
  • 网络MUSCAT;Oman Muscat;masqat;mct
  1. 到了十九世纪中期MTT来分发从西北海岸的非洲,马达加斯加和从土耳其黑海沿岸的,马斯喀特。

    By the mid-19th century the MTT had come to circulate from the northwest coast of Africa to Madagascar and from the Turkish coast of the Black Sea to Muscat .

  2. 一天,一位商人从波斯湾的马斯喀特远道赶来。

    One day a rich businessman arrived from Muscat in the Gulf .

  3. 阿曼图片画廊。金光闪闪的新月形在阿曼海湾,马特拉招手马斯喀特以西的资本。

    Glittering crescent on the Gulf of Oman , Matrah beckons west of Muscat , the capital .

  4. 星期一,几十名阿曼运动员将高举火炬,穿越马斯喀特全城,沿著风景如画的河边大道进行20公里长的火炬接力活动。

    Dozens of Omani athletes will carry the torch on a20-kilometer route Monday through Muscat and along its scenic waterfront .

  5. 1508年,马斯喀特港口被葡萄牙人占领,直到1659年被奥托曼人占领。

    In1508 , the main port , Muscat , was captured by the Portuguese , who held it until it was taken by the Ottomans in1659 .

  6. 阿曼:马斯喀特海滩-在该地区的所有海滩都令人难以置信,和海岸线提供了一个最好的珊瑚礁大堡礁西方很多。

    Oman : Muscat beaches-all beaches in the area are incredible , and the coastline offers many of the best coral reefs west of the Great Barrier Reef .

  7. 奥运圣火被装在特制的火种灯里,搭专机从阿曼的首都也是最大的城市马斯喀特出发。

    The Olympic flame , carried in a specially-designed lantern , was flied to Islamabad on a chartered plane from Muscat , the capital and largest city of the Sultanate of Oman .

  8. 奥运圣火经欧洲、美国和非洲之旅后,将重返亚洲。圣火已于周一抵达阿曼首都马斯喀特,这也是阿拉伯国家唯一的一站。

    The Olympic flame wrapped up its journey in Europe , America and Africa , going back to Asia with a relay on Monday in Oman capital Muscat , the only stop in Arab world .

  9. 最近,阿曼驻伦敦大使馆将我的护照扣了一个星期才退回给我,并告知,我必须找一个阿曼亲戚做担保,然后他们在马斯喀特的上级才能允许给我发签证。

    Recently , the Omani Embassy in London kept my passport for a week and then returned it to me , saying I must get a relative in Oman to sponsor me before their superiors in Muscat would grant me a visa .

  10. 阿布扎比(83),开普敦(86)和突尼斯(94)跟随和是,随着维多利亚在塞舌尔(95),约翰内斯堡(96)和阿曼马斯喀特(100),该地区唯一的在顶部的其它城市100。

    Abu Dhabi ( 83 ), Cape Town ( 86 ) and Tunis ( 94 ) follow and are , along with Victoria in the Seychelles ( 95 ), Johannesburg ( 96 ) and Muscat in Oman ( 100 ), the region 's only other cities in the top100 .