
  • Kathmandu;Nepal;Katmandu;KTM
  1. 百度在这个名为SeeYouAgain,加德满都的行动中呼吁网民们上传他们拍摄的历史古迹照片。

    In its campaign , called See you again , Kathmandu , Baidu has appealed to Internet users to upload their photographs of historic sites .

  2. 百度在这个名为“Seeyouagain,加德满都”的行动中呼吁网民们上传他们拍摄的历史古迹照片。

    In its campaign , called " See you again , Kathmandu , " Baidu has appealed to Internet users to upload their photographs of historic sites .

  3. 飞机似乎在加德满都附近坠毁了。

    The aircraft appears to have crashed near Katmandu

  4. 路透社(Reuters)记者表示,加德满都的人们迅速跑到了室外。

    People in Kathmandu rushed outdoors , Reuters reporters said .

  5. 1482年,国家分为三个部分:加德满都、帕坦、和巴德冈(Bhadgaon)。

    In1482 , the kingdom was carved into three : Kathmandu , Patan , and Bhadgaon .

  6. 位于尼泊尔首都加德满都的国际山地综合发展中心(ICIMOD)的科学家PradeepMool对此表示同意。

    Pradeep Mool , scientist at the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development ( ICIMOD ) in Nepal 's capital Kathmandu , agrees .

  7. 科罗拉多大学(UniversityofColorado)地质学教授罗杰·比尔汉姆(RogerBilham)曾研究过该地区的地震历史,他说,震动持续了一到两分钟,断层沿着断裂带滑动了约10英尺,断裂带长达75英里,从加德满都穿过。

    Roger Bilham , a professor of geological sciences at the University of Colorado who has studied the history of earthquakes in that region , said that the shaking lasted one to two minutes , and the fault slipped about 10 feet along the rupture zone , which stretched 75 miles , passing under Katmandu .

  8. 位于加德满都的香格里拉尼泊尔徒步公司(Shangri-LaNepalTrek)为登山队提供支持。公司执行董事吉班·吉米雷(JibanGhimire)表示,当关于今年的创痛的记忆退却之时,登山迷们还是会带着同样的热情重返珠峰。

    When memories of this year 's trauma subside , mountain enthusiasts will return to Everest with the same zeal as before , according to Jiban Ghimire , the managing director of Shangri-La Nepal Trek , a company in Katmandu that provides support to mountaineering teams .

  9. 古荣现在大部分时间都待在加德满都的两房家里(上),由太太曼玛雅(Manmaya)负责照料与扶持。

    Gurung now spends his time mostly inside a two-room home in Kathmandu ( above ) tended to and supported by his wife , Manmaya .

  10. 培训还将涉及成员国的风险评估案例研究,这包括来自北京、加德满都、菲律宾Pampanga河流域、科伦坡与河内的案例。

    The training will also cover risk assessment case studies in the participants'countries : Beijing , Kathmandu , Pampanga River Basin in the Philippines , Colombo and Hanoi .

  11. 例如,尼泊尔最大的冰川湖TshoRolpa湖位于加德满都附近的Rolwaling山谷,它需要被抽去17米的水才能防止湖泊爆裂。

    For example , Tsho Rolpa , Nepal 's biggest glacial lake in the Rolwaling Valley near Kathmandu , needs to be drained by17 metres to prevent a lake burst .

  12. 神的大口罩,当地称为“Bharaiv”,被认为是在王宫广场路边,在为期一周的因陀罗拉节在尼泊尔加德满都,星期四,2009年9月3日的节日。

    A giant mask of a deity , locally known as " Bharaiv ", is seen at roadside in Durbar square during the week-long Indra Jatra festival in Katmandu , Nepal , Thursday , Sept.3,2009 .

  13. 尼泊尔的种姓制度源于印度。随着梨查维人进入加德满都谷地并建立王朝,种姓制度在尼泊尔开始萌芽。

    The caste system of Nepal had its origins in India .

  14. 加德满都的交通瘫痪,酒店和酒吧疏散顾客。

    Traffic in Kathmandu , hotels and bars to evacuate customers .

  15. 我们将在加德满都这里领导起义。

    We will lead the rebellion from here in Kathmandu .

  16. 于是,我们从曼谷飞到了尼泊尔的首都加德满都。

    We flew from Bangkok to Kathmandu , the capital of Nepal .

  17. 加德满都谅解:投资南亚儿童;

    Kathmandu understanding : investing in children in South asia ;

  18. 杰克逊说:加德满都的建筑令人胆战心惊。

    The construction is appalling in Kathmandu , Jackson said .

  19. 准备搬迁到加德满都的12口之家。

    This family of12 decided to move to Kathmandu .

  20. 并非只有加德满都预计会发生致人死亡的地震。

    Katmandu is not the only place where a deadly earthquake has been expected .

  21. 我真想立刻飞到加德满都,尽自己的一份微薄之力。

    Part of me wanted to fly immediately to Kathmandu and dowhatever I could .

  22. 数十年来,专家一直警告加德满都人民要注意这种危险。

    Experts had warned of the danger to the people of Katmandu for decades .

  23. 但是他的哥哥说他应该离开加德满都,去看看外面的世界。

    But his brother said he should leave Katmandu and give it a try .

  24. 帕德冈、帕坦和加德满都在这个繁荣时期很兴旺。

    Pade Gang , Kathmandu , Patan and prosperity in this period to be prosperous .

  25. 加德满都妇女和家庭保健决议

    Kathmandu Resolution on Women and Family Health

  26. 最高达6.6级的余震多数发生在加德满都的东北部。

    Aftershocks as large as magnitude 6.6 have occurred mostly to the northeast of Katmandu .

  27. 加德满都真是一个很棒的地方。

    Katmandu is a really cool place .

  28. 而尼泊尔国家馆的主题正是希望通过加德满都,为城市寻找灵魂,探索它的过去及未来。

    The theme touches upon the soul of a city by exploring its past and future .

  29. 加德满都,2011年8月12日

    Kathmandu , August 12 , 2011

  30. 很多人都听说过加德满都和廷巴克图,但却对这两个城市一无所知。

    Kathmandu and Timbuktu , both cities most people have heard of but know nothing about .