
jiā ɡōnɡ yè
  • processing industry
  1. 简论安全生产社会中介服务机构的形成与管理试论Java与木材加工业自动化控制和安全生产的关系

    Brief Discussion about Relation between Java and Automatic Control and Production Safety of Wood Processing Industry

  2. 计算机辅助工艺规程CAPP(ComputerAidedProcessPlanning)是应用于机械加工业的一个工艺制作系统。

    Computer auxiliary process rules CAPP ( Computer Aided Process Planning ) apply mechanical a craft manufacturing system of processing industry .

  3. 硝酸盐在食品加工业中被用作防腐剂。

    Nitrates are used as preservatives in food manufacture

  4. 介绍目前我国PET片材热成型加工技术中成型设备、加工原理、模具制作、加工工艺,为PET片材加工业的发展及开发应用提供参考。

    The PET sheet thermoforming technology including the principle , equipment , mould tooling , and processing conditions were introduced .

  5. 臭氧灭菌技术&在食品加工业GMP、HACCP中的应用

    The application of ozone sterilization technology to GMP and HACCP in the food processing industry

  6. 沙门氏菌(Salmonella)是一种重要的人畜共患型食源性致病菌,在全世界范围内广泛流行,严重威胁人类健康,并给畜牧业及食品加工业带来巨大的经济损失。

    Salmonella is an important zoonotic foodborne pathogens , which causes an enormous economic losses to animal husbandry and food processing industry .

  7. 预计在中国的汽车工业、食品加工业、建筑业等都将有快速增长的需求。然而,EPP材料在中国还没有实现有规模的产业化生产。

    It is expected to have rapid growing needs for the EPP materials in automobile , food processing and house construction in China .

  8. 酶链免疫吸附法在医药,食品加工业,农牧渔业等领域有着广泛的应用:如乙型肝炎,莱姆病,急性心肌梗死的早期诊断,定量检测内毒素,HIV抗体初筛,SARS病毒的快速检测;

    , such as the early diagnosis of HBV , Lyme disease , acute myocardium infarct , ration measuring of endotoxin , HIV antibody sift for the first time , fast measuring of SARS virus ;

  9. 随着我国国民经济不断地发展,畜产品加工业在国民经济中占据了重要地位,特别在我国加入WTO后,面临着各种发展机遇与挑战。

    Following with the constant development of the national economy , the animal product processing industry plays on important role in the national economy . Especially after entering into the WTO , the industry has faced with various chances and challenge .

  10. 在农业产业结构调整中,运用AHP层次分析法确定尚义县农业主导产业,并提出产业结构调整的重点是发展优质农业和特色农业,大力发展草畜业,注重发展农产品加工业;

    During the industry structure adjustments , we use the AHP analysis to choose the leading industries , and bring up the key points which including developing high grade and distinguishing planting , grass and pasturage and agricultural products processing .

  11. PEEK板在航天、医疗、半导体、制药和食品加工业得到非常普遍的应用,如卫星上的气体分板仪构件、热交换器刮片;

    PEEK in space , medical treatment , board semiconductor , pharmaceutical and food processing industry to get very widely , such as satellite on board apparatus component , gas points heat exchanger blade ;

  12. 本文综合应用C-D模型、产业组织方法(SCP分析范式)和案例分析,旨在探讨我国食品加工业增长的主要因素及其特点。

    This paper , which uses C-D model , industry organization theory ( SCP paradigm ) and case study , focuses on some important factors which influence FPI growth in china .

  13. 微电子技术对塑料加工业的渗透

    The Infiltration of the Microelectronic Technology into the Plastics Processing Industry

  14. 构建江汉平原农产品加工业产业链的设想

    An Imagination of Building the Industry Chains of Agro-Industry in Jianghan-Plain

  15. 商丘市农产品加工业存在的问题与对策

    Problems & Countermeasures of Farm Products Processing Industry in Shangqiu City

  16. 泰州市脱水蔬菜加工业发展的研究

    The Development of the Industry of Dehydrated Vegetables Processing in Taizhou

  17. 国外农产品加工业发展的经验及启示

    The Experiences and Enlightenments of Foreign Agricultural Product Deeply Processing Enterprises

  18. 机械加工业条形码数据采集系统的网络构建

    The network construction of Bar-code data collection system in machinery industry

  19. 河北省农产品加工业现状及发展前景

    The Current Status and Prospect of Food-processing Industry in Hebei Province

  20. 竹加工业发展对农民增收的绩效分析&以福建永安竹胶合板产业为例

    Analysis on Performance of Bamboo Industry in Increasing Farmer 's Income

  21. 以农产品加工业为主渠道增加农户收入

    Increasing Farmers ' Incomes Depending on Developing Agricultural Product Processing Industry

  22. 2007年中国铝加工业述评(2)

    Overview of Chinese aluminium fabrication industry in 2007 ( 2 );

  23. 食品加工业供应链结构分析与优化研究

    Structure Analysis and Optimization Research of Food Processing Industry Supply Chain

  24. 湖南省娄底市农产品加工业的现状与发展对策

    The Current Situation and Countermeasures of the Agricultural Product Processing Industries

  25. 中国铝加工业发展的成就与趋势及问题

    Achievements , trend and issues of China aluminum fabrication industrial development

  26. 农村家庭农产品加工业发展浅析

    Discussion on the Development of Rural Family Agricultural Product Processing

  27. 把握机遇,加快发展河南铝加工业

    Seizing opportunity to accelerate development of aluminum processing industry in Henan Province

  28. 加快农产品加工业大发展面临的改革与选择

    Reform and Option in Accelerating the Development of Farm Produce Processing Industry

  29. 农产品加工业对拉动农村经济增长的贡献分析

    Analysis of Contribution of Agricultural Product Processing Industry to Rural Economic Growth

  30. 亚麻原料加工业发展思路的探讨

    The Exploration of Development on Raw Material Processing of Linen