEL当时的两名泽西岛律师董事告诉泽西岛金融监管局(JFSC),他们被蒙在鼓里。

    Two members of MEL 's board at the time , who are Jersey lawyers , told the Jersey Financial Services Commission ( JFSC ) that they had been kept in the dark about the buyback .

  7. 比如泽西岛就引入了严格的居住政策。

    Jersey , for instance , imposes strict housing restrictions .

  8. 泽西岛是英吉利海峡中的一个岛。

    Jersey is an island in the English channel .

  9. 他不应该把泽西岛也牵扯进来。

    He shouldn 't have brought Jersey into it .

  10. 海峡群岛泽西岛、根西岛、奥尔德尼岛和沙克岛也都是自治的。

    The Channel Islands jersey , guernsey , aldeney , and Sark are also self-governing .

  11. 你在泽西岛看到很多仙人掌吗?

    You see many cacti in jersey ?

  12. 去泽西岛的一张单程票。

    A one-way ticket to jersey .

  13. 至于邻近的泽西岛官员的反应,最好的总结是“嗤之以鼻”。

    The response of government officials on nearby Jersey can best be summarised as " harrumph " .

  14. 格恩西岛、泽西岛与马恩岛等离岸中心排名也都有所上升。

    The offshore centres of Guernsey , Jersey and the Isle of Man all gained as well .

  15. 还有不对称的泽西岛裙子。

    And asymmetrical jersey skirts .

  16. 有六个人在英吉利海峡上的泽西岛遇刺身亡。

    Six people have been killed by stabbing on the island of Jersey in the English Channel .

  17. 该事故震惊了英国的海峡群的泽西岛,这里的犯罪率一直非常低。

    The incident shocked Jersey , one of the British Channel islands , where crime rates are normally extremely low .

  18. 英国泽西岛的一只天鹅第二次被剪短了翅膀,因为他爱上了一架直升飞机。

    A swan in Jersey has had its wings clipped for a second time after falling in love with a helicopter .

  19. 在英国内战海峡泽西岛仍忠于官方和庇护了国王。

    During the English Civil War the Channel Isle of Jersey remained loyal to the Crown and gave sanctuary to the King .

  20. 如果把泽西岛上所有的公路头尾相连,能从伦敦到阿姆斯特丹绕个来回。

    If all the roads on the island of Jersey were laid end to end , they would stretch from London to amsterdam .

  21. 此守则还适用于欧盟成员国的从属国,因此覆盖到了诸如泽西岛、西岛、曼群岛这些避税港。

    The code was extended to EU members ' dependencies , so it covered tax havens such as Jersey , Guernsey and Cayman .

  22. 但是每个新的一天,就像泽西岛诗人所说,恐惧都潜伏在黎明前的黑暗中。

    But each new day , fear is , as the Jersey poet said , lurking in the darkness of the edge of dawn .

  23. 一名30岁的男子在医院接受手术后因涉嫌谋杀,在泽西岛主要城市圣赫利尔被捕。

    A30-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder in the island 's main city St Helier after he himself underwent surgery in hospital .

  24. 去年他喜欢上了一架蓝色的直升机,每当飞机着陆在泽西岛机场时,他都会兴冲冲地飞向还在盘旋中的螺旋桨。

    Last year he took a shine to a blue helicopter and flew towards its whirring blades each time it came into land at Jersey airport .

  25. 英国政府也在想方设法填补网络商家利用泽西岛折价出售商品这一征税漏洞。该海峡岛屿是一块位于法国诺曼底海岸外的避税圣地。

    The UK government is also looking to close a tax loophole , which allows online stores to sell products at a discount from Jersey , one of the Channel Island tax havens located off the coast of Normandy , France .

  26. 它起源于英国,本是用来形容在根西与泽西海峡岛设立的基金。但今时今日,许多这类基金其实都不再是岸外,而多是内陆的。

    While it was originally a term used from the UK to describe funds set up in the channel islands of Guernsey and jersey , these days the vast majority of such funds are not actually offshore at all , but very much land-locked .