
  • 网络canadian river
  1. 大卫·伊卡克拉鲁是加拿大北边克莱德河村的因纽特人

    David Iqaqrialu is an Inuit from the village of Clyde River in the Canadian Far North .

  2. 太平洋沿岸有两大河:南部的科罗拉多河,以及发源于加拿大的哥伦比亚河。

    On the Pacific side there are two great rivers : the Colorado in the south and the Columbia , which rises in Canada .

  3. 在公平和合理利用原则的形成过程中,美国最高法院的司法实践以及美国与加拿大的哥伦比亚河条约体制作出了不可磨灭的贡献。

    The judicial practice of American Supreme Court and Columbia River treaty system established by USA and Canada contributed most to the development of the principle .

  4. 1763年在法国印第安人战争中取得胜利,获得加拿大和密西西比河河谷以东的领土,也取得印度的宗主权。

    With its victory in the French and Indian War ( 1763 ), it secured Canada and the eastern Mississippi Valley and gained supremacy in India .

  5. 育空河北极极端是最终的人的动力的冒险赛跑(100或300英里)并且将发生在加拿大的育空河领土。

    The Yukon Arctic Ultra is the ultimate human powered adventure race ( 100 or300 miles ) and will take place in the Yukon Territory of Canada .

  6. 他参与“开始进攻日”的登陆,到过诺曼底的战争前沿,并曾随加拿大军队横渡莱茵河。

    He was involved in the D-Day landings , on the battlefronts of Normandy , and in crossing the Rhine with the Canadians .