
zì yóu
  • free;freedom;liberty;loose;unrestrained
自由 [zì yóu]
  • (1) [free]∶由自己作主;不受限制和约束

  • 汝岂得自由。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • 少年自由则国自由。--清. 梁启超《饮冰室合集.文集》

  • 自由的国家和民族

  • 认为过独身生活要比结婚的人生活自由得多

  • (2) [freedom;liberty]∶公民在法律规定的范围内,其自己的意志活动有不受限制的权利

  • 言论自由

  • 信仰自由

  • 出版自由

  • (3) [freedom]∶哲学上指对必然的认识和对客观世界的改造

  • 自由王国和必然王国

自由[zì yóu]
  1. 政府已经同意撤销对新闻自由的限制。

    The government has agreed to lift restrictions on press freedom .

  2. 他蹲了二十年监狱以后终于获得了自由。

    He finally won his freedom after twenty years in jail .

  3. 他得忍受六个月失去自由之苦。

    He had to endure six months ' loss of liberty .

  4. 你来去自由。

    You are free to come and go as you please .

  5. 他们采用放任自由的方法来养育子女。

    They have a laissez-faire approach to bringing up their children .

  6. 最近,他的绘画展示出一种新的自由表现形式。

    Latterly his painting has shown a new freedom of expression .

  7. 绵羊可以在这片地上自由走动。

    The sheep are allowed to roam freely on this land .

  8. 我当时还没有把他看作自由主义者。

    I hadn 't got him marked down as a liberal .

  9. 他们认为他们的领导人以牺牲他们的自由做了交易。

    They felt that their leaders had bargained away their freedom .

  10. 两名保守党议员已转向自由民主党人一边。

    Two Conservative MPs have gone over to the Liberal Democrats .

  11. 自由贸易协定对两国都会有利。

    A free trade agreement would be advantageous to both countries .

  12. 美国奴隶直到1863年才获得自由。

    Slaves were not emancipated until 1863 in the United States .

  13. 欧盟国家的公民现在可以在成员国之间自由旅行。

    EU citizens can now travel freely between member states .

  14. 人们担心保安摄像机会侵犯人身自由。

    People fear that security cameras could infringe personal liberties .

  15. 她是自由市场经济的拥护者。

    She was a supporter of the free market economy .

  16. 他们夺去了他的自由,摧垮了他的意志。

    They took away his freedom and broke his spirit .

  17. 她正在寻求对女儿更自由的探视权。

    She is seeking more liberal visitation with her daughter .

  18. 爱尔兰自由邦成立于1922年。

    The Irish Free State came into being in 1922 .

  19. 现在好像是自由评论教师的开放期。

    It seems to be open season on teachers now .

  20. 绝对个人自由的观念是一种幻想。

    The idea of absolute personal freedom is an illusion .

  21. 我们需要新闻自由来约束政府的越轨行为。

    We need a free press to curb government excesses .

  22. 他刚尝到了自由的甜头,却又失去了。

    He had tasted freedom only to lose it again .

  23. 学生在最后一学年可以自由选修课程。

    Students have a free choice of courses in their final year .

  24. 他们能够来去自由。

    They were able to come and go at will .

  25. 他们让我自由查阅所有档案资料。

    They gave me free access to all the files .

  26. 凭本车票在七日内可自由乘车不受限制。

    The ticket gives you unlimited travel for seven days .

  27. 人不能光为了自己的自由而不顾别人的自由。

    One cannot choose freedom for oneself without choosing it for others .

  28. 有些政治家想与欧洲大陆建立更加自由的贸易关系。

    Some politicians want more liberal trade relations with Europe .

  29. 我获得整座房子的自由使用权。

    I was given the freedom of the whole house .

  30. 这是个自由的国家,我想说什么就说什么!

    It 's a free country ; I 'll say what I like !