
  1. 其支持性的理论由美国心理学家加德纳的多元智能理论、后现代主义以及因材施教。

    Its support of the theory by the American psychologist Howard Gardner Multiple Intelligences Theory and Postmodernism .

  2. 加德纳的多元智能理论的提出,对转变传统智力观及学生评价机制具有很好的指导作用和借鉴意义。

    The changes of traditional intelligence concept and the evaluation system are affected by Gardner 's multi-element intelligence .

  3. 霍华德。加德纳的多元智能理论为新时期研究生英语教学改革方向提供了新的思路,创建了合理整合英语教学的途径:建构立体文化大课堂。

    On the basis of the theory multiple intelligence , studied the post-graduate student , the paper devotes to the discussion of a new teaching model .

  4. 加德纳的多元智能理论从一个全新的角度揭示了人类智能的本质和结构。

    The Multiple Intelligences Theory ( MIT ) put forward by Howard Gardner reveals , from a unique angle , the essence and construction of human intelligences .

  5. 加德纳的多元智能理论承认学生智能的差异性,语文新课标对差异教学也有一些要求。

    Gardner 's theory of Multiple Intelligences acknowledges the existence of students ' intelligence differences . The new curriculum standard for Chinese also makes some requirement of difference teaching .

  6. 智慧教育有其深厚的理论基础,如加德纳的多元智能理论、钱学森的大成智慧理论。

    Education of wisdom is of a profound theoretical basis , namely the theory of multiple wisdom by Howard Gardener and the theory of great wisdom by Qian Xue - sen.

  7. 在加德纳的多元智能理论中,逻辑数学智能是指人能够计算、量化、思考命题和假设,并进行复杂运算的能力。

    Among plural intellectual theory of Gardiner , logic mathematics intelligence means people can calculate , quantize , think about the proposition and make an assumption , carry on the ability of complicated operation .

  8. 加德纳的多元智能理论认为,人类的智商可以分为9大类,而每个学习者都具有不同的智能组合与性格特征,它们与教学方式和学习效果密切相关。

    In his theory of multiple intelligences , Howard Gardner identified nine intelligence types and each student has different combinations of intelligence types , which have much to do with teaching methods and learning results .

  9. 加德纳提出的多元智能理论是关于人类认知范畴最完整的论述。

    The Multiple Intelligence Theory put forward by Dr. Garner is a full doctrine on human being 's cognition .

  10. 其次,对美国心理学教授加德纳提出的多元智能理论进行概述。

    And then the author makes a summary of MI theory which was put forward by Professor Howard Gardner , an American psychologist .

  11. 随着高职教育的不断发展,越来越多的教育工作者们开始关注由美国心理学家霍华德.加德纳提出的多元智能理论。

    With the development of vocational education , more and more educators have been focusing on the Multiple Intelligence Theory provided by American psychologist Howard Gardner .

  12. 由美国著名心理学家加德纳提出的多元智能理论是一种强调和尊重学生个性差异、充分肯定人的潜力的智能理论。

    Gardner , the famous psychologist of America , proposed Multiple Intelligence theory which stressed and respect individuality difference , fully affirmed the human potential of intelligence .

  13. 本文指出,加德纳的“多元智能理论”是在二十世纪后半期,知识经济背景下,反对传统的“应试教育”的产物。

    It argues that the multiple intelligences theory of Gardner is the product of traditional examination education in the background of knowledge economics in the second half of the20 th century .

  14. 美国心理学家加德纳提出的多元智能理论,以全新的视角阐释了学生的智能结构,以全新的智能理念,为我们提供了一个评价学生的多元视角,对现代教育教学产生了深刻的影响。

    Theory of multiple intelligences , developed by American psychologist Howard Gardner , elucidates the intelligent structure in a brand new view and gives a multiple views to evaluate students with this new intelligence concept .

  15. 如何进行校本课程的开发?加德纳所提出的多元智能理论毋庸置疑的给了我们革命性的启迪。

    How to develop school-based curriculum ? Gardner proposed multiple intelligence theory undoubtedly gave us revolutionary enlightenment .

  16. 本文以加德纳博士的多元智能评价理论为基础,系统地提出了现代大学英语教学评价的原则、标准及方法,使评价确实起到促进教学的作用。

    This thesis presents systematic principles , standards and methods of college English teaching assessment on the basis of the intelligence-based assessment theories and especially its views on education assessment based on the principles of authenticity , expansibility and the ″ the context-driven evaluation ″ .

  17. 本研究是基于加德纳提出的著名理论多元智能理论而构建的。

    This study is based on the famous theory " Multiple Intelligences " which proposed by Gardner .