
jiā rù
  • join;add;add in;accession;mix;accede to;enter into;enter;put in;involvement;enrolling;enrol;affiliate;enrich
加入 [jiā rù]
  • (1) [affiliate;join;accede to]∶进入,参加

  • 加入团体

  • (2) [enrich;add;mix;put in]∶搀入;添加

加入[jiā rù]
  1. 加入牛奶再揉成光滑的面团。

    Add the milk and mix to a smooth dough .

  2. 把油烧热后加入洋葱。

    Heat the oil and add the onions .

  3. 她很幸运被选中加入此队。

    She was lucky enough to be chosen for the team .

  4. 她没有获准加入俱乐部,感到失望。

    She was disappointed not to be accepted into the club .

  5. 他们的儿子离家出走,加入了一个异教团体。

    Their son ran away from home and joined a cult .

  6. 1915年,意大利加入协约国参战。

    Italy joined the war on the Allied side in 1915 .

  7. 等着加入高尔夫球俱乐部的有一长队人呢。

    There 's a waiting list to join the golf club .

  8. 他们选我加入这个队,我兴奋极了。

    I 'm really stoked that they chose me for the team .

  9. 他们讨论把新条件加入到和平计划中去。

    They discussed the attachment of new conditions to the peace plans .

  10. 只有有人担保才能加入这个高尔夫俱乐部。

    Entrance to the golf club is by sponsorship only .

  11. 我们给他发了一份电报请他加入我们的行列。

    We sent a wire asking him to join us .

  12. 许多民众加入了搜寻失踪男孩的行动。

    Members of the public joined the search for the missing boy .

  13. 她打手势要他来加入他们的活动。

    She beckoned him to come and join them .

  14. 加入一个社交俱乐部,好交一些新朋友。

    Join a social club to make new friends .

  15. 凡21岁以上的美国公民均可加入该社团。

    The society admits all US citizens over 21 .

  16. 她想把自己的看法加入这个古老的故事里。

    She has tried to superimpose her own attitudes onto this ancient story .

  17. 这学期你想加入大学生联谊会吗?

    Do you think you 'll pledge this semester ?

  18. 我加入了失业者的行列。

    I 've joined the ranks of the unemployed .

  19. 在最后一遍漂洗时加入织物柔顺剂。

    Fabric conditioner is added during the final rinse .

  20. 这个俱乐部什么人都可以加入。

    The club is open to all and sundry .

  21. 他女儿老缠着他要求加入俱乐部。

    His daughter was always badgering him to let her join the club .

  22. 总统加入到团队中接受媒体拍照。

    The president joined the team for a photocall .

  23. 那份工作是他加入新闻界的开始。

    The job gave him his start in journalism .

  24. 加入有机物以改良土壤。

    Improve the soil by adding organic matter .

  25. 有意加入俱乐部者请按下面的地址和我们联系。

    Anyone interested in joining the club should contact us at the address below .

  26. 他50岁时被迫加入了失业行列。

    At 50 , he was forced to join the ranks of the unemployed .

  27. 维多利亚时代成千上万名工人加入了各种教育协会,以求上进。

    Thousands of Victorian workers joined educational associations in an attempt to better themselves .

  28. 自从他加入公司以来,我对他的工作一直持有怀疑。

    I 've had my doubts about his work since he joined the firm .

  29. 他为了政治目的加入了这个协会。

    He joined the society for political ends .

  30. 他们希望俱乐部尽可能地限制会员加入以从中受益。

    They have a vested interest in keeping the club as exclusive as possible .